Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Just to let you all know I won't be here for a little while because I have an assignment in tomorrow and one in Friday, then work Friday, going out Friday night, in Worcestershire for the weekend. Busy busy busy!

Good luck with weigh-ins everyone :)
No I haven't, are they good? What are they about?

I think its a case of if you like Twilight you'll like these books, theres 4 so far, Marked, Betrayed, Hunted and I can't remember the other one. 'Bot a girl at Vampire finishing school!!!
Hiya :) Good luck for Friday, hope you are ok x
Got confused, going to my mum's next weekend!

Totally screwed up my body clock. I got to bed at 6am Friday morning after finishing my biggest assignment (after starting at 10:30pm Thursday night :p so bad) only to be up at 9am. I had to go to college to print it off, bind it and hand it in. It took 4 computers before I found one that turned on, accessed the internet and was connected to a computer :mad: Stupid college! Then I worked, which I was late for because of the damn computers. Then I went to an alternative club which was awesome! Went to bed about 2:30am and woke up at 5:45pm! I couldn't believe it when I saw the time.

Now here I am, nearly 5am and still up. Crap :p
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bless ya! you woulda liked Legends up here, but its been awhile since i've been and i heard it was closing :( it was fantastic the few times i went though.

You get all your assignments finished then or are there a few more to be done yet? xxx
Hi Jess, hope you've got your body clock sorted after a nightmare few days. Take care and hope the diet's going well. Take care xxx
hope you're okay today Jess *hugs* xxx
I got to bed at 6am Friday morning after finishing my biggest assignment (after starting at 10:30pm Thursday night :p so bad) only to be up at 9am. I had to go to college to print it off, bind it and hand it in. It took 4 computers before I found one that turned on, accessed the internet and was connected to a computer :mad: Stupid college!

...and of course, they only gave you the assignment on Thursday afternoon didn't they :p:p:p (that's what I used to do all the fact doing it now with some work stuff that I have had ages to do...but just not done it!! Why?Why?Why?)

Hope the restart is going well and you had a nice time at your mum's this weekend. xx
Hi hon hope you managed to catch up on sleep and have finished your assingments ;o)

Good luck with WI x
Hello! No, re-start is going badly :p I know I'll get back on it eventually, just finding it impossible at the moment. Can't even bring myself to count points. I will attempt to do it from Monday because I'm back at my mum's this weekend for Easter (not last weekend as I thought! :p) so won't be able to. I really, REALLY want to get back into it but just can't. Going to try so hard Monday, but then again how many times have I said that now? I've done it twice so I can do it again... I'll get there!

One good thing is Adam's getting a payrise next month (I know that cos I'm doing management work exp at his office and they told me, hehe) which means we can afford to join the gym :D Not til June though, but I can't wait, I love the gym. I'd love to be a size 10 by my birthday, but it's ebbing away. If I can lose 2 stone by then it would take me to a small 12, big 10. That's 2-3 months, it's not hard, just gotta do it >.<
Good luck for your restart, you're goal is achievable like you said just got to stick to it. Have you thought about going out running until you can join the gym. I've been out for the last wee while and its defo doing the trick and keeping me fit.

I went running with my friend a few months ago and I thought I was going to die. Running really kills me. I do want to take up running but I think I need to get my fitness levels up with things I find easier like swimming, cross-trainer, bike etc first. I feel a bit self conscious going out running cos I have to stop so soon/often.. silly, I know!
I love the idea of being able to run as well. I did train last year and did the run for life, but spent most of the time having problems with my shins and knees - not a natural runner. I too prefer swimming, as easier on body but bugger at the moment with lots of little dive bombers on school hols so will start again when back at school.
Yeh swimming is great, you've just spurred me on to go swimming next week when im off. I know what you mean about feeling self conscious about running. I used to be the same! It really helps i think when you've got a running buddy. I used to be seriously crap at running, thot i was going to die after running for 5 mins, I reckon you can get quite good at running quite quickly! I agree tho exercise has to be something you are comfortable with otherwise prob won't do it!

I used to be really good at cross country in high school. When I join the gym I'll do a bit of treadmill, ease my way into it then tackle the streets!
lmao you sound like a police officer "tackle the streets" ..or maybe a politician :p

know how you're feeling about the diet.. i'm in exactly the same place! hope you have a lovely easter anyway, and good luck for monday :) x