Total Solution Kellys diary to a new me x

Was up at 6:30 with the child that never sleeps an was feeling rather peckish made a deal with myself that I couldn't have my bar till I'd had a litre of water so had bad at 9 then baba fell asleep I took him to bed and shock of all shocks he slept for almost 2 hours! Feel more tired now though lol will have a shake around 1 just finding a bit harder today cos were stuck in weather is crap so nowhere to go so boredom = thinkin about munchin oh well I'll just have to keep myself busy hope your doin well guys xxx
Hi guys rest of day wasn't too bad charlie kept me busy lol had a shake around 3 then this bloody dog keeps p1ssin me off he's got a bad humping problem every time I turn around he's tryin to hump his bed I waited till 8 to have my last shake an he was at it again I was so angry I threw him in the garden and grabbed another bar instead of a shake I needed an angry chew if that makes sense I know we need to get him done we just can't afford it at the mo oh well that's enough of me and sir humps alot hope your good xxxxx
lol @ sir humpsalot poor frustrated beggar! how old is he and what breed?
Have a great day Kelly xx
nursetubs said:
lol @ sir humpsalot poor frustrated beggar! how old is he and what breed?
Have a great day Kelly xx

He's a schitzu cross he's 5 yrs old and befn at it for yrs the baby has tried to copy him cos he thinks it's hysterical not happy lol xxx
LMAO @ Charlie and sir humpalot's antics, poor boy :p
Two shakes and a bar today and just ate 3 small slices of ham just because they were goin out of date :-( just didn't want to see them wasted but prob shouldn't have ate them how stupid I am oh well 2 mile walk to work tomorrow it'll burn off hopefully xxxx
Only a little lb down since Monday??? Oh well no more weighing now untill Monday xxx
charlie's~mummy said:
He's a schitzu cross he's 5 yrs old and befn at it for yrs the baby has tried to copy him cos he thinks it's hysterical not happy lol xxx

Oh my sorry but lmao oh Kel you poor thing that must be so embarrassing :S
charlie's~mummy said:
Two shakes and a bar today and just ate 3 small slices of ham just because they were goin out of date :-( just didn't want to see them wasted but prob shouldn't have ate them how stupid I am oh well 2 mile walk to work tomorrow it'll burn off hopefully xxxx

Oh I'm having all out of date packs at the moment, how out of date are yours? X
Oh I'm having all out of date packs at the moment, how out of date are yours? X

I think it was the ham that was going out of date? :)
thanks girls fell off the wagon sunday copious amounts of alcohol plus an all day breakfast resulted with a 2lb gain then monday i was hungover and had my shake then in the evening we went for a carvery swiftly followed by a mcflurry :-( so another 2lb gain so i had a word with myself an give my head a wobble and got back to it and was rewarded with a 3lb loss woop back on it now and not budgin for a while i hope your all ok xxx
Hi all how's it goin? I'm still sittin on that wagon yay I'm down 8 lbs this week so far so 4lb that I gained and 4 more woop woop yesterday was day 4 I was feelin a little weak so I had 100g of cooked chicken and I was feelin really weak this mornin so I had my bar early and I'm tryin to hand out for my shake now hope your all well xxx