Killercurls' Diary

I had tomato soup just now - it's pink! I put salt, pepper, mixed dried herbs and chilli flakes in it and then it was quite nice! Lol
I love Camden :) and yeah the tomato soup was uhh... Pink lol. I really enjoyed the strawberry shake the other day! I just like then cus they're so creamy. Hope you arrive safely to your mums :) and good luck with the tom soup x
I'm gonna try the tomato soup in a little while. We just stopped off at tesco and got some bouillon! I just had a cup of it. Seemed to fill a hole lol. It didn't taste how I thought it would taste though!

It'll do though I guess
I keep on meaning to buy some bouillon but once I am out shopping it goes out of my it worth it?
Still never heard of the stuff! Might ask the other half to get some on his way home from work :D he's been very supportive so hopefully he will hehe x
It's just like drinking a cup of broth really. I always drank oxo in a mug when I was cold or hungry but didn't want to eat anything.

I had the tomato soup. I'm not exactly sure what tomato soup is meant to taste like, but this sure as hell didn't taste like tomato! I added some pepper to mine. It was edible but I wouldn't say I enjoyed it. I don't think I'll be ordering the soups for next month's batch. This one repeated on me a lot. Yuck. Luckily I had some of my bar left over and ate some of that after to try and get the taste out of my mouth. It seemed to work! :)

I got to waste some time talking to my best friend on the phone for almost 3 hours tonight! 3 hours of not thinking about food! I can only call her when I visit my mom because she has a calling plan for free calls to the states since my brother lives in Louisiana. She lives in South Carolina. I got to hear my niece speak some baby words! She's 20 months. She was telling me what noises animals make lol. I can't wait to meet her one day! I've also made two bracelets tonight for my mom's work friend.

Now I'm wide awake and wishing I could fall asleep. I hate insomnia. I think I might try and finish my book lol.
Hey Laura! Lol I was waiting to see what you would say about the tomato soup!!

I remember hating the Thai soup lol!

Have a great time in London!!!

What did Adam do while you were on the phone for 3 hours?? Lol

My niece is 14 months and they live in Cyprus and I'm always getting little videos of her on whatsapp and it's scary how quickly she's growing!!!
Oh no! I'm trying the chicken one tonight! Now I'm dreading it. Plus the fact that I don't like chicken anyways lol.

Thanks! I woke up with a headache, sore throat, and a bit stuffed up! We were meant to go out today but we're just gonna chill out today because we've got plans for the weekend with my mom (she's at work today).

He was asleep! She's 5 hours behind us lol.

Well at least you've met her! I got a little 5 second video of him yesterday. He looks different in every single picture! He looks just like my brother! x
I've tried them all now and I think I like the chicken the least although that may be because I put too much other stuff in it without tasting it first x
Oh no! Doubley dreading it now! Does it taste like chicken? I can't even stand the smell of chicken! :yuk:
What stuff do you put in yours then? x
Day 4

I woke up feeling all kinds of crappy today but sometimes that happens on this diet. My mom gave me some of her super strong paracetamol and now I feel a bit high haha. :silly: I'm currently having my vanilla shake that I mixed with coffee. I was really really dreading trying it as I hated the vanilla one on LT but this one is actually nice! As the welsh say "It's well lush" haha. It's a lot thicker and doesn't taste chalky at all. I've had all the shakes now and the only one I don't like is the strawberry one! Which is ironic because that was one that I liked on LT lol.

I'm going to have the chocolate orange bar today, I've been switching them out everyday. I also try the chicken soup tonight. So not looking forward to it. Definitely not getting soups next time. They make me gag just thinking about them, but they are edible. Just trying to pretend they taste nice lol!
I know what u mean about the soups... My favourite is the veg 1, I really enjoyed that, but the rest suck! I think it's the texture more than anything else. But I can eat them.... And they're really filling! Which I guess is better than nothing.

I've been feeling okay today, and better than yesterday, so hopefully you'll feel good tomorrow! But in the mean time.. *hugs*

I don't really think the chicken soup tastes like chicken. That might be why they called it chicken Thai rather than just chicken lol. I think the veg one tastes more like chicken! X
If I had to pick a favorite on it would probably have to be the mushroom one. Not that I would choose to eat it! I add a lot of water to mine because I find really thick soup a bit gross lol. Still not looking forward to the chicken one though!

Thanks! I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow too because we've got plans this weekend! We had plans to go out shopping today but when I woke up my throat was all croacky and I wasn't going anywhere! x
How are you feeling this morning?

its poop when you are trying so hard to keep on track and you feel ill!

i don't think the chicken tastes or smells anything like chicken ( but tat should be because it has no chicken in it)

have a great day
I'm feeling much better today thanks! We got up really early and went to a huge car boot in Wimbledon! We got some great stuff! I've been looking for a bathroom cabinet for ages and we got one for £10! Yay!

I decided to have a shake last night because I couldn't stomach the thought of having a soup. I'll have to have a soup tonight because I didn't pack enough shakes! I'll have to get through the soups though yuck. I ordered some porridge oats & one of the pasta things last night just to try them before committing to a whole month of products!

We've just got home and my mom is having a bacon sandwich and the bf is having a sausage sandwich and I'm having a black coffee. I'm sure if I wasn't a vegetarian this would be killing me! X
I thought exactly the same thing this morning about the soup! I don't know if I can face another one tonight.
Have a good day x
I'm tolerating them! Chicken soup tonight ...

You'll have to let me know how the pasta and porrige tastes! I'm not sure if I could eat the same thing for a month though... And I wouldnt want to miss out on shakes!

I'm tempted to do the create your own bumper pack. It's a bit more but then at least you can cut out the things you really don't want x
Sounds like you are having a good time x
I've just read through this. It's nice to see others following and the struggles they go through x