Jellybabies DIARY...after LL...on to my new lifestyle change!

OMG Diane, that is fantastic :D Well done you :party0049::party0011::party0049::party0011:
:happy096: well done Diane! Bet you're over the moon:D
Definitely given me some inspiration to keep at it! x x
Hi Harri
Yes im absolutely over the moon..........and i hope this does give you motivation to keep going, we have roughly the same weight to lose, and can do it at the same time! I will be here for you when things are tough! I started another thread to ask if after a while you stop fantasising about food, and someone said to me that they went into this diet with the mindset that food is NOT an option as we have CHOSE to lose weight with abstinence, and they said every time food came into their mind they pushed it away, thinking "food is not an option" so why think about it? they said the longer you are abstinent the less you think about food! Ive gave it a try and when i think of food i repeat my new mantra "food is not an option" and it WORKS for me.......thats all ive needed to get the thought away again. I just keep thinkng how GORGEOUS im going to be in a few weeks! I am so so so so so POSITIVE about my choice to do LL now, and feel on top of the world! Hope some of this can rub on to you all! And try my new mantra, its working for me!

Diane xx
:eatdrink051:Thank you!!!!!!!! I was sitting here at my computer just thinking how hungry i feel and thought i'd see if you'd replied to my earlier comment and i'm so glad you had!:eatdrink023:
I was just thinking the usual thing,:airquote:"i'll start tomorrow again" and you've stopped me!:thankyou:
Hi Everyone
I joined LL about 2 years ago and lost 3 and a half stone. I didn't get to my goal weight and also I never stuck to the programme properly. I think after every weigh in I used to eat something! Of course I then gained weight and since then I have joined twice and lost a stone each time (usually prior to a holiday). Anyway I don't know what has happened to me this time, I am on Day 22 and I am sticking to it and I am so happy. Naturally, as you all know it is not easy but I am getting there. Scarily enough last week I had a discussion with a birthday cake. This week there was another cake in work and I didn't even need to talk to it! I have also bought a new pedometer and am walking 11000+ steps per day, so it is all helping. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Hi Emma, you are doing really well. Are you joining our little club?? Would be great to have you. Have a good weekend

Hi Emma, you are now an official member of our soon to be "little" :airquote: club! Lol:p
You have done fab, and are an inspiration to us all, it can be done 2nd/3rd/4th time around! Look forward to hearing how your getting on!

Harri, i am so glad you have stuck with it. We have all had the "ill start tomorrow" voice in our head, but tomorrow never comes..............
Ask yourself what will be different tomorrow? Your mind is just tricking you to eat:rolleyes: so well done for not listening!!
I can honestly say, that now im training my brain that "food is not an option" it REALLY is working for me and im finding it easier! I have faith that the longer im abstinent the easier it will become. My LLC says she no longer lives for food, she eats to live and thats so important, and thats where we need to regain our control and only eat what our body needs. Just now whilst we have this excess weight, our bodies do not need conventional food, we have LOADS of energy stored up.....we only need the nutrition from the packs. Once we have used up our "storage" and eat food we need to learn to eat what our bodies need. (and the odd treat here and there) Dont know about you all, but i "treated" myself every day...........such junk, i actually feel sick right now if i think of what i used to eat!!:jelous:
Tina, looking forward to having you back on board:D you CAN do this:p

So come on girls, keep at it..........before long it wont be so hard, i am feeling elated and inspired just now, feel so happy to be in control!

Diane xx
in rosemary conleys this months mag i read that it would be easier to actually sit down and prepare some arguments FOR your diet, sound daft but works a treat, i was constantly battling with myself in my head why im doing this, so took the advice and wrote them out, makes sense and it works so when i feel a week moment coming on i use them, something to do with changing your brain waves to stronger positive rather than relying on the long used negative comments x
Hi all.
I have sailed through this weekend without much of a problem, not even allowing myself to contemplate eating seems to be the key for me. With my new way of thinking i am finding it easier 2nd time round. It really has got a LOT to do with your frame of mind! So hopefully food will not be an issue for me in no time at all. Its hard to believe that its day 10 already, the time seems to have flown by!
So how is everyone else getting on?
I truly believe that positive thinking is key girls, so please try to work on that!

Diane xx
Hi everyone
Its 8.30 pm on Sunday and im feeling rather weak and tired today. Dont know why. Just feel like a slug. Not doubting the diet at all, just no energy to be so positive about it right now. Hope this feeling passes. Took the dog to the park for her walk and had to sit down for 10 mins and only took her half way round rather that her usual full lap! Think i'll go and have a bath then try and have an early night.
Hows everyone getting on? How are you Harri? Tina are you back on packs tomorrow? And how are you doing Emma?
Hope you are all well :grouphugg:

Diane xx

Diane xx
hi Diane, can i get in on the 'small' club and be an honourary member?

Really found your post in my diary useful and i am already feeling better. Will WALK to shop soon and get some green tea...ever drank it? i havent wondering what its like and if i need to sweetner it.

Oh and BIG WELL DONE ON losing 9lbs roll on next WI!!
Hi 666, Glad you have come to join us! :wavey:You are more than welcome here! :D

We are all in the same boat and trying to lose weight! Everyone here is an inspiration to me and i hope i can be an inspiration for you too. Remember you are not alone and we are only a click of the mouse away. Whatever you are going through, weve gone through it too! Whatever you think/feel is all relative to us! We can all help each other through the struggles and celebrate together our fantastic results and acheiving our goals!
Keep in touch, we can all do this TOGETHER!! The support makes all the difference! Our soon to be "small" little club has just got bigger! WELCOME :):party0011:
Party went well JB, not back on the diet today - can't face the CD packs but I am bored with eating which is a good sign. Not sure what I am going to do now for tomorrow and Wed as don't pick up my LL packs until Wed pm. But I will be restarting on Sunday of this week. Unfortunately I only have 5 weeks until mu hols so will not be able to lose as much as I had hoped but never mind. How is everyone and welcome 666

Hi Tina
Just pick a fresh day (if thats sunday then cool) And do what you like till then. But remember, Sunday is your FINAL restart. You ARE going to do it this time, because you are ready and motivated and :whoopass: if you dont! lol

I am feeling alot more energetic today, so glad that the lethargic feeling went away!
Still motivated and still positive, just got to try and keep my mind occupied with other non food things! lol.
Hope everyone else is doing ok. Harri and Emma, how are you both getting on?

Diane xx