ProPoints Liz's Healthy Diary (hopefully)

That's good at least u should get ur results soon then. Hope ur feeling better soon. Have u dine slim fast before? I did it once but didn't last long didn't like the milkshakes at all xx
Hope the doctors goes ok petal and that u get an appt soon!

Ur boss doesn't sound very supportive :( hope ur ok xxx
Oh no hun, hope you're ok hun and docs goes ok! Take it easy xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jemmalb said:
That's good at least u should get ur results soon then. Hope ur feeling better soon. Have u dine slim fast before? I did it once but didn't last long didn't like the milkshakes at all xx

Thanks for caring Hun x
I haven't got scan appt thru yet so god knows wen that will arrive then it will another wait for results won't it! Doh!
Yeah I have done sf previous to WW lost 8lb in 8wks. Aye it's no good if u don't like the shakes Hunni, u have found ur diet now haven't u x
I may ask doc about doing sf lol x
CarlyLanky140 said:
Hope the doctors goes ok petal and that u get an appt soon!

Ur boss doesn't sound very supportive :( hope ur ok xxx

Aw thanks sweetie x am glad I have u guys otherwise I may go mad! As no one is sympathetic!

My boss is no help whatsoever! I am at work today in pain again(forgot my heat pads!) n I walking bent over in pain n not one person has said anything! Unbelievable!
I will carry on again like last week! I may have to have a few days rest cos it's gettin me down xxx
Angelxx2010 said:
Oh no hun, hope you're ok hun and docs goes ok! Take it easy xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks sweetie x I wish I cud! X
If u need time off take it! No-one else would think twice about leaving u in the crap! Hugs xx
It's ok, like having a good gossip ;-) x

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CarlyLanky140 said:
If u need time off take it! No-one else would think twice about leaving u in the crap! Hugs xx

This is true Carly thanks Hun x I may just do! They probably ignoring me cos its kids hols! It's just proper frowned upon kids hols, can't even book a day off cos of the woman that have kids n that husbands work in schools! At mo there's 2 off n 1 only works 2nd half of wk n theres 3 (2 of which are managers) n a temp, so there not totally left desolate lol x it's just I appear to do everyone elses bits plus my own so I have got to just not worry about it n take some time off!
Thanks Hun
Siandys1 said:
It's ok, like having a good gossip ;-) x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Aw ur very welcome then Hun! I am on rant mode at mo lol x pls feel free to join x
:) take care of u x
Jemmalb said:
Ur work mates sound horrible : ( where do u work? Xx

Indeed my Hunni
I work in customer services for Sheffield council, deep joy x
Hi Liz ..sorry to hear you have been poorly ...hope you feel better soon and you get your scan appt asap hun ...take care and take a few days off work deserve it! x
jem3139 said:
Hi Liz ..sorry to hear you have been poorly ...hope you feel better soon and you get your scan appt asap hun ...take care and take a few days off work deserve it! x

Thanks sweetie xx
Im gonna c how I go if I bad wen I c doc on Thursday I may ask for a note then it's legit innit! X
Went to gym n internet states exercise can help with pain due to the bodys natural endomorphins coming out n they seem to!
Did 15 x trainer, 20 treadmill, 10 rower, n a few weights n crunches!
Had spicy garlic mushroom spaghetti for tea x
Feel bloated now so gonna try a relax n early ish bed x
Tea sounds yummy! Well done for exercise :) x
CarlyLanky140 said:
Tea sounds yummy! Well done for exercise :) x

Thanks Hun x
Not had a very good night, I don't normally wake up at all once I asleep but last few nights I have. Woke at 4.30 this mornin thinking it wud b about midnight wot a shock feel so knackered!
Got bad back pain n tummy pain again, gonna go to work as there's only two others in but gonna make em notice my pain then maybe they will send me home? Hmmm doubtful....