Leslie Sansone~ Walk Away The Pounds

Hi guys,

I just wanted to pop in and say how amazing the Leslie Sansone DVD's are. I have her 1,2,3 and 4 mile superwalks with resistance bands, and she has helped me loose 50lbs so far.
I absolutley love her and her workouts. I am still really big, but I can cope with these low impact workouts. I cannot speak highly enough of her. I am just so glad to see other people realising how fab these workouts are. :)
I haven't got LS's but got a Kathy Smith one from the local charity shop, and it sounds very similar. I must start it again. It has a 10 minute abdominal section which you do in standing, and the only time I did it my abs wrecked next day :):)
I am certainly hoping they help my weight loss a bit. What a brilliant weight loss, Squeezywheezy. I'm managing my mile a day and will stay at that until I feel a bit fitter and then move on to 2. I really need something to whittle away my waist though and firm up some muscles......what muscles?
Can you tell me a little more about it please?

Walking I can do, I find that I walk more (on average another 3,000 steps a day!!) when I have a pedometer! Plus my pooches will benefit from it too ;)
I've only managed 5,000 steps today which is working out average for me :-( its pitiful!
:D Hello Ladies I am just starting back and I love Leslie Sansone I have plenty of her DVDs I think she is great. I have plenty of weight to lose. I would love to join you ladies and walking this weight away. I can't start today. I am not home but I will be home in a day and then I can start walking with the rest of you gals;)
Well, I am still walking! How is everyone else doing? I have now done 15 miles but I have to admit I don't feel any fitter and it is not getting any easier. I'll keep going though.
Oh, well done Susie. Today was the first day I actually tried it with weights (well, tins actually as I don't have the proper weights) It was a lot better than I thought. Perhaps I am getting better at it at last!
Glad you are enjoying it, Susan. I have just done my 20th mile and I got some different Leslie Sansone dvds in the post today so I can have a bit of variety. I think they are making me a bit fitter although I have to be careful not to overdo it as I have CFS.
I have one of her DVD's. Its the one that is region free as i don't have a multi-region dvd player at the mo. Its the two mile one. I've done it a couple of times.... I need to do more. I love walking but these dark nights and mornings... I just don't feel safe. Has it helped with your weightloss?
Hi there

How are you all doing?

It has snowed here in Kent and walking Pickle, who pulls at the best of times, is too much of an adventure for me... I tried walking her this afternoon but she nearly had me over a couple of times.... so I did Leslie Miles instead. I did the 1 mile from walk away the pounds for abs, a five minute quick walk (from YouTube) nand then the 2 mile from walk away... for abs. Its fun and is evidently helping with thre weight loss (and the more I exercise the more calories I can eat *grin*) but if I ever will get a bod like Leslie's or her other walkers.... I don't know. But its worth a try.

SO all in all perhaps its a good thing its snowed today ~ I Must keep up doing walks with Leslie!

Walk Tall, Walk Strong

JUdith & Pickle