Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I don't want to get too excited though, the most I've ever lost in a week with SW is 2lbs. I joined the day I flew home from Mexico though and was ever so bloated and felt swollen so I guess there could be a chance xxx
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x
Paid for Saturday's blow out with 1lb gain at official weigh in this morning :( Still in the 9s by a whisker though at 9st 13.5 so I'm grateful for that at least.
1.5 off! :) really happy with that as finished off party food this week and had half a pizza, cheesy chips and donner meat... jillian has obviously saved me! Cant wait to see what I lose next week after a week 100% on plan and doing jillian all week! :) xx
After just one day back on plan, my scales are saying 11st 1.8 this morning yay :D :D

Planning another Green day for today, would like a maintain or loss at WI tomorrow as going on holiday Thursday- Sunday!
9st 2.8lb this morning, wi later! Hope I've shifted some of what went on last week :)
Back down to 9st 12.2 this morning after annoying gain yesterday at weigh in - the usual day after weigh in drop :)
Down 2lbs this morning despite it being * week. Official WI is tomorrow so hopefully it stays that way!