LoChan's diary - hello!

Just started catching up on diaries and writing replies on here but I've got to go and get on the school run now lol

Late one today as he's in the music club tonight, hope it went better than last week as he got left out a bit :(

Will catch up and reply properly later :)
broadsbean said:
:drool::drool::drool::drool: can't wait to make hot and sour soup, this might be the weekend cos teen is having minor surgery tomorrow:eek: so will need mollycoddling:D

hope your havin a good day, sun is shining here and looks like it could get quite warm so should be a pleasent school run xx

Snap... I want to make this at weekend!! :)

It sounds delish!! X

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Gosh, your diary has been busy over the last couple of days! Thanks for the recipes, I'm intrigued to get back cooking soon. The pumpkin cookies look nice, ditto all the rest and I'm sure I could adapt the soup but I don't feel all that adventurous atm.

Sounds like your area has ...um ..... exciting potential from time to time. So does ours :( Hope it doesn't bother your boy too much
Hey Lo,
I was showing my C the recipe for the Hot and Sour Soup and he told me about Xathan Gum ...you can buy it in Tesco £2.35 for a 110g pot, it's a thickener and it's just 0.5 syns for a teaspoonful or was that 1/2 a teaspoonful oops will have to ask now, to add to 6 litres of fluid, so all you would need is a few grains really for the soup, anyway that would replace the cornflour and then the soup would be 1 syn for the whole pot, making it a negligible syn so ultimately free..I am going to try it once I find out exactly how much I need to use xxx
I absolutely love everything about the soup and especially the syns, it was to die for, thank you so much for that hun ...sad as I am, I am thrilled that I have that recipe, a little fiddly at first but I think once I've made it a few times it'll be great.
My daughter and hubby like soup but they aren't mad about them. My son in law is like me and really loves them and he's so darn complimentary when we try a new one...he couldn't get enough of the hot and sour one and was disappointed there was none left to take to work today, so I am making another batch this afternoon and will have mine for lunch and leave him to take his to work bless him lol
Hun, I have only ever missed 1 WI and that was week 2 ...nothing will stop me going, last week i hobbled in in my slippers and limped about all over the place, I will do the same today...although after the itching session last night, I think I cleared a lot of the dead skin so it feels a little easier today and I don't often miss doing exercise either most often if I can't actually stand and do it then I do it sitting...nothing will defeat me believe me lol
Feel a bit pensive this week, had a bit more pasta than I normally eat and rice too and I don't normally do well when I've eaten them so :fingerscrossed:
Hope you're having a lovely day xxx

So pleased it went down so well - I'm gonna be making another batch on thursday too I think and testing out the peanut chicken satay idea :) It pays to natter on here, if mandy hadn't had hot and sour soup the other day I'd never have thought to go researching for a recipe :eek:

:drool::drool::drool::drool: can't wait to make hot and sour soup, this might be the weekend cos teen is having minor surgery tomorrow:eek: so will need mollycoddling:D

hope your havin a good day, sun is shining here and looks like it could get quite warm so should be a pleasent school run xx

Oh, hope his surgery goes well - you're not both fretting over it I hope?

The soup will be a comfort, if an eyewatering one if you make it super spicy lol

It got a bit too warm and sunny today, gonna have to swap my coat for a cardi, can't do without some sort of arm coverup even if it's boiling :eek:

I admire you persevering with the scan bran :) I couldn't do it.....

I must try the soup. Is it very hot and spicy> I like spicy but not really hot...


I've figured something out today about my determination to stick to challenges even if they're annoying me... more on that in a mo...

The soup is pretty darn hot - you could leave out the second lot of chillies to tone it down a bit. I had a look around and might try a sweet and sour soup recipe out which hopefully will still be flavourful without the heat. Will report on here again when I get round to it :)

Gosh, your diary has been busy over the last couple of days! Thanks for the recipes, I'm intrigued to get back cooking soon. The pumpkin cookies look nice, ditto all the rest and I'm sure I could adapt the soup but I don't feel all that adventurous atm.

Sounds like your area has ...um ..... exciting potential from time to time. So does ours :( Hope it doesn't bother your boy too much

Food recipes inciting a natterfest I suppose lol

I don't think my son's been overly bothered. Though this supposedly homeless guy with a mouth full of gold teeth keeps popping up near the shops asking for 'a favour' i.e. 'change for busfare'. My son just says 'it's that man again', think he finds it more intriguing than worrying lol And his bedroom and our living room is at the back of the house so away from the occassional fighting folk out the front.

Hey Lo,
I was showing my C the recipe for the Hot and Sour Soup and he told me about Xathan Gum ...you can buy it in Tesco £2.35 for a 110g pot, it's a thickener and it's just 0.5 syns for a teaspoonful or was that 1/2 a teaspoonful oops will have to ask now, to add to 6 litres of fluid, so all you would need is a few grains really for the soup, anyway that would replace the cornflour and then the soup would be 1 syn for the whole pot, making it a negligible syn so ultimately free..I am going to try it once I find out exactly how much I need to use xxx

Hmn, interesting. Will see how you get on, I'll update the recipe thread for it if it works out, thanks for sharing the C's tip :)
Oof, that was a lot of catching up lol It is busy :D All good company too :bighug:

Just did walking today - didn't want to overdo it after yesterday's pains during the davina exercises. Will aim to do the superfit workout tom'ow which has less squats.

Was a bit teary and down last night and a bit this morning but put on some music while working (Imogen Heap, if anyone knows of her) and had a scented candle burning so it helped mellow me out before the school walk :)

Red day today:

B - Activia yoghurt. Scanbran (hexb) topped with mushrooms, bacon, tinned tomatoes and cheese (hexa)

L - hot and sour soup (2 syns on red day) & bengal spice meatballs done in the oven (3 syns, preferred them panfried with oil funnily enough :p).

A - fruitbag at MDs. Should of been a cappuccino too but the milk separated and it tasted funky so swapped it for a coke zero - syns saving!

T - Lemon pepper chicken (using schwartz seasoning, lazy) and roasted mediterranean veggies (lightly marinaded in balsamic vinegar, worcester sauce, chilli powder and italian herbs). Activia yoghurt.

Evening - milky coffee (hexa), fibre plus bar (hexb) and packet of velvet crunch (4 syns).

Worked out what I've been doing with my mad discipline with sticking to challenge weeks. I've not managed to stick with a diet more than a few weeks without breaking down and cheating for the past 2 years or more. I think this time I've been distracting myself with challenges so that I'm obsessing about not falling off the challenge wagon - to the point where it's so consuming that I'm not even contemplating falling off the actual plan wagon, I don't have room in my brain for it. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone else but it was an interesting realisation for me anywho :)
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Today's tea pic :D

Lemon Pepper Chicken & Mediterranean veg.jpg
(Imogen Heap, if anyone knows of her)

I adore Imogen Heap.
You should listen to Chantal Kreviazuk (feels like home is my fav) and Kate Havnevik (Unlike me - very like Imogen Heap!),if you dont already, as I find their music as soothing as Imogen Heaps.

Hope your feeling much better now! =)
Hiya Lila - nice to see you here ;)

Imogen's great, we saw her live at the Manchester Academy and it's amazing, almost shocking, watching her perform. She can even do a scream sound in key like from Bad Body Double lol

I'll look those up as I've not heard of them before - thanks for the recommendations :D

I think today will be a good day for me - going to listen to music and light a candle again while I'm working (oh the joys of homeworking!) and I've booked friday off as a flexday. It's such a lift thinking only two more days until my 'weekend' :)

Hope you have a great day too x
seems lots of thinking and analyzing going on at the mo, hopefully it will keep us all on the wagon.
big hugs and hope you are feeling better today.

On a lighter note inspired by you Lo i am sat here drinking green Tea:D
In fact the whole family is sat here drinking green tea :D
Going to try and develop a taste for it as have read up on all the health benefits going to try having 2 cups a day to start with :D

again hope your day is better enjoy your music and scented candles xx
hello you :D tea looks GORGEOUS :drool:

one of the members of my group did chicken satay at one of the party nights.. it was when i was at group in January though, so i cant remember what she put in, but the skewers were only 1syn a skewer (cocktail stick size though)

will have a scout about and see if i can find it for you :) xxx
seems lots of thinking and analyzing going on at the mo, hopefully it will keep us all on the wagon.
big hugs and hope you are feeling better today.

On a lighter note inspired by you Lo i am sat here drinking green Tea:D
In fact the whole family is sat here drinking green tea :D
Going to try and develop a taste for it as have read up on all the health benefits going to try having 2 cups a day to start with :D

again hope your day is better enjoy your music and scented candles xx

That's quite strange 'cause except for at Wagamama I rarely bother with green tea :8855:

It tends to be caffeinated is the main reason and I try to keep it to one coffee a day after going through major caffeine withdrawrals with kicking a minimin daily 2ltr pepsi max addiction. I couldn't start the day without it :eek:

Also I find it difficult to find a brand of green tea I like as a lot can be quite bitter (the tetley blueberry flavoured one and all clipper teas - bleh!.) I'm hooked on the celestial seasonings brand I've mentioned before - got a cinnamon apple one which I'm loving, it's really sweet without having to add anything to it :) Hehe I also get a peppermint tea from Holland and barrett which seems to be made by clever rats (it's says by Nimh on the box anywho! :D)

Think the analyzing is doing me good - might try doing the exercise your counsellor gave you and some other self-therapy exercises. Meaning to listen to the Inside Outside Weight Loss podcasts Micci mentioned in her diary - might listen to some on friday morning on my day off before the OH gets up :)

Here's the link if you want to have a look too Podcast: Inside Out Weight Loss - Aligning Mind Body and Spirit for Lasting Change | Diet | Weight Loss | NLP | Motivation | Fitness

Work sucked a bit, sent an email to my manager asking for a bit a leeway tomorrow to catch up on some of my older work as he seems to forget I only do half days so doesn't give me enough space. Music was nice though and it was a lovely if hot walk to school today. And I'm free on friday, yay :)
hello you :D tea looks GORGEOUS :drool:

one of the members of my group did chicken satay at one of the party nights.. it was when i was at group in January though, so i cant remember what she put in, but the skewers were only 1syn a skewer (cocktail stick size though)

will have a scout about and see if i can find it for you :) xxx

Sounds good :)

I think I'm also gonna try experimenting with the sauce I made to see how far I can go with reducing the peanut butter. If I'm using it as a marinade instead of a satay dip I suppose I could get away with it having a more watery consistency.

Think I'm gonna end up on a green day again tomorrow though so not sure when I'll be testing out satay recipes :D
once i have cracked green tea i will move on, i had twinnings green tea with apple and pear. i also bought it with lemon and one with peppermint (cos tesco's had them 3 for 2:D) I actually enjoyed it so will try the others tomorrow. Teen had with peppermint and loved it, so planning that one in the morning.

I have just ordered a book my counseller has suggested i read called feeling the fear and doing it any way, have you heard of it ?
also if you are interested there are loads of self help stuff on a website called GET.gg GET.gg Free Downloads - CBT Self Help Leaflets & Booklets
read some really interesting stuff on here.

please don't me offended by me making this suggestions will you xx
once i have cracked green tea i will move on, i had twinnings green tea with apple and pear. i also bought it with lemon and one with peppermint (cos tesco's had them 3 for 2:D) I actually enjoyed it so will try the others tomorrow. Teen had with peppermint and loved it, so planning that one in the morning.

I have just ordered a book my counseller has suggested i read called feeling the fear and doing it any way, have you heard of it ?
also if you are interested there are loads of self help stuff on a website called GET.gg GET.gg Free Downloads - CBT Self Help Leaflets & Booklets
read some really interesting stuff on here.

please don't me offended by me making this suggestions will you xx

The twinings ones aren't so bad - is it the mixed flavours green tea in a pack? I love peppermint tea, great for tummy problems. And lemon and ginger is nice for mornings :)

Not offended at all by the suggestion - the opposite i'fact. I know I sound all cheery and stuff (except for the odd dip here and there like a day or so ago) but I can be like a rollercoaster at times and find myself completely lost. Mentioned this briefly to the nurse when I went for my registration appointment at my new doctors in january and the nurse recommended I try making an appointment with the doctor then but I just have this thing about not wanting to waste their time no matter what the problem is. Heh, that's probably another issue, not feeling like I'm worth the bother :eek: That and everytime I went to my old doctors I'd get a weight lecture rather than treatment for whatever I went there for in the first place :mad:

Will bookmark the site and have a good read. Wonder if the book is in the library... you can let me know how it is :)
Been waiting up for my ocado shopping - my stupid morrisons don't stock the christmas lebkuchen so I went online shopping and bought an expensive box of bahlsen ones. It's a huge 500g box, luckily with two separately film-wrapped trays so can take my time with them in theory. All the writing is in german though and I'm a bit rusty so the flavours are a surprise lol I got a apple stollen too, must remember to be sensible!
Bahlsen apple stollen.jpg Bahsen lebkuchen - mega box!.jpg
Sorry if the pics are a cruel temptation :D

Just did walking again today, pondering doing a Cardio challenge week next week - 30 minutes a day not including walking or yoga. Might be a tricky one :rolleyes:

Green day

B - scrambled tofu (1st experience = yummy!, 1 syn for a tsp of light olive spread), baked beans and 5 scanbrans (hexb)
Scrambled tofu and baked beans (burying scanbans).jpg
L - 1/2 portion of cold sesame noodles (2.5 syns, last lost) with mixed salad veggies & a drizzle of low sodium soy sauce.

D - mushy pea curry and potato wedges.
Milky coffee (hexa) and fibre plus bar (hexb)
Mushy pea curry & wedges.jpg
Evening - 200ml oatly chocolate drink (hexa) warmed up in micro. 10 syns worth of lebkuchen (been waiting for them all day so don't feel bad spending that many on them :)).
Lebkuchen & chocolate oatly.jpg

Green day planned for tomorrow with leftover mushy pea curry to use up and probably scrambled tofu again for brekkie - helped the scanbran go down :p

Browsing on PS3 rockband shop, excited as there's new nirvana and slipknot songs (including the unsual ballad 'Snuff' from slipknot, which is pretty). Bit late now but looking forward to a night of singing tom'ow, the thought will get me through my last working day of the week anywho :) Heh, understand most people won't be excited about this - don't know if there are any metalheads on here... not that I'd label myself one, I'm quite eclectic when it comes to music lol
I had the curry again with bombay potatoes tonight :D

I like doing the fussy curries with all the spices but the mushy pea one is nice for a simple thing and all the ingredients are usually in the cupboard so a handy one when there's you've no idea what to have :)

I try my best catching up with diaries but the team thread keeps running away from me. I hardly ever look at the general board or the other forums too, too busy nattering :D

Gonna do my food diary tom'ow now - off to get puddled on my green day 'grapes' and have a good sing with rockband 3, night all x
LoChan1984 said:
I had the curry again with bombay potatoes tonight :D

I like doing the fussy curries with all the spices but the mushy pea one is nice for a simple thing and all the ingredients are usually in the cupboard so a handy one when there's you've no idea what to have :)

I try my best catching up with diaries but the team thread keeps running away from me. I hardly ever look at the general board or the other forums too, too busy nattering :D

Gonna do my food diary tom'ow now - off to get puddled on my green day 'grapes' and have a good sing with rockband 3, night all x

See.., that's were I went wrong last weekend!!! :-( I had Red day 'Grapes' on a Green day!! ;-) lol

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