Hi Wannabslim. Wow! Down from 16st! Impressive. How long did that take? You must feel great.
Doing well on Atkins. It doesn't really feel like a diet, which is it's best point for sure. No calorie/portion counting, eating nice food etc. It's great. In ketosis now and not feeling hungry at all. It's defintely the right thing for me to avoid carbs, I just love/am addicted to them too much! It actually is like an addiction. Thank God I'm off Coke too, that was a seriously bad-about 3 cans a day! Awful. Good to be completely off everything, diet coke etc, and drinking lots of water!
I'm not sure how much I've lost but my clothes feel much looser anyway. I don't want to get fixated on the scales but I'm going to check soon. Looked up CD but they don't do it in the ROI which is a shame as I live in Dublin. I'll stick with Atkins and see how it goes, and maybe take more drastic action after Christmas!