Mike 24's Diary

Oh My God Oh My God Oh My Goooooood

Look at my new signature!


:p :p :p :p

I had my med-week pop in with my LLC. to check everything was ok so far.


way to go !!!
Look at my new signature!


:p :p :p :p

I had my med-week pop in with my LLC. to check everything was ok so far.



OMG, What a start,,,jaysus thats absolutely brilliant....
That's fantastic - can't wait to hear how you've done after a week. Well done, keep up the good work & keep on shrinking :D
Look at my new signature!


:p :p :p :p

I had my med-week pop in with my LLC. to check everything was ok so far.



Mega congrat's on your weight loss Mike in five days:eek: :)

Love your weight tracker:)

Love Mini xxx
Hello Everyone

Well, I'm back from my week 1 weight in and I've lost 12lbs now. I was a tad disappointed that I'd only changed a lb since Thursday but I've reassured its fine.

Still, its a lot to loose in a week innit :)

There was one guy who lost 1 1/2 stone. He's a very big chappy (I think it he was 30 stone), but oh my God you have to applaud the man don't you!

Feeling good about this whole experience so far. We sat down and worked out that I'm going to have to do 22 weeks aprox so get to my target weight of 13 stone....thats half a year. It was a bit daunting to think about it in these terms but I know that if its going to give me 9 or so more years on this planet it will be well worth it! :p.

I got a selection of the bars as well and the St Clements drink (apparently good for constipation :rolleyes:). Just had the Lemon bar and it was quite good...It all helps break up the tedium of the drinks and soups doesn't it :p

Off for a swim and a 10 second burst in the gym hehehe


thats a great start xx
wow 12lbs is a great loss, you should be applauded never mind the bloke who lost 1 1/2 stone! you weren't far behind.

the weeks will go by so fast you wont believe it. But it's probably easier to think of how much time has gone past rather than how long you have left because it will seem ages away if you look at how long you have left to go all the time.
Hey Guys

Well, I was feeling a little low today :( .Last night I'd tried getting on my mums old scales and basically it showed I'd lost bugger all! I couldn't work out why as I'd been going swimming every day since my last weigh-in on Sunday.

So, I called my LLC as I wanted to get rid of the soups I had this week (for some reason I've gone off them completely). SO she said to come over and exchange them and I mentioned about how I was feeling and she said she'd weigh me when I went and see what's happening.

Anyway, I went and saw her tonight....and I haven't sustained my weight at all....


I've lost 5lbs! :p

So, I came back home and threw my mums scales in the bin :p ...stupid things!
well you know what to buy your mum for her birthday !! ....................................well done xx
Hey Guys

Well, I was feeling a little low today :( .Last night I'd tried getting on my mums old scales and basically it showed I'd lost bugger all! I couldn't work out why as I'd been going swimming every day since my last weigh-in on Sunday.

So, I called my LLC as I wanted to get rid of the soups I had this week (for some reason I've gone off them completely). SO she said to come over and exchange them and I mentioned about how I was feeling and she said she'd weigh me when I went and see what's happening.

Anyway, I went and saw her tonight....and I haven't sustained my weight at all....


I've lost 5lbs! :p

So, I came back home and threw my mums scales in the bin :p ...stupid things!

Hi Mike,

I am delighted that your 5lbs. loss has lifted your mood.

Be gentle with yourself as this is weight loss journey is a bit of a roller coaster at times.

Your best not to weigh yourself if it will upset you if the scales have not moved.

When your doing the diet 100% you will lose weight, how it comes off is different for everyone, but you can be sure it will come off.

5lbs. is brill from last Sunday:)

Love Mini xxx
Well done Mike, you're doing so well another 5lbs gone, well that's taken a chip off that 22 weeks already!

Try not to focus on how far ahead you have to go, take it in stages and break it down into smaller goals and celebrate each one. It will come off, but as Mini said it can be a real roller coaster ride & your emotions will be all over the place. But the important thing is you are losing weight, you will continue to lose weight and you will reach your goal.

Way to go! :D
Nice one on the weight loss, and i hope you keep the good work up.

I started my diet, or 'detox' as my councellor likes to call it, 3 months ago. I'm male like yourself (a little younger then you - 21), and my starting weight was 23 stone. I had a weigh in today,and I weighed in at 19 stone 1 pounds, basically meaning ive lost 4 stone in 3 months. ( I would have lost more, but i ate over xmas for 4 days and put on bloody 7 pounds - but lost it all in 3 days. I also ate for a couple of days over the new year, which also didnt do my cause any good.

Once you get the hand of the diet and find the foods you like, then your well on your way to getting to your goal weight.

As for you 'scales' problems, i can sympathise with you. I've got some scales at home (they are a few years old), but im 7 pounds heavier on these scales then on my councellors ones. When weighing ureself at home, your best bet is to try and limit yourself to weighing yourself twice a week. I used to weigh myself every day, and the fluctuations used to depress me, even though i hadn't cheated etc. One day, i weighed 5 pounds more in the evening then i did in the morning - crazy.

The key is to keep at the diet, drink lots of water, and you will start to realise the benefits.
Week 2 Weigh In

Hello guys and girls

So, just back in from my 2nd weigh in and in total this week I've lost 9lbs! YEY :p. Thats only 3 lbs difference from my last weigh in so I'm very happy with that.

Tonight I have a very important show tonight and I'm a bit nervous. I've not done a show of this importance before completely stone cold sober....eek LOL! Also I'm used to eating a large meal after because of it being late at night and needing something to eat because I can never eat before a show....This is going to be an interesting evening to say the least!

I'll try and get a pic for you all :p .

Also, tried my gorgeous green costume on to see how its looking now (it was a weee bit tight before this LL diet) and it looks sooo much better now. However, soon enough its gunna be too big :( ....thats £200 down the drain :p Anyone looking to but a sequin costume???
