Kae's exante road trip! - Confessions of a serial weigher! :D

not that you should, but if your gonna eat, do it now ha ha...thats my ridiculous motto ;)

So as Im saying I probably wouldnt actually hee hee

Ha soooooo tempted although quite a few chocolate products have gone down the hatch today...yummmmm chocolates!:D

Im on my way, however, you may have to follow me back as debating a cheeky one tomorrow as its weigh day and I know im not in keto hee hee NaUgHtY :p

Hehe have u been scale hopping! Where you off to! Ive been invited out sat nite but said no! My mate was like cooome we wont drink! I was like errrr katie+pub= hammered mate!

Have a fabby time

kae said:
Thanks hun! WOuld love to say that it ended there but it didnt! ahhhhh I will get back to it tomorrow and a low carb meal out with my mate sat is defo defo defo out of the question! I was sooo upset an mad today! I know its not an excuse but I need to find something else to feed my emotions ha! Like rugby ha!:p

Thanks hun! I planned on having soup for tea but ended up eating the kids left over pasta! (yuk I sound a right pig typing that ha!) But I will get back to it tomoz!

Thanks for your support hun


Thanks Barbie! Hope your doing well miss! Do u have a diary?


Yeah going ok, don't feel too hungry really but nackered today and crraaavvving food!! No I don't have a diary coz use this as an app on my iPhone(hardly seem to open the laptop any more!!), and being dense I don't bloody know how to start a diary on here!!?! If u do end up going out sat pm we can think of each other surrounded by drunken mates...and desperately wanting to join them while chugging down the water!! The buffet at the wedding is gonna do me in- if I can resist that I deserve a bloody medal! Lol! Take it easy chick x
Hehe have u been scale hopping! Where you off to! Ive been invited out sat nite but said no! My mate was like cooome we wont drink! I was like errrr katie+pub= hammered mate!

Have a fabby time


Ha ha I have a few times, Im really bad for scale hopping, plus I havent been 100% all week, but hoping the exercise may help with tomorrow's WI :D

Not going out, but me & the OH might nip out tomorrow and do something (probably maccy d's breakie ha ha) but then if I have a naughty day that will be it till the 11th Feb, then Im on a night out at a place called Bistro live where were having a meal for my mates 30th

Good on you for saying no about going out, you feeling abit happier now after my A*** kicking? ;)
At least you didn't eat condensed milk out of the tin with a spoon :eek:

Come on, we can do this!!

Hey you,

How was today, did you make it back on the wagon?

At least you didn't eat condensed milk out of the tin with a spoon :eek:

Come on, we can do this!!


:eek::eek: gutted I didnt think of that! hehehe:p

Just got my friend over so cant stay but ive got another 100% day under my belt! Fingers crossed the scales are good to me tues

Sounds like your doing well on this one so far, we all have our ups and downs no matter what diet we are doing, with me generally more ups than downs.. I think your great for sticking to this i wouldnt be able to, love my food too much..

Hope it keeps going good and good luck with the weight loss :D
Quick up date! Gosh these past few days I've been sooo busy!

Lunch yesterday went as planned grilled chicken salad at mac ds! We had a party last nite cos were child free an I cooked loads of yummy food an just chugged water an coke zero!

Pee'd on a stick this morning an I'm in keto again from Thursdays blip!

Just off on driving lesson back soon!

kae said:
Quick up date! Gosh these past few days I've been sooo busy!

Lunch yesterday went as planned grilled chicken salad at mac ds! We had a party last nite cos were child free an I cooked loads of yummy food an just chugged water an coke zero!

Pee'd on a stick this morning an I'm in keto again from Thursdays blip!

Just off on driving lesson back soon!


Well done! Keto- I thought eating anything even chicken & salad knocks you out of keto? That's great then if it doesn't! Well done chick! X
Well done! Keto- I thought eating anything even chicken & salad knocks you out of keto? That's great then if it doesn't! Well done chick! X

Thanks Hun! On total solution you can have a low carn low cal meal an still be in keto! I checked on macdonalds website for cals an carbs an I think it was about 250 cals an 2g of carbs or something! Any ways I just ate the lettuce an the chicken so will still be ok! ;)

Good luck for your weigh in tomoz! Can't wait to see how much you lost! An well done again for yesterday! You were ace!

That's some willpower you have there!! Well done on getting through a MaccieDs unscathed

hello gorgeous, sorry havent been around fell way off the wagon after i felt dissapointed with my wi :( so really messed up now!!

anyway starting again tomorrow!
Bloody hell a party and you stuck to water and coke you are a star.
Hope you have a fab loss you deserve it
That's some willpower you have there!! Well done on getting through a MaccieDs unscathed
Woop! Thanks hun! I dunno how I did it!? I really wasnt bothered bout it an still had a fab time! No one even noticed! There was only my best friend an sister that knew all the others were too busy eating an drinking to notice! Thought id get a few pregnant jokes but nope ha!


hello gorgeous, sorry havent been around fell way off the wagon after i felt dissapointed with my wi :( so really messed up now!!

anyway starting again tomorrow!
Awww I missed you! Glad you back :heartpump: xxx
Bloody hell a party and you stuck to water and coke you are a star.
Hope you have a fab loss you deserve it

I know check me out Tee Total an all that! Spent 5-8 arguing with my self about getting some voddie but I knew if I did then it would lead to food. Very bad food lol


Well done. That blip is nothng but a distant memory now. Youre doing great.

I know I was so worried about getting back on track but Ive been keeping my self busy!:D

You are soooo in the zone, Hun - yay you!!

You are soooo in the zone, Hun - yay you!!


Thanks hun! I hope I can keep it up :p

Woooop weigh day today ladies! Cant wait! Although I am wishing my life away wanting it to be weigh day ha

Me too, although my scales arent budging at the min raauugghh xx Good luck tonight xx
good luck tonigght hun, i hope its a fab loss for you :)