Lou's Diary - onwards and inwards!

Thanks hun, yeah, half a pound is fuff all and it'll be off by next week, grrgh.

Update of today's menu....

Wednesday - Red day
B: Strawberries and quark
L: Onion, bacon and tomato omlette
S: Flapjack (10 syns)
D: BBQ chicken salad and cherry tomatoes (4 syns for marinade) and jacket potato (B)
Hello diary, feeling pretty up beat today, went to next and tried on loads of clothes, loving the fact I can now get into size 20 (I know that must sound horrifying to some people), but when I started I was a size 24!!

Ohhh, just to let you know - the single activa ff yogurts are 5 for £1 in Sainsbury (instead of 69p each)!!

Thursday - red day
B: 42g crunchy bran (B)
S: Banana
L: Chicken salad with ff dressing
D: Chilli with jacket potato and salad (B)
It always motivates me reading your diary Lou, you're so up beat! Gllad our losses seem to be on a similar level. Look forward to this time next year when we're both in our slinky clothes!
Hi Kiki, we're not on a similar level - you're steaming ahead girly, but I'm not giving up without a fight though!! Can't wait to be a skinny minny, although I think I'll turn into a clothes whore as I'll be spoilt for choice when I'm normal sized.

I've been back at work for 4 days, in those 4 days I have managed to catch the lurgy that is going round the office like the plague.... rrrrubbish, I'm off to bed shortly as I'm shattered.

Lots of love xx
Thanks kiki, feeling better this morning but still achey and tired. Oh well...

Todays food..

B: LF yogurt and banana
L: Chilli and RF cheddar (A)
S: Fibre plus bar (B)
D: Scezuan beef with little bit of rice and chips (15 syns) **treat of the week**

... Bit of a beefy day today, Moo x
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Dear diary - feeling a bit rubbish this morning. I work for police at the moment in Intelligence, however, I'm in process of applying to be a special constable in my spare time. This is the reason why I'm losing weight.

I set myself the target of:
1) Sending for application form when I've lost 2 stone
2) Posting appication form back when I've lost 3 stone
3) Starting training when I've lost 4 stone.

Anyway, I've got my application, but it needs to be back within 1 month, so there goes number 2 on the list.

Plus, I've just read it through, although the is no fitness test and all my officer collegues think my size is fine etc, the form says you have to have a BMI of between 19 and 30.

My BMI is 39. I'm so gutted, I have to lose another 4 stone before I'm less than 30. I know I can do this in 6 months, but I want it NOW. The silly half of me is thinking about going onto Cambridge SS, but I don't think I can hack it as I love food too much.

If only I had a magic wand hey.

Slowly slowly catchy monkey my love...
SW is clearly working for you and you are doing so well, do you really want to risk jeopardising your loss for a quick fix (from what I've read lots of people regain and more after food replacement diets as you don't learn anything about your normal eating habits)?
Why not let the application expire, then get another form when you get your 3 stone award?

As for them specifying what BMI range you need to be in, surely that is discrimination if there is no fitness test / requirement for the role? Do you think they'll actually weigh you as part of the application process?
What if someone who is already a special constable gains weight so they are not within the 20-30 range? Do they get fired?!

Maybe you could lose 4 stone superquick with CD, get the job, regain the weight then restart SW ? If you really are that eager to start the new job...
I know it is frustrating when you want something so badly that you don't want to have to wait for it. I am VERY impatient but still cannot imagine that a diet like Cambridge can possibly be OK for your physical or psychological wellbeing.

(OK, I have no idea what CD consists of but people lose, like, a stone a week on it and that's scary enough to put me off....can not be at all healthy IMO)

Sorry to read you are feeling unwell..that is probably making you feel worse about this whole situation..
Aww prawn, thank you so much hun, you've cheered me up and made me realise I can do it, it's disappointing that I'll have to wait a little longer, but I'm going to get to my goal no matter how long it takes.

Re Officers putting weight back on, the are loads I work with who are much bigger than me, thing is - they have gained the weight after joining up, so can get away with it.

Thanks again Prawn, I'm feeling much more optimistic and will be sticking with the lovely slimming world.

Off to your diary now to say hello

Hiya diary, well my weekend is nearly over as I'm working tomorrow.

My boyfriend went to mcdonalds at lunch time, he knows I love gherkins almost as much as him, so told the lady that I was pregnant (I was in the car thank god, but would pass for a good 8 months gone :rolleyes:)...

Anyway, he said I was pregnant and craving gherkins and could I have some on their own, she goes and gives him a massive chip carton full (see pic below) - OMG, I LOVE THEM!!! On the down side I also had a small fries too..

B: 2 weetabix (B)
L: Gherkins and small fries (11 syns)
S: 1/2 a doughnut (8 syns)
S: Jacket potato
D: Savoury rice with egg added in to it

P.S I didn't eat all the gherkins, I've still got millions in the fridge, any recipe suggestions welcome x


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Argh, I hate it when I feel the urge to binge, wish I could shake say good bye to it for good but still rears its ugly head - although I just won and didn't give in (I kept myself busy by making a quiche instead?)

Planning ahead this week has made me feel much more in control, so here are the next 3 days, I'm also on economy drive so using ingredients out of cupboards / freezer only.

Sunday - Green
B: 42g crunchy bran and strawberries (B)
L: Sw quiche with salad and sweet chilli sauce (2 syns) and an apple
D: Pasta in arrabatia sauce and bacon (B)

Monday - Red
B: Apple and yogurt
L: Carrot and corriander soup and toast (B)
S: Yogurt
D: Bacon and cherry tomato omlette and salad

Tuesday - Green
B: 42g crunchy bran (B)
L: LF Supernoodles
S: Alpen light after WI (1/2B)
D: Chickpea dahl and rice and alpen light (1/2B)
I had to giggle at your ploy to get gherkins, they are so yummy! Good for you only having the small fries :)

You need to make some really low syn desserts or something so you don't get that binge desire, treat yourself a little sweetie and it'd be fun making them :)
Good idea hun, thanks - I'll look through some magazines later and see what I can find to make.

I've only just made up my mind as to what colour day I am today - it's red, as I know I lose quicker on that...

Sunday - RED
B: 42g crunchy bran and strawberries (B)
S: French fries and an apple (5 syns)
L: Omlette with bacon and cherry tomatoes
D: H/M beef burgers (1 syn) with sw chips (B and 3 syns), cheese (A) and a mountain of gherkins and salad [Can't wait]

P.S - if like me you struggle to find a 227g potato, you can add the extra at 1.5 syns per 57g of raw weight.
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Top tip on the potato Lou, I'm doing some reds this week and was going to have a WI session of all the tatties we have in to see which are closest to 227g !! :)
I've weighed millions and never found a potato that weight 227g, hehe.

Just adding a picture of my dinner as it was blooming gorgeous....aided by the sack full of gherkins I got from McDonalds of course (p.s. i took the pic with a normal amount of gherkins on then loaded it up after I took it). :p


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While I'm here...

Monday - Red
B: 42g crunchy bran (B)
L: Tuna mayo (2 syns), on toast (B) with cherry tomaotes and pickled onions = LUSH
S: Yogurt and apple
D: Warm chicken and bacon salad
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you're diary's looking good lou.

can't believe you came away from McD's with only gherkins and a small fries to your name! you deserve some kind of medal for that!

i reckon get 3 stone off and apply then lie about your weight on the application ;)
Thanks Karen - the only things I *love* from McD's is the gherkins, so I was well happy with just them and fries - mmm.

Anyway - I've emailed a guy at work today and explained the circs re weight loss and application, will just wait for his reply...

Argh, having a bum day today, it's 1340hrs and I still can't decide what to have for lunch? I've had a yogurt. Want something free but haven't got any eggs and don't want to cook meat etc or use B's....... red days are poo x