Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

There seems to be loads of oat recipes. I've seen oat banana cakes, baked oats. Problem is.....the fruit needs to be synned. For some reason it puts me off.

Looks like your doing great!! :)
I think fruit only needs to be synned if you puree/cook it? In the ONO you don't do either so it's 'safe'...
I admit I don't follow SW to the letter (and I'm not a good example of a SW follower at the moment, but once upon a time I was!) but when I put banana in my porridge and cook it I don't syn it.
The way I see it is, if you're only eating it as you would anyway ie. a banana, a handful of berries, you're not overeating it as you would in, say, a smoothie. I think it's sensible to syn smoothies because I'd drink way more than I would sit and eat.
So if you're making a banana cake with 5 bananas then yes, because you wouldn't sit and eat 5 bananas. But one banana cooked in porridge/baked in oats etc is OK with me.
Hope you're OK Sam? You've gone a bit quiet!

What a good I-chia ;) do you syn them? I used to use a lot of chia but am out of touch with syn values on that kind of stuff :)
Yes I syn them but I think I only use 1.5 - 2 syns worth. I will check the syn value in my book later and let you know what it is.
Joining in the ONO revolution!
I've made some with a toffee muller and hopefully will have it with a banana in the morning if my dad doesn't mind me stealing one.
I'm always on the lookout for how to make sw easier/quicker so after I weighed out my 35g oats I got my measures out and the oats fitted perfectly into a 1/3 cup scoop- thought I'd share in case anyone has the American style measuring cups!
35g of oats fit perfectly into a Fry Lite lid. Saves so much time weighing every time!
I've been here but the little man had been keeping me a bit busy last few days. I promise I'm keeping up with you all haha. I'm loving the oats discussions. It's like a new passion we have all discovered although @Jeanne Von Buttonpopper im not convinced about overnight weetabix! But may give it a try when I'm bored of the oats :) :)

Had a good weekend but have not been particularly good so this week is potentially my first STS or even a gain. Blame the birthday festivities!! I've just been to Sainsburys and bought a load of pickled goods and some eggs and pickling vinegar to make my own pickled eggs. I LOVE pickled stuff mmmmm

Hope everyone has been doing well?
Joining in the ONO revolution!
I've made some with a toffee muller and hopefully will have it with a banana in the morning if my dad doesn't mind me stealing one.
I'm always on the lookout for how to make sw easier/quicker so after I weighed out my 35g oats I got my measures out and the oats fitted perfectly into a 1/3 cup scoop- thought I'd share in case anyone has the American style measuring cups!

How were your oats @RosiePops my husband is now properly obsessed with his but has a lot more oats where I gave more fruit obviously.

Tempted to try the cooked baked oats @lickthelid how have you been getting on?

All been ok but only ok ;) due to birthday naughtiness but even then I felt fairly reigned in. Problem being that I can eat air and put on weight and little man isn't feeding well at the moment so suspect it's all about the sloooooow down!!

Hello @lickthelid i hope that you've had a lovely day and that the weather has been as fab where you are as it is here (in North Yorkshire!)


The weather has been gorgeous Ruth, Sunday and yesterday were fab. Today it's damp and Rainy but still really warm. Bit uncomfortable! Not beach weather booo!! X
Ah good to hear you're still with us- hope little fella is OK if not feeding properly? There's some horrid bugs going round the littlies here at the moment with temperatures & sickness. Hope you enjoyed your birthday- you've got to have treats then!
I enjoyed my oats- I had toffee muller and chopped banana in it and it tasted good at the time- more refreshing than hot porridge when it's so warm. I'd quite like to try it again and dip cold sliced apple in it.
I did have a couple of thoughts though- do you think it matters that the oats are not cooked?
And they left a weird taste in my mouth all morning- wonder if it was the sweetener in the Muller?
Interesting that it left a "taste". I suppose it could be the muller? I have to say I prefer it with a fruit based yoghurt and I thin it down with a bit of skimmed milk. Oats don't technically need cooking quite a lot of museli uses them as a base and they are raw too. As @Sexyshell135 said previously I think frozen fruit actually helps and it defrosts into a juicy mush which soaks into the oats too. Personally I have found through experimentation that not stirring the yoghurt in but layering it works a bit better and gives a bit less stodge in the texture.

Little man has been a grump for a couple of days and is definitely off feeding. I reckon it's a grumbly tooth. I have felt a bit off colour today though. Nothing I could put my finger on but just a bit more rough around the edges than usual. So maybe it is a little bug. :( wish he could tell me!!
Ah it must be frustrating that he can't just say!
Fingers crossed it is nothing sinister and you're fighting fit again soon :)
Definitely a weird taste even though I brushed my teeth afterwards. Like when you accidentally put two sweeteners in your coffee (yuk)
Oh I never thought of muesli etc. Just occurred to me this morning when I bypassed the microwave!
I think I'll try again with a fruity yoghurt and some frozen berries- sure there's some in the freezer- and try your layering method instead of my stir-it-all-in!
I layer I don't stir lol

I agree that this actually makes quite a difference. They soak it up but not too much so not as gloopy. It's a fine art this overnight oats haha!

Layer fruit, oats, yoghurt. Rinse. Repeat. No wait. That's shampoo. Just repeat.

Hi there
Love your way of writing @lickthelid! A SW tonic! And extremely inspirational! You're doing great with the baby weight! I'm still trying to get rid of mine nearly 16 years later!!!
Anyway, I look forward to following you and your adventures!

Hi @clarri thanks so much for your kind comments :) it's nice to see you here it seems more old faces (not literally obviously...don't hit me) are resurfacing, like yourself, like me and several others!

Some days I don't feel inspirational at all. Today I just feel tired :( but then that's what you sign up for with a little one. I am currently hiding downstairs after feeding him to sleep (yes I know bad habit and all that but needs must) and making him a baby nest on my bed. If put in his cot he will only sleep for 30 mins max (used to be 45 now 30 almost to the second) so I'm hoping that a softer environment may produce results. I'm not confident though! :eek:

Any baby whisperers out there?? Where is Tracy Hogg when I need her??
@clarri by the by your profile pic is lovely and I now have serious fringe envy! I rocked a fringe a couple of years ago and with my slimmer face it looked great. Very "youthful" if I do say so myself. However I don't dare cut one back in until I've lost the weight in case I look like a ball in a wig.
Or possibly a weeble
How olds your little one now my girl is 16 months just she likes the sofa with her pillow an blanket she's down to one pushing two sometimes naps a day
I think fruit only needs to be synned if you puree/cook it? In the ONO you don't do either so it's 'safe'...
I admit I don't follow SW to the letter (and I'm not a good example of a SW follower at the moment, but once upon a time I was!) but when I put banana in my porridge and cook it I don't syn it.
The way I see it is, if you're only eating it as you would anyway ie. a banana, a handful of berries, you're not overeating it as you would in, say, a smoothie. I think it's sensible to syn smoothies because I'd drink way more than I would sit and eat.
So if you're making a banana cake with 5 bananas then yes, because you wouldn't sit and eat 5 bananas. But one banana cooked in porridge/baked in oats etc is OK with me.

I'm totally with you on that. If I only use what I would raw or frozen, I don't syn it.

And how strange that blueberries aren't speed foods...cherries ok, I guess they're a bit more sugary. But looking at the nutritional value there's hardly any difference between the various berries. I must admit I always assumed blueberries to be speed and would quite happily eat a whole punnet. Minus the actual punnet of course...
@clarri by the by your profile pic is lovely and I now have serious fringe envy! I rocked a fringe a couple of years ago and with my slimmer face it looked great. Very "youthful" if I do say so myself. However I don't dare cut one back in until I've lost the weight in case I look like a ball in a wig.
Thank you for your fringe envy!! It sometimes ends up a bit like a polish fringe as I cut it myself, but my big round face needs it!!! That pic hides a lot of my face!! I only wear glasses for reading (old age Im told!).
How olds your little one now my girl is 16 months just she likes the sofa with her pillow an blanket she's down to one pushing two sometimes naps a day
He is exactly 4 months now. About the size of a six month old though. Not fat but massively long! Although his dad is tall so I guess that was to be expected! Still breastfeeding bit with a few hiccups like recently. Still it's certainly good for the waist line!!!

I miss the days of blanket snuggles. Our daughter gave up day time naps at about 2!!
I also agree. In fact the ono are making me eat more fruit than I would do normally. I used to get all my speed from veg with the odd pink lady thrown in.

The apple. Not Olivia Newton John.

So now I'm eating more fruit which can only be a good thing I suppose. I would never syn anything put into stuff like this. I too thought you only synned if you puréed, smoothied or cooked fruit. As we are having it in its normal format barring a bit of slicing and dicing here and there they should be fine. :)
4 months wow still baby baby I have a very stroppy girl who believes she runs the pact lol

The baked oats are syns but the Ono ones are not it's silly as you only use a small amount of fruit in the ones you bake keeps saying I'm gonna make them x