Lurk no more, fat no more

Glad to hear you've found some things to snack on at work. For me work was always the hardest part of dieting. So many times I'll go into the staff room and find that someone's brought in a chocolate cake or a load of biscuits. At my old place the boss used to regularly bring in fresh Danish pastries. Definitely helps being able to say no to such lovely temptations when you've got your own food. x
Oh well done for finding some vegan free food, it will help to make things easier at work.
I hear your legging issue my thighs help to keep them up.
I've never tried frozen veg, apart from peas and sweetcorn, do they come out watery and mushy? Do you have to let them thaw out?
I hope you get that loss because you really deserve it.
I've not has much frozen veg either - just peas sweet corn and small mixed veg. I do buy a lot if frozen herbs/garlic etc though. I'm hoping the veg isn't mushy, ill probably cook it into curries and will try it as a side but it might not be good. Apparently steaming it keeps its texture a bit better so ill try that :)

This week has been my first 100%week!! Finally did it. Onwards to another next week. Treated myself to 5 syns if chocolate heaven tonight and I'm feeling good :) don't feel like I've lost at all but I did slip in some older leggings that are maybe a bit tight :) hoping for a good loss next week, am really going to push it. I'm working every day next week so will be super super busy but have pencilled in 3 swim sessions at a mile each, a few walks and a few trips to the allotment provided the ground ain't frozen. I don't intend to sit down at all! Need to grab thr hours at work while they are there, got a few quiet weeks coming up and I can't really afford them !

Will let you all know how the frozen veg goes :) gonna cook up a massive curry in the week (usually make 2 curries, Dahl, homemade baked bhajis and naans/flatbread but I think ill leave the bread out!!) and freeze it all up, I need to start preparing my body for India and excessive consumption if curry :)
Tried on some trousers today (I don't wear trousers haha, only leggings!! no jeans or anything) as a freind who is also on SW at work has lost a shedload of weight and bought in a selection of trousers...tried on a 24 and they were HUGE. So I think I'm an 18, or maybe a 20? I m quite shocked really, despite already having lost some weight, as the last pair of trousers I owned and wore were a size 12 :/ Who knows what size I was a few months ago!!! Has really spurred me on though, i picked up this one pair that were lovely, size 24 again, and she laughed - they are her biggest ones - and I put them up to her and it looked like she'd lost a third of her weight already. Amazing!! I know I won't have such results (you need trousers to be able to do that really) But I can't wait until I can look at some of my leggings and no longer keep them on :) One pair is starting to slide down but getting stuck at my bum haha! So at least I have my modesty :)

Good day today - ate a funny breakfast, then snacked a bit...already had 6 syns, but got an alpen light still left from my HEX's, plus my oat a free/superfree dinner planned with just a bit of chilli sauce for 1 syn then I'm done for the day :)

Aiming for activity every day (unless i'm working all day), 3 swims and under 10 syns a day - trying to lose 2.5-4lbs this week :) I'm really hoping for 3.5lb off on thursday as I'd get my stone and a half, but it might come next week instead...then another 2lb off for my club 10! After that, it will be hard slogging to not gain as its mine and the Oh's birthdays and anniversary, 2 trips to scotland, india holiday, few trips to london...eugh. I'd be super chuffed if I can get another stone off between now and India (28th Feb) :)
Oh wow well done, it's lovely when you try your size and its too big.
I think you can get that stone by February. Keep going.
Had 9.5 syns today which I think is quite high, but I've had a very 'bitty' day (finished work at 7.30am at one house, went home for a few hours, then on to another house for 4 hours...then home, then doctors, then back home. So collateral damage really. Got great meals planned for the next few days with very few syns and lots of success express meals thrown in...3 days until weigh in! I feel a bit fat today but I haven't stopped eating and haven't done much exercise so that's to be expected.
I had some amazing news from my GP today - he's referring me for immunotherapy!! I'm so, so happy! I'm extremely allergic to cats, and allergic to wasps and dogs too, and I've tried everything...I'm on all manner of drugs and although they make it a bit better, its not sorting it. I'm so glad this is happening! will make life so much more comfortable. It takes a few years of having injections, starting off weekly then moving eventually to monthly/bi monthly maintenance dose. I can't wait to get started :) Might have to be referred to Cambridge though which is the nearest place that does it, that's about 1hour 25 mins away drive, or under an hour on the will be worth every mile, every penny.
Wow. What a day! Hardly eaten much as been super busy...had a nice swim this morning, then managed to just about get to work before I got snowed in, had 3" or even more fall in an hour and the whole city came to a standstill! Ended up walking home from work and ditching the car there, would have been foolish to drive, its -6 and black ice everywhere. Took just over 2 hours to do 3.5 miles, am exhausted...had to climb a pretty steep hill too and no grit on the ****** pavements as usual so had to walk in the road up a 8% incline and leap out of the way whenever one of the many speeding maniacs came careering down. Now off to sleep, got to get up and walk to work tomorrow as have no car...
Only 2.5 syns today, but its so late now I can't eat as I'll get indigestion. not gonna be able to eat once i've walked to work either, gonna be starving marvin by the time i get there! got to carry all my bags for the shift too (2 days of food, bedding, clothes etc) so is going to be a long, hard walk :)
Walked back into work this morning - was -8/9 and no pavements had been gritted. It makes me so angry!! Took an hour to walk a 25 min journey. Absolute disgrace! I'm absolutely knackered and am working until 10 pm tonight then sleeping here before a 7.30-3pm shift tomorrow. I'm not sure if I can get out to my usual group as its a but out of the way so will have to look up other options. I bet I've had good losses with all this exercise though!! Might have to walk in to work on Friday too, but am staying overnight so at least I can walk/drive back thr next day. Is about 7-8 miles round trip!! Luckily my shifts this week are all late starts so a 2 hour walk before is doable. I hope they sort the roads out though its awful. I got hardly any food with me for work as I had to walk in with all my stuff, all I want to do is eat today!!
That's rubbish try and stay positive. Well done with the body magic!
No other option but to walk - no buses, taxi firms all shut and I don't do driving in the ice full stop. Would have been a nice walk if I wasn't laden like a donkey with stuff and had blisters and a split toenail. Think I may get super karma points for making it in haha!

Today's been ok, eaten well but not amazing, I've been craving chocolate all day :( but I have some in my bag and haven't touched it :) still under my 10 syns for the day but had a lot if carbs. Weigh in tomorrow and not sure which group to go to will have to see what the roads are like. I really need to get the car home though :( meant to be more heavy snow on Saturday too!!!
I saw the weather warning for basically England. Its meant to be snowing here o Friday. Well done for not delving to the chocolate, I wonder if its the bleak weather and cold weather that is making people turn to comfort food?
Certainly is for me - I'm exhausted after all this traipsing in the ice. Fell over twice today and banged my hip and I've got hypermobility syndrome so my joints are aching so much. What a catch lol! But I do feel like I want a day of comfort foods - a hunk of bread, with mega beans, then loads of choc and biscuits but I won't give in!! Only got 6 weeks til I go to India so need to get going with this whole weight loss thing and get myself feeling confident before I go :)

How's your day been, have you snapped out of wanting to smack mode yet?
Ouch that doesn't sound good. Yeah I think so I think I'm going to up my water intake this week to help. I know this sounds odd but I haven't made a massive soup this week and I wonder if that's it. Hmmn
What sort of soup is it? I've stopped eating cooked breakfasts and have cut back on thr hummous so hope it makes a difference! I feel quite fat today but I've had a pretty lazy afternoon at work and am pretty laden with carbs! Am going for a swim tomorrow and maybe a walk before weigh in! I hope this urge to snack passes soon its horrible!l
I often make lentil and bacon but you could do it with lentils because it's got loads of veg in it or I make tuscan bean soup, pasta celery borlotti beans onions and stock. Simples
2lbs off chuffed, was hoping for a bit more but you can't win them all, I got slimmer of the week for the first time though!!! massive bag of fruit,and I'd just done a shop lol. Lucky I love my fruit :) Am going to try even harder this week, I've got 1.5lb until my stone and a half, 3.5lbs until my club 10, and 9lbs before my 2 stone - I want all of these before the end of Feb, before I go to India :)
Oh well done you. That's amazing.