Kdma's Diary...Restarting today 21st April

Decided to go to my wi tonight after all. It will give me more time to catch up on meal out tomorrow. I have stood on my scales and I have lost some, although mine ren't usually the same as the ww group ones.
That is fantastic! Well done :)
Another day.

Am going bowling and eating out tonight. A joint birthday celebration for husband and daughter. I know there is nothing healthy on the menu, so have pointed what daughter wants the best I can. Daughters birthday tomorrow then things can get back to normal.

I would love to lose a pound this week as it would mean I have lost a stone. Then next target will be to get in the 13's.
Birthdays over until November now.

So back on track today. Am at school all day today and that helps foodwise. They hae PE today hich elps exercise wise too as yo join n with them to show them how.

Having ice crispies and skimmed milk for breakie.

cuppa soup and bread for lunch

Have brought ww pasta cook in sauce thingie, so am going to gie that a go tonight with veg.

This leaves points for fruit and snacks and a options hot chocolate.
I couldn't find anything to wear this morning, so got out an old pair of too small trousers and they now fit lovely. Am so chuffed.

Exams are looming. First one is Friday and last one a week Tuesday. I am not doing well foodwise at moment, but am not beating myself up about it and will definely keep on going to meetings and atempt to keep on track and get properly on track once dreaded exams are gone.
wi again tonight.

Not a good day. Have an ulcerated mouth today. I was thinking it was from stress from exam this Friday, but friend said there is a bug going round that an ulcerated mouth is a symptom, so not sure. Bit coldy, so have brought some cold tablets and bongela in hope it is cleared up by Friday.

I know i am not counting points properly at moment, but am still allowing myself this until exams finish Tuesday then will sort myself out.

It would be nice to lose a pound to make my stone but am not hopeful. Tonight will tell. may be surprised.
Good luck for the exams and for the WI! sure you'll breeze through both.

Sorry to hear about your mouth, hope that gets better soon! x
Another 2 pounds gone and my first stone lost. I am over the moon.

I was given a stone at the meeting today.

They have put us on a cristmas challenge aswell to try and loss half a stone by christmas. I would love that.
WOW. That is fantastic! Great job. A whole stone is fab!

You are doing so well. Well done!
Another 2 pounds gone and my first stone lost. I am over the moon.

I was given a stone at the meeting today.

They have put us on a cristmas challenge aswell to try and loss half a stone by christmas. I would love that.

Oh well done Kdma! That is brilliant! and your first stone too! You're right to be over the moon!

You can do the christmas challenge! You'll do it in no time xx
well diet went out of window yesterday. i have no idea how many points i ate. Exam stress has completely hit in. roll on next Tuesday when they will all be over and i can get back on track.
How are you doing KDMA? xx
I haven't been, but exams finished yesterday until next year, so today I am going to get back on track.

I haven't stopped eating (the wrong things) for a week, and due to exams couldn't get to wi in last week, so think I have definely put on and probably a lot. I am drawing a line under that today and getting back into it today

Been quite good today. Back to helping in school this afternoon after a week off, so that will help aswell. Taking them to park today. Just hope the weather imnproves.