Lipotrim / Periods


Thinking Thin!

I really need some advice, I normally take cerazette (2 pills because of my weight) and never have a period. Since starting LT i've had a full on period for 9 days - it won't stop!

I've emailed LT and had no response...has anyone had a similar experience as this is hell!
Hi. I have pcos and don't get my period every month although last week (week 2 of lipotrim) I have a kinda period sorry if this is tmi but when I wipe you can see a small streak of period but not every time I wipe this is since last Tuesday I feel bloated and. As if I have my period but it's not a proper period as such!! I also don't know of this is normal
I have always had regular periods but the first time I did lt I bled on week two also
I asked my pharmacist and she said its cause you store oestrogen in fat cells and as you are losing weight so rapidly it cause your body to have a period don't know if this is fact but she said it was nothing to be concerned about X
I'm pcos and only ever had 1 or 2 periods a year!!
I fell pg in 2008 and then lost 6 stone after baby and periods became more frequent, I fell pg in 2009 and now 2nd dd is nearly two I'm back on LT, 6 weeks in and have had 2 periods!!
I put this down to the weight loss as I was on metformin for a while too.
Have those of you that have bled in week 2 found it stops? x
Wamser said:
I have always had regular periods but the first time I did lt I bled on week two also
I asked my pharmacist and she said its cause you store oestrogen in fat cells and as you are losing weight so rapidly it cause your body to have a period don't know if this is fact but she said it was nothing to be concerned about X

Oestrogen is secreted by the ovaries, nothing to do with fat cells x
She didn't say fat cells secreted oestrogen but that it is stored in them .....
its a true fact, that losing weight rapidly changes your hormones drastically and kick starts your periods more or less straight away. THIS IS one of the main reasons im doing lipotrim. i have PCOS, never have periods! before lipotrim, my last one was 2008 before i concieved my daughter thru fertility treatment, as me and hubby are trying aggain and have our fertility appt in 3 weeks, ive had 2 periods. WOOP WOOP.

fat cells DO STORE hormones, losing weight rapidly does make your periods come and more regular. xx
me again, over weight people, that lose weight fast on diets such as these need to make sure they are using precaustions if your not wanting a baby, as you become more fertile due to hormonal changes thru weight loss x (fingers crossed it works for me) x
The difference in fat location comes from the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Fat cells are formed in the developing fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy, and later at the onset of puberty, when the sex hormones "kick in." It is during puberty that the differences in fat distribution between men and women begin to take form. One amazing fact is that fat cells generally do not generate after puberty -- as your body stores more fat, the number of fat cells remains the same. Each fat cell simply gets bigger! (There are two exceptions: the body might produce more fat cells if an adult gains a significant amount of weight or has liposuction performed.)

Maybe that's what the pharmacist meant x
bessie84 said:
me again, over weight people, that lose weight fast on diets such as these need to make sure they are using precaustions if your not wanting a baby, as you become more fertile due to hormonal changes thru weight loss x (fingers crossed it works for me) x

That is completely correct I fell pregnant last time I was on it, hence why I am back, I was using condoms at the time but that particular occasion I didn't !!!!
Lipotrim does mess with your periods no doubt!!! But its worth it!!! Mayb the extra precaution advice is good though lol... x
Pretty pleased I read this post before starting lipotrim! Thanks for the warning ladies :)