iveabigask's Diary

Thanks for all the support girls. If im honest, im getting really fed up eating the same things ovr and over. The soup is starting to make me gag, and im too cold if i only have shakes. Ill be on it 4 weeks on Wednesday. I cant belive it!!! its really flown. Feeling so so sick today and having my meal early to see if that will get rid of it. on the upside, I have absolutely no want in me to smoke!!! hurray!! thats also contributing to how miserable im feeling lol
I even working on a sunday to take my mind off it!!!!
Eugh, lets hope the sickness goes sooner rather than later.
I cant cope with much more!

Ask xxxx
i also just had another bar :( after having one or my breakfast :(
hope u feel beter soon x
Gosh Ask,
Not a girl to do things by half are you ! Major new weight loss plan, stopping smoking and stress at work. You are doing fabulously well though, and should be proud of yourself. Keep plugging at it, day by day and sometimes hour by hour. Great goal to keep you going.

Onwards and Downwards honey.
Thanks so much Clara!! Im really glad I'm giving up smoking. It's Just the tablets make you feel really nauseous which stops you smoking but gosh you feel dreadful. The morning time and in the car is the worst, so today's the first day of my healthy new lungs woooo. The diet has made me feel moody but back on the positive track today. It's only a 4 day week in work which is fantastic!! That's cheering me up no end!! Bought another 2 bikinis yesterday to keep me going.

Hope ya'll have a lovely day

Ask xxxx
Also it's day 26 already. I cant believe it!!!
The time has flown in
You are doing brilliantly chick! Flying through this and fabulous that you have decided to drop such a bad habit, no not the food lol the smoking!! Proud of ya chick as I know it will be a big challenge along with the other stuff going in your life.

Have a great day my lovely xx

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Well done on giving up smoking!! I started LL Lite in 2009 at the same time as I gave up! IT WAS SO HARD!!! I had the inhalers to help me, they did the trick. But, god. My partner still remembers how moody, angry, erratic I was. Lasted for quite a while too! But, slowly my moods returned to normal. WELL DONE YOU - for doing it at the same time as the diet. When we give up our smoking, which is a relaxant and there is nothing to turn to (food - the OTHER relaxant), we go stir-crazy. Keep strong. You are tacking TWO demons at the same time here. TWO! :) Be proud. You're doing so well.
The cravings will be a problem for a long time though. Mine only stopped 2 years later - in times of awful stress I still felt the need for a smoke. Because I didn't continue with that habit, the 'need' has now gone. The other 'need' for food remains, but I know not to give in to it as often as my brain begs me to! :rolleyes:

You know what a great motivator was? The 'money saved' calculator! I hear another bikini with your name on it!
Well I'm more of a morning smoker. As soon as I'd get up I have one!! It's a good time to give up as I can't substitute it for food lol

Thanks so much for the encouragement

Well done hun on giving up the fags. I'm well proud of you. Keep going. Xxxxx
Thanks a million!! You've no idea how much the encouragement means to me.
Day 1 as a non smoker has gone well. Only a small twinge here and there!! As I was leaving work I was checking my pockets for my smokes lol I was able to walk to the train station, talk on the phone and not be out of breath!!! It's amazing!!
The weight defo has something to do with it though. So I'm all energised and happy with myself today. Thank god that black cloud has lifted. Thought it would never go!!!!

Hope everyone had a great day

Ask xxxx
Yay thats really good news, well done you xx
Well it's day 2 of no smoking and day 27 of my ll journey. I'd appear to have lost 3lbs but you never know. Going to stop weighing myself now cos it doesn't help!!!
It's a glorious day here in dublin, wish I'd the day off!!!
Can't believe im this far in already, never in a million years did I think I'd have the willpower to stick it out. Always knew the booze wouldn't bother me but food!! My pal!! Well I thought food was my pal but really it wasn't. All I was doing was disguising how I was feeling and masking it with food!!!

Anyway it's a bit deep for first thing in the morning.

Have a great day

Ask xxxx
Well done!
Smoker over here so i REALLY think you are doing well as I understand how hard it is to give up 2 pleasures. Thank heavens the third pleasure isn't bad for you.
Don't ask me what the third one is....I am old and forgot :(
if im honest, giving up smoking is the hardest out of the 3!!
Ive been getting twangs all day. Then about 4pm i felt like id been hit by a train. I was so tired, and had the worst headache ever; i dont know if its due to the fact i hadnt had a shake?? or havent been having them often enough? or maybe its all the nicotine leaving my system after a long time lol!!!

weigh in tomorrow, so hoping that goes well. im aiming for another 3!! ll be honest though im finding it very difficult :(
Aw chin up hun, you really are dealing with some big challenges at the moment, but you are strong nd you WILL win the battles that you are fighting with both food and nicotine!

Good luck for your WI xx
Well done that woman, keep stong x
Ooooo lovely, I love red!! xx
Keep strong. You know you can kick the foul habit!
Nicotine withdrawal will be pretty awful - think of the carbohydrate withdrawal at the beginning of LL... But this one will be quite a bit worse because there is a very tangiable chemical 'high' you used to get, which is going to be tied in with boredom, habits (walking to/from station etc), and dealing with emotional prompts.

Just keep reminding yourself how SMELLY (I never realised how much I stank like an ASHTRAY!), bad breath causing and anti-social (standing next to a smoker is disgusting... I have to move away) it is. Plus, you'll never have to stand in the rain again because a cigarette made you do it! Your teeth will be healthier, and trust me - after a few weeks you'll actually be able to BREATHE. I never realised how it impacted my lungs, it felt like I was only using about 5% of them... And being able to actually smell and taste things. I really don't see many positives to smoking, apart from a stress reliever - but given long enough, the negatives far outweigh that one.

You're doing really well. x