is anyone from south coast interested............

Hi Gunwalf would be great,what evening (day of week)will it be on??
Yes B4 xmas will be gr8 maybe if its good we could do it reg??
so far its
russian doll
and westhills
I'd be interested!
ok guys. cmon then. when is this meet going to be. i think a weekend pm would be good, maybe a sat, then those who work are more likely to be able to make it!!!
maybe a saturday, maybe sat 2 december. how does that sound?
i personally cant manage any other sat in dec due to xmas works do on 9th 14th and 16th.
i am happy to wait until after xmas if needs must etc. let me know what you alll think.
sat 2 dec early pm then boogie the night away. what do u reckon. any other dates up for grabs


my darn ticker wont change. it changes in my edit signature then i save it but it wont post as new weight agggggh
ha ha done it now
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Sounds good to me ... are we talking an evening meet then? Or an afternoon into evening?

And how many will need to make it an 'overnighter'? Will there be accomodation available at such short notice? (I know there's a travel lodge or travel inn or something actually in Gunwharf).

If anyone is coming from further afield and needs to stay over then we need to make decisions ASAP. :)
afternoon to eve sounds good tome. If anyone requires overnight accomodation let me know as i have a couple of days off now and would gladly make arrangements (or try to).
Never done anything like this before so any other ideas greatfully recieved.
Let me know asap if you need to saty over and will get it sorted. am going off now but will be back online later to pick up any new messages

i would like jan if poss so we can all stay on the wagon cos we are going to meet .....and i'm so busy ...well my boys are with their social life but understand if you want to meet b4 xx
Hey Guys,

January would be better for me as well since I am fully booked up for Xmas do's between now and Xmas. Help!! Will low carb and drive so that takes care of any drinking!!!!!!!!

Go ahead in December if that suits you and I think that Gunwharf would be great, perhaps Tosca (lots of low carb stuff) Tapas Bar and perhaps a boogie on down at Tiger Tiger!!! Sounds like it could be a good event.

I will keep an eye on this thread to see how it goes.

I don't mind December or January but I do have one thing which means that I may or may not make a particular date and that is an impending house move. So I will go along with the majority and keep my fingers crossed. Portsmouth sounds good ! Maybe it will be quieter after Xmas as I bet it will be mega busy in the run up to Xmas.
Maybe it will be quieter after Xmas as I bet it will be mega busy in the run up to Xmas.

A very good point Mel!! It'll be pretty manic there on the run up to Christmas and the hotel will probably be chokka too ... plus there's everyone's finances to consider.

I think I'd prefer January (hey it's my birthday in January!! ;) )
Sounds brill!! That's my birthday weekend!! :D
yes is it the last satd in JAN?????

Yes January.I can book the day off as I work all day saturdays,I should nearly be at target then,and Dec 2nd is my babys 2nd Birthday :eek: so couldnt make it then.Pompey sounds good,this will be great :D
So will it be the last Sat in Jan?????
I am going away for Christmas, and will be back on Jan. 11th. so any time after this is fine for me. It's my 60th birthday in February, so I could celebrate that a bit early, with all you lovely people. Is the station at Portsmouth near to the place we are going to?
Ann x