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am still loving reading your diary and how you are managing each day, it gives me so much inspiration of how it will be when I get to maintenance (hopefully not long now)
Just reporting that my scales say I am 10st 9.5 this morning... wow!!! That's only 2lbs over my ultimate goal of 10st 7lbs. Things seem to dip up and down much more in the world of real food, but this one made me smile BIG style. And the sun is shining... yay!!!!

yay for those scales katy!! Hope you have less stress day today
Just reporting that my scales say I am 10st 9.5 this morning... wow!!! That's only 2lbs over my ultimate goal of 10st 7lbs. Things seem to dip up and down much more in the world of real food, but this one made me smile BIG style. And the sun is shining... yay!!!!


OMG thats amazing well done - I remember so well you desperately trying to get to 11st before you were working away and now in no time at all you are nearly half a stone lighter thats fantastic Im so happy for you well done

you are living like a slim person!!!!
Well done Katy - woohoo for 10st 9.5 - brilliant!!! :happy096:
Hope you are having a good day.
Well done KC. You are doing so well with this maintenance malarky. Well actually you are doing more than maintaining, you are still losing!! What a gal!!!
Am loving reading your diary katy. It is a real inspiration to know that although hard, this maintenance is chievable and people can do it! I really respect the honesty that people have on these diaries as it makes me realise I am not the only one that struggles at time, and the advice I read on this and others diaries has been so helpful. Hope all is going well and your day was not too stressful.
Thanks Raquel! :eek:)

Tues 9th June

Good day... fun and sunny & much less stressy!

Brekky: porridge, berries, almonds, 0% yog, cinnamon
lunch: half a ciabatta roll, hummus, aubergine, salad.
snack: sprouted wheat bread, peanut butter, 1/3 mashed banana
tea: 2 quorn fillets, broccoli, tomato, onion, 2 spoonfuls cous cous, green salad
possible snack later: small scone made by son! (with butter & jam!)

More veg & greens appearing, a little less bread... felt like a good day. (And I haven't eaten that scone yet... mmm!)

I'm still reading, still so inspired by you, just not in a posty mood this week so far for some reason.

So just saying hello and waving, and well done on getting to 10st 9! xxx
Hi Sarette, I thought you'd been quiet... glad you are OK!

Scales back to 10st 12lbs today for no apparent reason... sigh. I am not gonna change that ticker until things have settled a bit, I thought yesterday was too good to be true! I think the fluctuations must be bigger when you are eating, and totm doesn't help... but baffling, still!

I feel fine though, in good fettle and not gonna worry too much about scales, as long as they don't scoot up over 11 I am happy.

Sarette, your pics are inspiring hon... and the smile in that second one!!! The biggest change with CD may be weight, but the way we find confidence along the way is amazing. You look so much younger, too!

Hey katy, those scales are such a pain hey! I stepped on mine this morning and got a little disheartened, however I know I look and feel so much better than I used to. My cdc has told me that next time I go in she is gonna take my scales, I have an unhealthy obsession and I know it!
hey katy! glad you are feeling good and not worrying about those fluctuations, I know that mine can go up and down quite a few lbs in a day from lack of water or from carbs or maybe even just eating later than usual, it all balances out eventually.
Have a fab day hun
Thanks Raquel! :eek:)

Tues 9th June

Good day... fun and sunny & much less stressy!

Brekky: porridge, berries, almonds, 0% yog, cinnamon
lunch: half a ciabatta roll, hummus, aubergine, salad.
snack: sprouted wheat bread, peanut butter, 1/3 mashed banana
tea: 2 quorn fillets, broccoli, tomato, onion, 2 spoonfuls cous cous, green salad
possible snack later: small scone made by son! (with butter & jam!)

More veg & greens appearing, a little less bread... felt like a good day. (And I haven't eaten that scone yet... mmm!)


That's looking excellent Katy! Isn't porridge with yog and berries lubberly :clap:

I've just had Porridge Pie with berries and yog this morning....

..........and another piece........whoops :D

Silly scales. Yeah, they do seem to fluctuate more when you're eating more.
What is baked porridge pie? I NEED to know!!!

Katy you are doing brilliantly :)

I've just started lurking here in maintenance as hopefully soon I will have a thread of my very own :D

Annie x
Great to see you here Lazy!!! You are so close... don't wait to hit goal to start posting, a diary is a great way of staying focused for the last leg of the journey and then thru maintenance beyond... go for it!

Thanks Katy :) xxx
Weds 10th June

Brekky: porridge, berries, chopped nuts, 0% greek yog
snack: CD choc shake
lunch: cous cous, green salad, cottage cheese, coleslaw
tea: 2 quorn sausages, asparagus, green salad & sprouted wheat bread & peanut butter

OK day... don't think I needed the bread and peanut butter, though!

Hey katy, your food diaries seem so interesting and what a variety of food, I feel like I am never going to get to that stage though, cos I keep sabotaging myself im 810 and not sticking to it. Any advice?
I did that regularly on 810. I think for me it was part of the process, learning to live with food again. I would be strict 810 for a week or two weeks, then push the boundaries and make a mistake and haul myself back on track again. It's the reason why it took so long to lose the last two stone, but also the reason I stayed with 810 when I could have gone back down to ss. I wanted to face the food issues & see what I could learn... so stick with it, it's all part of the journey.

810 is not exciting food-wise, but I did love it, found it satisfying and filling and liked having the protein, as a veggie I wasn't used to that & now I try to make sure I do have protein at every meal. When do you plan to go up to 1000 Raquel?
