MelonCollie's weight loss diary. Photos of loss along the way! :)

I'm guessing something like PCOS? (Is that what it's called? I completely forgot what it stands for as well) or any abnormalities with my reproductive organs that may be causing my periods to happen so often. People at group were scaring me saying I might be expecting. They're mean! lol.

Seriously I am so fed up of people saying to me about expecting lol! I've taken 2 tests just in case lol coz your more fertile after you have just given birth and even though I have no reason to be (don't do much of that when you have a new baby) I'm terrified dunno what I would do if I was pregnant so soon after giving birth lol!
I've heard of pcos but have no idea what it is poly cystic ovaries or something? Whatever that is! X
Hi guys! + 1lb again ToTm finally finished started fresh on Monday so far so good. Yeah I know what you mean about a diary, problem is I would probably use it once a month! I just about get time to pop in. Doing to much in the day makes me lazy at night and haven't been cooking meals lately so when I get in from work I'm too hungry and grab what I can and also have nothing ready to take to work, so then again snacking on useless food. I know I have to get organized!!
How have you been this week, Bubbles?

I forgot to update here (Or I was more of too upset to.) I had a 3lb gain last week. :/
Although this week I lost 3.5.. Total for october 3.5 lbs then!!! Not my best month, but better than nothing.

Blood test results should be in this afternoon but I'm gunna call the doctors in a sec lol. :)
How are you MC ? What did the test say ? I hope nothing serious and you are well my dear. Fingers crossed.
Blood tests show nothing out of the ordinary so it must be the pill I'm on. Going to try to book a doctors appointment for saturday morning.. or see if the mister can give me a lift tomorrow afternoon.
Hi MC hope u ok and don't have anything serious. I haven't been around busy at work, loads of stress at work and home. Problems (mostly money probs) getting the better of me, had a 2lb gain this month and not really been concentrating. bit negative to have around at the moment.

Glad you had an overall loss and hope all goes well at the doctors on Saturday. xxx
How did the docs go MC? xx
Sorry not been on much for this week! OH's parents are down and it was his birthday yesterday. :)

here's a link to the SW awards :

and you just put the code in your sig, you can change your sig here:


So, this week I gained a pound, but I won miss slinky! Feeling quite happy about that. :D


and here's misters birthday cake that I'm resisting.. a whopping 267.5 syns for the whole lot!!!

It tasted better than it looks! Only had a tiny tiny bit of it though. :p Gunna do the same but with fondant icing late dec for the nieces birthday. She wants a minion cake! Shouldn't be too hard... :)