Jennys Diary now shes back to points AGAIN lol

lol makes me glad i work in a nice tho not very calm office. Hope ur day is going well so far :)
dreading having to go to work with a sily headband in grrrrrr evil hairdresser... hence the week off...LT was my excuse stupid evil hair dresser was real reason ... need my hair to grow boo hoo
I would kill her but ive got 7mths to grow my hair and plus if I murder her they'll put me in jail and i'll miss your wedding and mine of course lol
Hiya, Hows your day going? xx
I have a fringe that looks looney up....bit further up and then missed abit so very long

Day was ok normal day in year 6 full of telling kids to sit down ...stop making paper cones,filling with water and pouring on each others heads...stop punching, kicking, scratching each other...stop pretending to swim lying on a table...stop taking peoples glasses and running round being chased to get them back..just generally STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only a few weeks left of teaching YAY
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I have a fringe that looks looney up....bit further up and then missed abit so very long

Day was ok normal day in year 6 full of telling kids to sit down ...stop making paper cones,filling with water and pouring on each others heads...stop punching, kicking, scratching each other...stop pretending to swim lying on a table...stop taking peoples glasses and running round being chased to get them back..just generally STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only a few weeks left of teaching YAY

i had year 5 lads throwing fruit at each other, the windows and some year 1 kids-lovely!!
mommy b ur day sounded like mine lol

I have year 5 and year 6 tomorrow Wooooooo how exciting!!
I only do 2 hours as a supply teacher but that 2 hours can feel like forever as Im sure the dinner hour feels...I know our dinner ladies look very stressed........... they practically run screaming all the way home lol
lovely to see you back on WW :D dont worry about your fringe.. just make sure you get it trimmed every 6 weeks to maximise growth :)

hope you're having a good week anyway :) xxx

I think it's amazing that you can work with kids and not pull your hair out!! But maybe that's just me - I HATE noise .. it makes me angry :mad:

Fringes or bangs as the americans strangely call them ... grow really quickly :)

See, just a couple of weeks witht he hairband and ul be back to normal :) or invest in more sparkly ones
I hope so it grows really quickly...just been invited to my first hen night of the year 22 May... hmmm will have to lose weight now got to find an outfit that incorporates a tutu and neon colours Hmmmmm
thankgod my theme is much tamer lol
r u still going with the cats theme? its doing my head in that i don't kno what mine will be.