JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

That is hardly a belly! You look amazing! And look at that rock you're sporting! Gorgeous girl!! Xx

Haha it is my fake rock for going abroad ;) James gave me a ring for my 21st (in pic) and I kept it not only for sentiment but also for taking abroad with me - i'll post a pic of my ring now!

Ring.jpg For Pip! xxxx
That's beautiful Jessy! I love the setting! James did good ;) xxx

It suits me perfectly I love it too :) Can't believe I have had it a year next week!! xxxx
No way! That's amazing! Are you doing anything to mark the day? Have you come along any further with the wedding plans? Xx

It really is amazing and mad! We booked a photographer a few weeks ago and are due to send our save the dates out, after having to be severe and cut the daytime guestlist to very close family and friends, but apart from that :)

Due to saving money I think we are planning a trip to Harrogate for the day and a nice meal to mark the occasion :) Nothing too much so that we can afford to do something little in the summer xxxx
Love your pics, what an inspiration. Its so hard to admit even to yourself that there's an issue so it must've been tough telling each other!
But look at you both now :) love your ring too! X

Thank you lovely :) and yes hardest thing but I loved him so much and didn't want to lose him so I had to tell him. I was oblivious tbh about how I looked until we had that discussion!

Yes now very happily engaged and happier than ever I think! and thank you :) do you have a pic of yours? xxxx
Aaaw my darling girl - you and James look AMAZING!!! I'm so proud of you, and can remember our first conversation where you mentioned about not feeling happy with yourself and was worried about James too. You've made such a transformation and have got lots of lovely things to look forward to.

You're one of my best girlies and couldn't be without you.
Love you millons :hug99:
Aaaw my darling girl - you and James look AMAZING!!! I'm so proud of you, and can remember our first conversation where you mentioned about not feeling happy with yourself and was worried about James too. You've made such a transformation and have got lots of lovely things to look forward to.

You're one of my best girlies and couldn't be without you.
Love you millons :hug99:

It has been worth every drip of sweat on the treadmill and every rumbling belly ;) haha

Love you millions too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It has been worth every drip of sweat on the treadmill and every rumbling belly ;) haha

Love you millions too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You're my inspiration when I'm sweating and burning my legs on the treadmill!
Harrogate is beautiful :) I went last year to see the Tour de Depart and loved it!

Yes, I remember you saying about the photographer! That's super exciting!! How come you had to cut the list? Is it space or cost? It's such a shame but I think people understand that you have to be brutal and it's nothing personal xxx

I thought it would be a romantic day out and not too far from us :)

It isn't so much cutting the list but considering numbers carefully and ensuring we have similar numbers of guests; I have a bigger family. Everyone will be invited to the church and evening do but it is just the meal. Cost is a big thing as always was but at the same time I want it quite intimate and then a big party at night :) xxxx
I thought it would be a romantic day out and not too far from us :) It isn't so much cutting the list but considering numbers carefully and ensuring we have similar numbers of guests; I have a bigger family. Everyone will be invited to the church and evening do but it is just the meal. Cost is a big thing as always was but at the same time I want it quite intimate and then a big party at night :) xxxx

I'm so excited for you! The next year is going to fly by :eek: xx