Meike is not feeling it atm - sry girls :(

Get you with all your exercise! :) Running with other people will definitely force you to stick to it, not that you need any elbowing.. up early to go running, what's that about? ;) Good luck with all your challanges. 14lbs isn't measley, it's fab and it will be joined by some friends soon :)
I really hope so sweety.. maybe I should join the xmas challenge??? there should be some more off until then (hopefully) - guess I have to think a bit more about 'the long run' and not 'but i want it now!' :)

take care xx
:D Hope all is well Miss Meike
lovely lovely weather for the Lakes hope your having a fantabulous time
we are missing you
Hey my lovely ladies!

Am back in Essex, wish i wasn't though! :p Holiday was brilliant, good fun with those other three couples! Loads goodies to eat and drink though, but am back on track from today on! ;)
Went heavy horse riding on friday afternoon, loved it! Really have to lose some weight to be able to start horse riding again!! missing that so much!! but side-effect: am in agony now! :eek: - can't walk/sit properly, thought about going joggin this morning but no way :eek: - walking itself is painful already, how would I cope joggin?! Naaa, will see how I feel during the week and then start joggin again! :D:cry:
really dreading WI on wednesday, feel like am back at my fattest, jeans are being quite tight again! such a failure! :cry:but enough of that whining, back on track and focus on losing from now on! :p

Off to get a cuppa and to read what's going on in your lifes!

welcome back Meike! :D are you pleased to come back to lush weather? :)

hope your bums not sore for too long haha :) xxx
Hi Peeps,

am soooooooo tired, been up jogging this morning.. felt great starting it again (after dragging myself out of bed and stumbling along the first few steps), but now I'd rather relax in my bed than being stuck here at work! :(

Used my Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) for the first time - brilliant little gadget! I was checking it every 2 minutes or so, slightly embarrassing, isn't it? :D I feel like I can go on joggin forever up until HR 165, it get's really hard after 170 (and I wheeze like an old steam engine) but it is also good to see that if I stop and walk i recover fairly quickly back down to 125, even though it is just as quickly back up to 160 again, but guess that comes with the increase in stamina.. hehe, am really really glad I got it, but think I could've done with a slightly less sophisticated version - but no greedy me had to go for the high tech one.. oh well.. :)

Sooo, now that I bored you all to death, lets see if I can get some sympathy: Have a dentist appointment in the hostipal this afternoon, will be getting two roots surgically removed - and am really really dreading that! hate dentist and everything that comes with it, don't like the injections and being on that chair is just so bad.. they offered to knock me out for the operation but that would've meant that I would have to wait for it to be done for i-don't-know-how-long and I'd rather get it over with.. sighs.. not looking forward to that! (even though I have to admit that only working half day today is quite nice).

AND I will have my WI tonight after that.. hmm, wonder how heavy roots are?!? :D Will let you know how I got on later today - if I can stand doing anything after that traumatic surgery ;)

oh gosh, good luck babe!
hope its not too bad for you and well done on the jog, your a better woman than i!
what time do you go running in the morning? I admire you for that!! Im too lazy and go in the evening!!

Not too sympathy for the dentist im afraid! I dont mind going to them and see them as necessary :p Hope it all goes ok though. nothing worse than a traumatic experience!
Thanks Katie, shall hope it's not too bad, will have OH's stepdad driving me there and waiting for me as some sort of mental support.. and he's not suppose to see me weak anyway, so I gotto be strong (and just go straigt to bed after he dropped me off at home :D)!

I agree with the necessity of going to the dentist, but had bad exp so often that I just dread going there.. but fiiiiiiiine, keep your sympathy to yourself :p

I get up at 6am, leave the flat by 6:15 and am back just before 7, time to cool down, stretch and relax a bit before shower at 7:20, getting ready etc to leave the house by 8:10am.. :D and I couldn't do it in the eve, I would be misserable all day long knowing that I have to go running after I arrive at home at 7pm and would find excuses not to go.. and I would be too hungry to run without dinner, and dinner after the run would be too late (as OH and me go together and therefore one would have to start cooking after the jog) - we tried that for a fortnight last year and didn't manage to go once!! doesn't matter if it's joggin or going to the gym, it just doesn't happen after work.. so I gotto kick my ass out of bed in the morning instead :)
You have a good plan! Im out of the house at 7.20am otherwise i would attempt a morning and its understanable to do it in your routine if you dont get in till 7pm!!!!
:D for some reason I read the first bit where you said you'd rather relax in bed as i'd rather have sex in bed haha!!! I was like Meike you minx :eek:
I think I need to get my eye's tested.

Darling good luck this afternoon having the roots removed, years ago I use to be a dental nurse giving out sympathy etc it was only when i had to have a tooth out that I realised just how awful it was. poor you so lots and lots of sympathy x
You have a good plan! Im out of the house at 7.20am otherwise i would attempt a morning and its understanable to do it in your routine if you dont get in till 7pm!!!!

Thanks :eek: and can understand why you want to go in the eve - you'd have to get out for a run at 5am!! :eek: I couldn't do that either!! What time are you back home? Do you run outside or in the gym? (have to admit, am proud to finally be doing it again - feels good :eek:)

:D for some reason I read the first bit where you said you'd rather relax in bed as i'd rather have sex in bed haha!!! I was like Meike you minx :eek:
Haaaahaaaaa... isn't that the same anyway?!?!? *ducks and runs* :p:rolleyes:

Darling good luck this afternoon having the roots removed, years ago I use to be a dental nurse giving out sympathy etc it was only when i had to have a tooth out that I realised just how awful it was. poor you so lots and lots of sympathy x
Thanks Kally - it was over really quickly and not too bad (compared with other experiences I had) so am alright! thanks for your thoughts though, highly appreciated! xx

Well, WI yesterday was not as bad either, gained another 2,5lbs so that makes 5.5 in total since before I went to Germany (6 weeks I believe) - which is ok I guess.. no, i know it's not "ok" but it could've been so much worse!! :eek:
Well anyway, the past is the past and the present is a gift so I am properly back on counting points, eating healthy and as OH said he doesn't want huge dinners anymore, I even have to get on with my portion control :eek: :D

My MtEvrCHal is not too bad either, just checked yesterday how many steps I've done and how many I should've done in that timeframe and I am roughly 10,000 behind - which is down to last weekend as I wasn't wearing it at all.. But that should be ok to pick up on, days on which I am jogging normally leave me with 12,000 steps, that's 4,500 more than needed - so two more joggs and I should be back on track there, too! :D

Am quite pleased (for no particular reason really) and am happy to be in the right state of mind again!

Bring it on!! (or better: slate it off!!!:D)
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:D Glad to hear the root removal wasn't to bad hun
and as they say tomorrow is another day i'm sure you'll start to make headway into your weightloss soon
where are you? xxx
Hey girls!

Where have I been? Good question really.. don't quite know how to answer that, been at work (which was quite busy, so not much time for personal stuff) and when at home we either went to see friends or had some time to ourselves, not really wanted to spend much time on the PC either. :p

Lond weekend's gone so quickly, we went to see a friend's band perform Friday after work, was a long one, but I was driving so that was ok drinkswise; decided spontaneously (at 1:30am after the gig) to join the girls for SATC on saturday night, but that meant I would have to borrow SATC1 from one of them to watch saturday before the cinema :eek:) and go shopping.. and do housework.. and leave at 4pm ready for the night out with the girls and to stay overnight at one of them.. so that was quite hectic (and the film not really good - compared to SATC1 really flat and a bit of a let down..) no cocktails either coz one of the girls decided to want pizza express (which only serves wine) :( instead to one of those fancy mexican places who do all sorts of yum stuff.. but being back home we still had good fun and a really late one, too.. while we went out the boys stayed in and played poker - and the beer/wine was flowing :p) So got up late on sunday and went to see OH's family, had to catch up on their and our holiday (seems ages ago already) - tja, and monday? I volunteered to work overtime.. and now it's friday already and I don't know how that happened..

OH is in Germany at the moment :wave_cry: , he is on a Rock Festival with some of my german friends (men only! women not invited:mad:). He flew out on Wednesday and I have been so busy at work and was watching the box set of SATC (borrowed from a friend) that I have not really got a chance to miss him really.. Tonight is a work-summer party with BBQ and (hopefully) pimms and wine flowing, so that will be fun and games too :D Hopefully I'll make the train or I will spend my money from monday's overtime on my cab fare home (was £120 when that happened before :eek:)

Sooo, missed WI on wednesday as I had to work longer.. No updates on this side then..

Now back to work - I have such a boring life!! :cry:
:D yay Meike you have been missed hun
although I did kinda of stork you via FB so I knew you were still alive :8855:
I wish my life was as boring as yours it seems pretty much packed with days out me old fruit

will let you off missing WI seeing as you were working :p
have a lovely sun shiney day
*now has images of kally covering meike in butter*

wrong :p sooooo wrong :rotflmao:
Was going to post Meike, but tis getting a bit dirtaaayyyy in here;) x