Me today - still keeping in with the struggles of maintenance

Hello : )

I just find maintenance tricky : ) I think we start the weight loss journey and don't think too much about what will happen when we finally get there!

For the past few months I have remained at anything from 8 st 13 to 9 st 3 - I like being 9 st 2 the best . To maintain this however is like being in a permanent diet with the odd treat once it twice a week! And sometimes I just want to eat chocolate , lots of it , for a few weeks. Unfortunately can't do that but the urge remains : )

I'd advise people losing weight to plan their maintenance and have something in place because its more difficult than the losing ; )

All worth it in the end but I'm having to accept that although I may be slim now, inside me there is still a fat girl wanting to come out
I only got on target three weeks ago myself and I want to keep in the band if possible over Christmas. I was one pound below target when I weighed on Thursday so with a bit of restraint should keep me in line.

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Only half a pound on after Christmas & Boxing Day! Still just under target so mega pleased.

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Very well done Greta Grip - 6 stone loss and 40% of your body weight - you must be proud of yourself

I just read your first post and you said you had hit 9st 13lb and that you were at target - I guess after that you decided that some more had to go? :)
Great work! You look fantastic!!
Fabulous well done! xx
Just stumbled upon & read your success story from start to finish and, damn girl, are you an inspiration or what?!
Your tips and advice are awesome. I'm sure you'll find the right balance for you that works and will just become second nature.
Your new body is rockin' and soon you'll accept that you're a slim girl now full stop (no fat girl trying to clamber out!)
and lose "the fear". WELL DONE, YOU'RE AMAZING! x
Well done, excellent inspiration! I am just starting fresh again after losing lots and then gaining last year. I think I might read your first post at the start of everyday or when I am feeling weak, the words hit home, choose your hard, that's very true and I know which I choose now! xx