MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

What I am doing instead of eating...

DD came home, did her homework, had a snack, changed for gymnastics -- while I made her bed, took a shower, dressed, drove up to the laundry and came back with wet clothes as the place was packed, checked the mail at the post office box, took the laundry out of the car, did the gymnastics run, stopped for a quick shop, came home started drying clothes (I'll be at this all night), made DH and DS's dinner, had my last shake (Choc Mint... one I knew I liked, as I was not thrilled with the lunch Butterscotch one), made DD's dinner, did all dishes and cleaned up, gave the dog a bath, cleaned the tub, gave DD a bath (she bathes herself, but I try to wash her hair once and week so I know it has been done properly as least one time), dried DD's hair, made Coco Pops marshmallow treats and DD's lunch for tomorrow, talked to friend on the phone, had a hot drink... and am on MMs.

I am now going to have a cup of ginger tea and relax until bedtime... which may be early as I plan to get up and EXERCISE tomorrow. I feel well enough to do so -- and I joined a challenge, so I better get to it!!!

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Omg your a right lovely housewife lol you don't seem to stop!
What I am doing instead of eating...

@kimmie -- I HAVE to keep busy when I am on my diet... my "Go To" activity for boredom is eating. LOL

That is probably the best thing about doing a VLCD (besides the weight loss) -- I am ADD (attention deficit disorder), so I have to really work to stay focused. I keep combing my "To Do" lists, etc. and am slowly (like the weight) whittling them down.

Unlike the weight -- new things get added to the list -- but I try to get those off right away: the same way I will any weight that comes back after I reach goal. No more letting the list (and my bodyweight grow) with a "I'll deal with this later attitude"... that is how I let half (and then some) of my weight loss creep back.

There is a great website to which you can subscribe (free) -- if you need help getting organised and tidy around your home. It is called The Fly Lady. It can be a little preachy, but if you look at their "baby steps plan" for getting your house and life clean, decluttered, organised, etc. it really helps. Plus, there is a self focus element that encourages weight loss, general fitness and well being.

FlyLady.net: Your personal online coach to help you gain control of your house and home

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Thank you :) my house I clean but it's not spotless lol, I'm trying to keep on top of things now I'm feeling alot better :)
My OH is a clean freak and tells me quarto do it drives me mad! As a joke my sister brought me a how to clean everything book lol
Hi Kimmie --

I have noticed that (compared to Americans) most British women are better housekeepers. I am not a dirty person... I just have clutter and accumulation issues. I have been married for nearly 24 years and am sentimental, crafty, a big reader, etc. So, I have too much stuff and need to pare it down. Working on it. ;) All can do... baby steps. Like shifting the weight.

Question: What does "quarto" mean? I had to have someone define "slapper" for me last year (have lived in the UK for a total of 9 years and had never heard that one).

Thanks, MM
I spent it wrong lol It's ment to be what lol I'm on my iPod so spells things wrong
LOL -- typos

I spent it wrong lol It's ment to be what lol I'm on my iPod so spells things wrong

Oh great... I'm always making typos and I am getting an iphone -- so now it'll be even worse. How does one get quarto instead of what? ;)

What I am doing instead of eating...

Well... I have spent a awful lot of time on Minimins today. However, I had two friends drop by for a cuppa at different times -- so, I did not get as much done as I would have liked.

I did do some paperwork, a little laundry, dishes, made a nice dinner for the family and not a lot else.

However, London tomorrow afternoon/evening -- so I'd better hit the ground running tomorrow.

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What I am doing instead of eating...

I am going to have a real test today... we are going into London to see a show.

We would normally make it an all day thing -- but I think because of the weather, I've had a cold, etc. we will probably just do a down and back thing.

That'll make it a lot easier. We will still have to do a McDonald's stop for DD -- but DH and I will have "dinner" before we go. (He started South Beach the day I saw my CDC for the first time.)

Hi Mel so your in the UK now for how long for??

I am going to jamie oliver place in BATH.. the table is booked for us.x
Hi Shanny,

We got from London at about 1:30 a.m. but I had a coffee on the way home (we stopped to get DD something to eat so now I can't sleep).

I've lived in Europe since 1994. 94-96 (UK near Oxford), 96-2003 (Germany near Kaiserslautern) and then in Cambridgeshire since 2003. Loooooong time. ;)

How are things with you? Cirque was Fab.

What I am doing instead of eating...

Well... slept late (coffee at midnight will keep you up a bit).

Checked email, FB and this site -- made some postings and updated tickers (3 lbs off this week!)

Had a Choc Orange Shake, coffee and am on my first cup of Green Tea (per Boot Camp). Need to get going on the water.

Am going to finish the tea and walk the dog with DD (sunny day ;) -- yeah! )

Then, I will colour my hair, do some chores, and run a few errands -- before it gets too late and things close.

Later, it'll be dinner cooked -- South Beach for DH --he has lost 8 pounds this week (the b#st#rd), and helping DD with her homework and washing her hair she when takes a bath.

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What I am doing instead of eating...

Tried a Leek and potato soup for lunch/dinner and will have choc mint shake, soon (been saving it). I found the soup very bland... had to use a lot of ground pepper in it.

I have

walked the dog with DD
had coffee with a friend/neighbour and met her good friend
laundry, dishes as always
cooked dinner for the family and was able to sit with them and have my soup
made DD's lunch for tomorrow
dyed my hair
washed DD's hair
watched "Castle" with DH
A suduku (and I am pants at these)
on FB a bit
checked email
on this site quite a bit

Going to have that shake, dry my hair a bit, get ready for bed... I am going to meet the "new" CDC at 10 tomorrow.

i get energy for 48 hours after ketosis kicks in then i am shattered again so in those 48 hours i blitzed my house totally.

i've got at least 30 weeks to go so i am trying to find things to do but every day i make my girls thier breakfast lunch and dinner and it is so hard not to put a bit in my mouth. but i am doing it and i hope i get energy back again.

well done everyone else
Food for others

i make my girls thier breakfast lunch and dinner and it is so hard not to put a bit in my mouth. but i am doing it and i hope i get energy back again.

well done everyone else

Hi Herts --

I am such a picky eater: it is hard to believe that I ever became overweight and then stayed that way for over 13 years!

So, what I am doing is fixing things for my family that I do not particularly care to eat. Things they love and I don't. They're happy and I can live with it. :)

What I am doing instead of eating...

Today, I got up at 7, and had a coffee and watched a bit of the news, did a bit with the laundry, got DD's things are sorted and ready for school, DD up, dressed, fed, and off to school. Dog fed and let out. Hubby up, dressed, etc. off to work.

Checked email, FB and this site.

Trying the vanilla CD shake for the first time -- pretty good.

Will prep meat (marinade) for dinner tonight, unfortunately not mine ;( . Then...

Need to get sweats on... walk dog, exercise, shower, dress and go to see new CDC.

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Let us know how you get on at the new cdc. Fingers crossed its a better match this time.
What I am doing instead of eating...

Saw the new CDC -- Loved her!!! Yeah!

Got bars -- was so psyched to have them. Had a Choc Mint Crunch one for lunch and was very disappointed. It was like eating sawdust. The taste was okay, but not as good as the shakes. However, the bar just did not chew or go down well.

Doing the usual... a little laundry, some tidying -- am going to go to Tescos soon. I can do this now... the first week or so it is too hard to cook or shop -- but now I'm not bothered.

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cleaning my hosts house from top to bottom. packing and repacking ..I came with one suitcase and i am leaving with 4...sigh..but hey a girls gotta shop..but I think I over did it :(..and what i have had to pay for the extra suitcases :mad:

Hi Bel... I know it is criminal the way the airlines restrict your luggage these days.

I went to AquaFit for the first time in ages -- and it was very good. I think I will go again on Thursday night. I know I'll feel sore tomorrow, but I should be okay for round two on Thurs.

You sound like a wonderful houseguest... have a safe trip back.
