ProPoints Liz's Healthy Diary (hopefully)

The sand in the beach gets a bit warm but the sand in reception is under cover n they have air con fans on so it's lovely xx
Ar Docs Half hr wait!! Grr :-(
Wishbird007 said:
Ar Docs Half hr wait!! Grr :-(

Same at dentist for me the other day. Lame!!

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Hey :) I love your photo with you on an elephant, looks amazing!! And the Maldives looks beautiful. I would love to go. Oh no that's terrible about your i phone, glad they reduced it a bit! I'm glad you said as I'm going on holiday in a couple of weeks and I'm not planning on taking my phone but my oh wants to take his i phone, Does he need to make sure this roaming device is on? Hope you feel better soon xxxxx
Gorgeous pic!! Hope docs went well!! Please don't push urself too much at gym poppet if u arent well! Hugs x
Hi well half hr turned into an hr wait at Docs!
Thank god it was a lady doc, I told her symptoms n she examined me n I my tummy is swollen n tender on the right so I need to have ultrasound scan to check I have no cysts! That will b novel actually gettin the cyst b4 they pop! As wen they pop it's the worse pain ever!
Glad I getting checked but stuck in a vicious circle where hols r concerned got to sort travel insurance out next month n if u go for a scan or awaiting anything it puts yr money up n If we pay balance n don't declare owt n something happens we loose money! But I don't want to miss out on our hols! I was a bit upset last night saying to hubby I shouldn't have gone to Docs at all but he said if I was in pain I had to! :-( x will c wot my scan says I may not get appt till after hols maybe?!?
Angelxx2010 said:
Hey :) I love your photo with you on an elephant, looks amazing!! And the Maldives looks beautiful. I would love to go. Oh no that's terrible about your i phone, glad they reduced it a bit! I'm glad you said as I'm going on holiday in a couple of weeks and I'm not planning on taking my phone but my oh wants to take his i phone, Does he need to make sure this roaming device is on? Hope you feel better soon xxxxx

Thanks Hun x
Wen I spoke to phone company Orange a guy there actually said it wasn't worth the faff to take the iphone abroad that I shud leave it at home as the amount I'd charges ppl get for updates/incoming emails/just switching it off wen u not using it helps n if u look at Internet u get charged left right n centre so I would recommend taking just a normal phone with no Internet just so u have one incase of emergency but if ur OH insists then I wud say few wks b4 u go phone ur mobile company for help n tell them about the known fault with the iPhone n the data roaming being automatically turned on if u in a WIfi area then it stays on n u get more charges so u want to make sure data roaming is OFF! N turn off ur 3G n notifications settings n just turn it off wen u not using it Hun x also u can buy bundles from phone company if u need Internet while u abroad apparently x so good luck! x
Thanks Hun x
Wen I spoke to phone company Orange a guy there actually said it wasn't worth the faff to take the iphone abroad that I shud leave it at home as the amount I'd charges ppl get for updates/incoming emails/just switching it off wen u not using it helps n if u look at Internet u get charged left right n centre so I would recommend taking just a normal phone with no Internet just so u have one incase of emergency but if ur OH insists then I wud say few wks b4 u go phone ur mobile company for help n tell them about the known fault with the iPhone n the data roaming being automatically turned on if u in a WIfi area then it stays on n u get more charges so u want to make sure data roaming is OFF! N turn off ur 3G n notifications settings n just turn it off wen u not using it Hun x also u can buy bundles from phone company if u need Internet while u abroad apparently x so good luck! x

Omg what a nightmare! Thanks for letting me know hun. That aint good. I have told oh so he's going to look into it :) Hope you're having a lovely day xxx
Aww Hun u had to go to docs! I hope it all works out and results come bk ok xx
Angelxx2010 said:
Omg what a nightmare! Thanks for letting me know hun. That aint good. I have told oh so he's going to look into it :) Hope you're having a lovely day xxx

No prob I don't want the phone comps getting anyone else it's wrong! X
My days r a bit pants at the mo cos I feelin so tired n bloated but carry on regardless! X
CarlyLanky140 said:
Aww Hun u had to go to docs! I hope it all works out and results come bk ok xx

Thanks Hun, I sure did! I knew things weren't right! If I have got a cyst let's hope my scan appt comes b4 the little timebomb goes off! :-(
Managed gym yesterday, wanted a swim but had dyed my hair so I thought better of it! Lol
Did 10 spin, 10 rower, 20 uphill walk and plenty of weight training - tricep pull downs, bicep curls, leg extensions, multi hip, shoulder pull ups & chest press!
My food consisted of high fibre like doctor ordered:
Breakky: All bran cereal n sk milk
Snx : twiglets, melon
Lunch: Tesco creamy veg soup n mullet seeded ryvitas
Dinner: chicken, veg and White bean stew, nice n easy to make
But was a big bloated thing last night so didn't really enjoy I managed to make it tho which is good then I had a heat pad on all night! I feel like I gonna explode!
Hope everyone is well
I feel like a bloated whale today!
:( *hugs* xx
I'm ok, feel like I've been eating all round me though lol. Poor chicken, are you at work today? X

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Bless u x
I been at work all the time even tho I feel rotten I still come to work cos my office is short staffed with skool hols so we have to b seemed to make extra effort not to b ill! But at mo I cud so stay in bed I think if I feel same nxt wk I will have to do just that cos I just knackered n bloated all the time! I think I got IBS cos of my endo coming bak it's combined! It's not good! I'm trying not to let it get me down but it wud b nice if my boss was more understanding! Instead of blaming my dieting on anything! X grr X
Ah hon that's terrible. Some bosses honestly don't understand about that stuff do they? They think everybody is just fobbing off. Would the doctor give you a note to give your boss? X

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azwethinkweiz said:
Ah hon that's terrible. Some bosses honestly don't understand about that stuff do they? They think everybody is just fobbing off. Would the doctor give you a note to give your boss? X

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I know it's ruff! It's like council policy but I'm afraid if am too ill then am ill! My boss is a woman too so ud think she wud b more understanding but no!
I can go bak to Docs for a note if I need to so I will if I think I need one
Its not like you can time being sick or whatever. She should understand that you don't exactly WANT to be sick and would prefer to be at work and healthy. Sheesh. Some bosses seem to make you feel like you've done this on purpose lol?! Defo go the doc if you feel too sick to work hon xx

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