Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Hahaa no idea , must have been on your diary when it's been in my bag hehe

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Ok back to normal fasting plan for next week is Monday & Friday.

So am fasting tomorrow - eaten way to much today ;)

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Had to vacuum and scrub, mop all down stairs yesterday because my naught grey cat has been hunting birds and I'm assuming she brought it in to teach younger cat how to hunt birds ??! When we came back from the Docs she was sitting on the couch eating the bird !! Feathers everywhere!! Plenty of domestos bleach used!! Lucky couch is leather and can scrub and spray with antibacterial cif

Sent the cat with bird out the door .. Cat growling at me - as if I want to eat her bird!!

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet

You have made me giggle at that last bit... Are you sure you don't want to eat her bird
Good luck fasting today Hun, hope its going ok
I fasted till 2pm

Just had a 1 egg omelette with tin drained tuna, squish mayo, few slices cucumber and 3 cherry tomatoes.

Snack: coconut muffin ;)

Dinner: veg with courgette spirals, soft goat cheese and dash Elmlee cream & fresh garlic

3 bits dark choc

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Sounds good how many cals?!

Hope your doing ok! Xx
Change to dinner.. Courgettes spirals in a tomato garlic sauce..

Total 502...

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Change to dinner.. Courgettes spirals in a tomato garlic sauce..

Total 502...

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan

Come on you can so it - will this be your first 500 day!'

Stay focused you can do it! Xx

Ps did you add your muffin?! X
Yes lol I had 2 which is why the dinner change lol

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Just got to get through cooking pork chops, aunt Bessie roast potatoes .. The salad doesn't bother me .. See how I go ;)

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
It's ok if I'm at 600 kcals for today including nibbling the chop bone .. I put the other crispy bits in the bin .. Go me lol

Also just finished cooking my dinner, needed most of a tin of tomatoes cooked right down to get the amount I needed to make the sauce .. Bit of elmlee light cream as very sharp.. Was really nice.

Not going to have any of the potatoes!!!!! Might just have to burn them just in case ;) lol

Totm due next few days too .. So today has gone ok considering.

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Yes me :). I have tried it again in a smaller quantity and I'm fine with it :)

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Right for the rest of the week I'm going to do 16:8 fasting I have sweets/ cakes to make .. Have takeaways for dinner tomorrow, lunch out with SIL on Friday, sat kids party and BBQ Sunday with family ..

So I fast from 8pm - 1pm next day .. Eating normally between those times. .. Know the takeaway will not help with WI on Sat morning ..

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Right for the rest of the week I'm going to do 16:8 fasting I have sweets/ cakes to make .. Have takeaways for dinner tomorrow, lunch out with SIL on Friday, sat kids party and BBQ Sunday with family ..

So I fast from 8pm - 1pm next day .. Eating normally between those times. .. Know the takeaway will not help with WI on Sat morning ..

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan

I'm confused! Do you mean fasting as in reducing cals or are you just not beginning eating until later on in the day?! Do you think that's gonna work?! Maybe I'm just missing it?! X
Apart from the baking and kids party (eat before you go maybe?) those all sound like occasions where you could get some good primal food, hopefully. :)
I'm confused! Do you mean fasting as in reducing cals or are you just not beginning eating until later on in the day?! Do you think that's gonna work?! Maybe I'm just missing it?! X

It means I have a window of eating.. So I can start eating at 1pm lunch time and then nothing after say 8pm - but planned controlled eating ., hopefully lol keeping kcals low .. But just as I've know myself and licking this and tasting that lol while making stuff ., needs must! I have to change things around to fit this stuff in and from reading this does work if done every day :)

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan
Apart from the baking and kids party (eat before you go maybe?) those all sound like occasions where you could get some good primal food, hopefully. :)

Ahh it's my sons birthday lol at my house .. Take always (Chinese) am ok with not eating the rice or noodles.., just the salt and MSG .. Lunch with SIL think I will be ok with choosing primal stuff ..

Sweets and cakes ., some will be primal anyway hehe !
Coconut muffins
Nigella chocolate olive oil cake - made with coconut sugar

following primal blueprint and 5:2 /4:3 fasting plan