Laura's last attempt!!

So glad people are finally starting to notice. I lost about 3 stone before anyone said anything to me, I'm only 5ft1 so 3 stone makes a huge difference to my shape. One of my colleagues said to me that he had noticed but hadn't wanted to say anything to me 'cos he knows how funny women can be when you mention their weight'

You have done so well in such a short time, 34 pounds in 11 weeks. Keep the good work up :)

Thanks Sarah B! Yep, no one is more surprised than me by the progress I've made!! lol.... Never Ever succeeded at any kind of diet, so I really am chuffed to pieces! ;-)
12 weeks ago i was busting out my size 18 jeans.... Just been given a pair of size 14s and they fit....a little snug but they fit dag nammit!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Wow size 14! Well done. I need to lose another 2 stone before I fit back into my 14's. they are sitting patiently in the loft waiting for me!
Well done u x
Rachgleeson said:
Well done. I think a 14 will only ever be a dream for me

I thought that too, Rachel, but some of my 16s trousers are getting a bit big on me now, so you really do never know! :) xx
Thanks guys. Rach - i never thought this would happen!! I really didn't. Even before my wedding when i tried everything, this was beyond what i expected. Don't get me wrong..the jeans are a little snug and i have So.i won't wear them properly for a few weeks....but wow it felt.good being able to comfortably do the button up! Seriously....if i can do it....anyone can!! :D
Had a massive loss of 4.7lbs this week and have no idea how! So Ive exceeded my target of 13st 5lb by the 25th which is my friends wedding as well as my mini mins 1st target. Happy doesn't.cover it! On top of.that, I've been.wearing size 14 jeans this weekend! Never thought this possible! I went to Dorothy Perkins yesterday and bought a 14 top and felt fantastic!! What a different experience it is shopping for 14s instead of 20,s!! Feeling pretty.bloody brilliant right now and couldn't feel.more motivated!
Also have a mahoosive pile of.clothes which no longer fit. Ridiculous amount.of.jeans and work tops etc.... Going to have an ebay session later. I am not going to.keep hold "just in case".... I Will NOT be.needed them again....:D
Had a massive loss of 4.7lbs this week and have no idea how! So Ive exceeded my target of 13st 5lb by the 25th which is my friends wedding as well as my mini mins 1st target. Happy doesn't.cover it! On top of.that, I've been.wearing size 14 jeans this weekend! Never thought this possible! I went to Dorothy Perkins yesterday and bought a 14 top and felt fantastic!! What a different experience it is shopping for 14s instead of 20,s!! Feeling pretty.bloody brilliant right now and couldn't feel.more motivated!

Congrats, that is amazeballs :)
Just checked my BMI on the NHS calculator... and it reckons that for me to be slap bang in the middle of 'healthy weight' I'd need to be 10 stone! I'm astounded!! My target is 11st 7lbs and it says I'll still be overweight! lol...
Well I'll see how I feel when I get there, but I personally feel that 11st7lbs is a healthy weight for me... but WHEN I get there, I guess I can review.
That's the thing about BMI, it doesn't seem to make sense a lot of the time, and is quite discredited in a lot of circles. People look at me like I've gone crackers when I say I still need to lose nearly a stone to get into the normal BMI range (and that's to the top end of it!). I suppose because I've gone from morbidly obese to "only" overweight I'm starting to look skinny to them, lol. I think it's a good idea to set your goal a bit higher and see how you feel when you get there, that's certainly what I've done. As I said, BMI isn't really a very well-regarded measure these days, even by a lot of doctors. :) xx
I'll do exactly that. See how i feel at 11.5st. Have my drs app on Friday so no doubt she'll ask me where Im heading but just want to take it week by week for now. I can't wait to see the Dr. I've not seen her since she prescribed so cannot wait to walk i and eagerly jump on her Complete opposite of last time she saw me! :D
Pudders said:
I'll do exactly that. See how i feel at 11.5st. Have my drs app on Friday so no doubt she'll ask me where Im heading but just want to take it week by week for now. I can't wait to see the Dr. I've not seen her since she prescribed so cannot wait to walk i and eagerly jump on her Complete opposite of last time she saw me! :D

Lol, I know, I used to worry like mad about going to the doctor's in case they wanted to weigh me, but when I went the other week to renew my Pill prescription and she asked how my weight was I actually volunteered to get on the scales! (And she said it was excellent, despite me still being "overweight" on the BMI scale, lol). It's a nice feeling, isn't it?! :) xx
Will let you know! :) i was in such a state the last time i saw her, really down, ridiculously high bp, feeling generally awful and hopeless.... Friday..Im expected to.skip in, jump on her scales and probably give her a massive hug!! Lol
Today was my 3 month review with the Dr...I've been sooo excited!! ;-) When she prescribed xen to me, she told me that if I hadn't lost 10% of my weight by 3 months, then they weren't for me. She's weighed me today and I've lost far...;-)Her scales show different to what I've been seeing, but that's fine by me! lol..
Most importantly.... she's agreed to give me the repeat prescription and that's the bit I was most concerned about. I've being having nightmares that she'd say " well Laura, you've done so well, you don't need them anymore!"... but she didn't so I'm over the moon!
She genuinely seemed so pleased for me. She's pleased that my bp is coming down too, so all in all, was a great appointment!! ;-)
Chuffed to pieces! ;-) x