Total Solution Last Chance Saloon

Hi Goldie. Vodka and coke zero is better than wine or beer! just start again tomorrow. Don't let your daughter put you off posting on the forum. I find it really helps to keep me on track. I've got 2 sons aged 21 and 24 and they both live at home too. The oldest one only works pt at Sainsburys and the youngest one hasn't got a job. They both went off to University a year ago and then they both packed in and came home again after a year! I can see me still keeping them when they're 40!
Hi Lynne, the boomerang generation!! feeling a little worse for wear this morning (drinking on an empty stomach never a good idea) Well, now I have got that out of my system I am feeling a bit better. I had planned to weigh in this morning but think that I will wait to see what happens on my official weigh in day on Monday. Out and about today and i think there may be blue sky out there! Taking my mum to the shops this morning and going to go for a swim this afternoon. Going now to get a shake to see if it settles my stomach and head out. This is obviously a difficult week for me. It all started when I broke the diet at the weekend and I seem to be hopping on and off it with I am sure lacklustre results. The change in daily routine has been a real stumbling block and I need to come to terms with that and push on through!
Managed to get through today TS....was difficult but pushed on through. I really need to get a few days in a row so I can back into ketosis again. it is so much easier when that happens..
Managed to get through today TS....was difficult but pushed on through. I really need to get a few days in a row so I can back into ketosis again. it is so much easier when that happens..

Well done. I agree, it is much easier once you're in ketosis. My problem is I manage about 3 days or so and then spoil it - not usually in a massive way - but then have to start over again. I'm doing quite well at the moment but will probably go out for a meal after doing the race for life on Sunday.
i think after the run on Sunday you will have banked enough calorie deficit to enjoy a slap up meal!!
Right...determination is the key..I have exactly three weeks until the wedding and three and a half weeks until my holiday so need another stone off before I go. Nothing will stop me now...100% all the way!!! Going to set my packs out today. I am going to have 3 shakes today and have filled 2 bottles of water. I am going to take the dog out for a very long walk and go for a long swim. Three days until week 4 weigh in. I CAN do this!!!!!!!
Right Goldie , I'm with you as from tomorrow (apart from Sunday when I'm probably going for a meal after Race for Life). I've got a total of 11 days left before I set off on me hols! (I'm staying in a hotel near Manchester Airport on 17th July before my flight to Philadelphia on 18th.)
Ok Lynne...we can do it!! Best of luck for the Race for life on Sunday!!
I won't be doing much racing if it's 28 degrees!
Morning Goldie. You and I are deffo going to do 100% TS today! There you are, I've asaid it now, so we're committed! Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine.
Hi Lynne, right your on...if you do it I'll do it!!!
And we'll drink 4ltres of water each!
Good luck Ladies
Stuck to it tonight until I had an extra bar and some crisps.
Hola. How did your day go yesterday? I didn't manage 100% but was still 1lb down this morning. I've got Race for Life this afternoon - might walk it if it's too hot! I think I'm going to give the meal a miss. Let's see how we both do today!
Hi Goldie. Hope you're OK. Haven't heard from you for a couple of days.
Goldiei...where are you?

your missed.....
Hi Goldie. I hope you're OK. Like Shrimp said, you're missed!
Hi Girls..sorry I have not been on the last few days...took a last minute break with the weather being so good and went to a hotel. On the exercise front I have been exceptionally good, plenty of walks, loads of swimming (sea and pool) but exante was not on the cards (brought it with me with my shaker but it stayed in the bag!!) mentally and emotionally I have been so busy with work and some personal issues with family and found that I couldn't relax as I was so stressed so I had to get feeling emotionally stronger and ready to get back in the game..will weigh in on the morning and will get back on exante with with more focus and determination. It was comforting to know that you were wondering where I was but I am back now (got a bit of a tan too) and feeling more energized and ready to get back on track!!
Hi Girls..sorry I have not been on the last few days...took a last minute break with the weather being so good and went to a hotel. On the exercise front I have been exceptionally good, plenty of walks, loads of swimming (sea and pool) but exante was not on the cards (brought it with me with my shaker but it stayed in the bag!!) mentally and emotionally I have been so busy with work and some personal issues with family and found that I couldn't relax as I was so stressed so I had to get feeling emotionally stronger and ready to get back in the game..will weigh in on the morning and will get back on exante with with more focus and determination. It was comforting to know that you were wondering where I was but I am back now (got a bit of a tan too) and feeling more energized and ready to get back on track!!

Hi Goldie. Pleased to see you back and that you had a nice break. I hope your family issues are now resolved. I don't blame you for not doing exante while you were away - I won't be either while I'm on holiday! Have to get ready for work now. Catch up later.