January 2011 starters and re-starters thread

Hello all :) reading your posts are inspriring. This is my day 1 and it's nearly complete. Was good all day and so tempted to splash out one more time as don't go back officially to LL group until tomorrow night but coming on here has made me stay strong and i know i'll feel brilliant when i go to bed having completed day 1 :D well done guys x
You are right Rae!
However BL and I usually go on Mondays.:)
Thanks :) It's the first day i can NEVER get past.... once as you say it's done and dusted i am usually ok. I will be bouncing on here tomorrow if make it to bed without eating! Away for a bath to stop me thinking about food and then i have one more pack before bed :D
Well done Jennifer, might as well stick with it now! The sooner you get stuck in the sooner you will reach your goal.
Good luck x
This time tomorrow you will be able to say you've nearly done TWO whole days, rather than thinking you're never going to get past day 1. Bath is a great idea. Just do what you can to get through until you reach ketosis. Whatever works for you - be kind to yourself. The first few days are tough but it gets so much easier. Hang in there!!
Thanks so much, the support on here definately helps i couldn't do it without you lot :)
My strategy for tonight is to go to bed about...now, with a pint of water and then watch Britain's Fattest Man on Channel 4 at 9.30. If that doesn't inspire me, I don't know what will. Then sleep and it will be Day 3.

Ladies you are all doing great, the first couple of days are the worst and we're kicking backside!

lol I'm about to do the same!
Absolutely disgusting! I love watching programs about 'fat people' I also can't wait for The Biggest Loser UK to start on Monday esp because my mate Richard is one of the trainers on there! :D
I've always wanted to go to New York so think it would be a brilliant idea to provisionally book my holiday for the end of May - by when I am hoping to reach target. Is anyone else thinking of something similar to look forward to?
Going home for Easter! :D
I haven't been to my country in a year and a half and I'm massively homesick! Luckily I should be nice and thin then (last time I visited I was nearly 18stone :()
Roll on April!!!
I adore watching those programs, they are totally motivational and inspirational!!! It makes me so glad i lost my weight!! I've had a lovely bath, and am keeping busy on here, with the tv and with a book when that is done, day 2 almost over and I have just had a yummy soup!!! Yay me!!

I love planning holidays - Im hoping to go to new york in the autumn and we have just booked a family holiday to china at easter. Really looking forward to buying new clothes to go!!
Mags - where is home?
Yipeeeeeeee I've done in!! I'm in bed & day 1 complete!! Haven't completed day 1 in a long time! :D
i failed last night.... not gonna go into detail but carb content wasnt huge and calories def low but there is no pink on my stick..... my own fault.

my sister offered to take my two boys over night and said maybe we shld celebrate our engagement...... that got me thinking. no one ever offers to take them overnight so when might we celebrate this again??? we went out for a meal and i honestly chose a low carb starter and decent main. left my plate half empty as i was full and was not tempted by a dessert...... but then when i got home mu partner and i decided to have a bit choc WHY OH WHY??? i wasnt hungry, didnt need it. hey ho, sweep it under the carpet and move on.

so day 1 again for me. glad to see everyone is doing well.

this is actually an improvement for me as normally when i lapse i steer clear of this forum and binge so thats something i suppose.

have a good day everyone xx
Ooh, good luck for tonight muppetgirly! Fingers crossed for a good loss for you! :) x

Aww, Carrie... hey, you did ok... fine, so you're out of ketosis, but you still made wise choices in the restaurant, and didn't finish what was on your plate, which personally, would be a first for me! So, that's definite progress I'd say, no?

In real life, we are going to get days where we decide to indulge a bit... and this is ok... to stay slim, we aren't all going to be expected to never eat a nice meal or some chocolate again! So, last night was good practice for you... and a treat! But it's how we deal with it the following day... and you're getting right back on track... which is so great girl, well done.

Hope the meal was nice? Mmm... Chocolate! Don't blame ya'! ;) x