lucysmommy Atkins Journey


yesterday was great again, ate pretty much the same things lol

today is also the same roughly hehe

been drinking my 2litres of water with additional in my green tea

went to asda today and bought the prok scratchings, i dont like those much so they are now a wee treat for me dog

weigh in tomorrow as well, cant believe thats been a week already

not like pork scratchings??? which ones did you get?
good luck for WI x
and you dont like them!!! im in shock lol I love them (so do my dogs aswell)
oh no they are my favourite, really salty and soft yum
I like them all. ;)
I think we've been here before somehow. ;)
haha its the not the hairy bits, i love proper pork scratching cooked till crispy in the oven - dunno what it was about these packs tho


well pretty rubbish today :-(

still 100% on plan tho but yesterday dont think i had my full 12g of carbs with f&v - today i have tho :)

heres hoping i am ketosis cos i have no idea if i am so awaiting my sticks to come tomorrow

Morning 12G of carbs?
you only having 12 carbs a day ?
Looks like it?
yeah of veg, sorry not being clear was in the middles of placement lol

i am having 12g of veg carbs plus my cheese and meat

Morning LM, how are you today?