Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Hi lovely ladies :D
A quick one from me hope everyone is good I was 100% and am now another 3 pounds down :D oh yes those 16's are calling me..
I will post a pic of my cardi when I ve finished it.
Miss k - Well done on your weight loss woo hoo xx :D
Bin, cant wait to hear how Lee Evans was
Bella, the walking you do is fantastic!!
Stacy - sorry to hear about your car! Hope your ok now x
Shelski - Hi
Catch you all later xx
Hi girls

bit of a late post for me tonight - have been setting up my fundraising page for my walk and it's taken forever! Didn't anticipate it taking so long, but it's done now, thank goodness!

Hope you've all had a great weekend. Bin, Kassy, Katie - well done on your losses girls, that's brill. You're obviously back on it big time now. Keep up the good work.

I'm going to the docs tomorrow to talk to him about everything. I've had really bad digestive problems for the last couple of weeks, and at first, I thought it was down to the anxiety I was going through, but it's gone on long enough now so I'm thinking perhaps it's a bug. Surely it's not good to be having problems like this for so long, and also, I'm convinced it's hindering my weightloss too because my whole body is out of sync so it can't be helping. Going to tell him how I've been feeling and also talk about the blood pressure thing and see what he says. Just hope I can get an appointment now. I'm so fed up with having that constant butterfly feeling in my tummy and having sudden urges to go loo...happened after I had glass of water earlier...that's just not good is it!

Anyway, enough of my bowel issues. Will update you tomorrow with how I get on. Off to bedfordshire now.

Night girls xxXXxx
Morning lovley ladies

Katierose - Thats bloody awsome. Thats just under a stone in 2 weeks. Mega well done. Just stick at it and before you know it you'll be in the 16's saying those 15's are calling you hehe. I take it you wee good all over the bank holiday? Good lass. I probally done some major damage Saturday, sunday and monday after my weigh in. Woops. I think it'll be a gain for me this week. Grrrrrrr.

Bella - Let us know how you get on at the docs. Have you had any bloods taken recently? What is the link for you page to sponsor you as I would love to.

Well, I was good on my diet yesterday - approx 1150 calories and 5 syns but I didnt get a chance to go to gym as the Adionis's mam and dad have just baught a laptop and they needed me to show them how to use it. Hopefully will get tonight, tomorow and Friday as I wont get at all over the weekend as I am going to Blackpool with the grls. Wooooooopieeeee. I'm soooooo excited can you tell? haha. I have attached a pic of my dress... I baught one of thoe tube dresses/shapewear at the weekend to go underneith (£7 from Peacocks) and I swear by them. Pulls you right in. So once I have slapped my fake tan on and my war paint and i'll be rady to paint the town red haha. Oh, am wearing either leggings or tights underneith. Think it a bit to cold to bare my legs over here - will save that for my holls haha.



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Hi Kassy

That dress is lush. you're gonna look hot in it! Woop woop! I've never been to Blackpool, but would love to go. Bet it's a great night out!

Managed to get to the docs first thing this morning and couldn't have asked for a nicer one, She was so lovely. When I rang up i said it was a tummy bug so when I got there I had to take a urine sample which was a mission coz I went literally before I left the house! I told her about the anxiety attacks I've been having and how Im in the middle of moving house and everytime I eat and drink I have a sudden urge to go loo! She tested my urine sample and that was fine, she then examined my tummy and said everything felt ok so put it down to the anxiety. She asked if I've had the nervous feeling and if I've been emotional so I said yes. (I actually managed not to cry at that point!) She also asked about my sleeping patterns and I told her I wasn't so she's given me very light sleeping pills to take for the next few days then I need to stop taking them and only use them as and when. there's only 14 in the pack so it's not like I'll get addicted, but she did say it's easy to become dependant on them. I then talked about my bp being high last time and she said it will all be connected. She told me not to worry about it, but I must come back and get it checked, but only after I've moved. She said I need to take time out for me, get some fresh air and go walking to help destress me (which I'm doing anyway!), but the funniest thing was she told me to go out with my mates and have a few drinks! Wahey! Basically, I need to be doing things to take my mind off it and then everything should hopefully calm down.

Am feeling a bit more positive now and am pleased it's not an infection or bug! Am going to my best mates for dinner tomorrow night so will talk to her about it. She's know I'm not myself and wants to see me. So fingers crossed things will start to improve now. I just wish my stomach would stop churning! xxXXxx
Meant to add, ill post the link to my fundraising page later when I get home as don't have it with me! Really appreciate that Kassy xxx

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Thank you Miss K xx Am hoping that this time I will do this, I ve never been 100% over a bank holiday!! Woo hoo
Love your dress I want photos!! :D I bet you ll look fab
Bella, Am so glad you got to the Dr's and she put your mind at rest you are going through alot at the moment but just take it one day at a time xx
Hi to Bin, Stacy and Shelski xx
Thats good Bella that you got a nice doctor. Some can be pretty naff and just fob you off. Yes, try not to rely too heavily on the sleeping tablets. They work wonders though. Great to have is you are having one of those nights where you just know you'll never sleep. I could have done with some on Sunday night haha. Went to bed at 10.30 then woke up at 12.20 and was awake till 5am. Grrrrrr. The more sleep you manage to get the less anxious you will probally start to feel. Hopefully yu will be right as rain in a week or so. Have a lovley time at your friends and have a good old chin wag.

Pleased you both like my dress :eek:) Katierose, if I remember to take my camera and not lose it i'll bosh some piccies up on here hehe.

Well, I'm going to get a bit creative in the litchen tonight ad try my hand at a new pasta concoction. I'm gonna dry fry off some peppers, onions and mushrooms and add some pasatta. Then cook some pastat and add some extra light philli (well, tesco's own brand) and mix all the tomato and pepers and that to it to make a creamy tomato sauce. So I'll let you know what its like (as it's low fat, and free on SW if you use the philli as a HEa). Watch this space haha.

God, I am not in a work mood at all. But better go do summit before me boss clicks that I'm skiving haha xxx
Evening everyone,

Had a great time at Lee Evans so funny, I was crying with laughter even now we keep thinking of things he was saying and start laughing, did not get home till about 2.30am but brilliant evening.

Bella glad you got to see doc and that she was so nice. Just take things easy and have plenty of 'me time'. Enjoy your evening with your best mate and have a few drinks doctors orders!!:D

Kassy your dress is lovely am sure you will look a million dollars in it. Have a great time in Blackpool. Well done on your weight loss that is fantastic, hope your pasta recipe is nice, it sounds lush:) We had roast squash stuffed with mince, onion, chilli, garlic and tomato puree it was really nice.

Katierose another 3lbs off is brilliant and well done for keeping on track over bank holiday:) Look forward to seeing your cardi photos.

Yesterday evening we did what is called the fort walk, a couple of days a year when it is a very low tide you can walk out to a round fort which is about 1 mile off shore. First time I have done it, there must have been about 100 people doing it. We had to wade through about 2 foot of water that took us to a ledge that led out to the fort. It was not too cold some people were having barbicues on the beach after the walk.

Hello Stacy and Shelski hope you both had a good weekend.

1st Sept tomorrow where has this year gone? Take care xx
Pinch punch its the first of the month. I agree Bin... Where has this year gone? This time last year I had major depression, was a size 20 and drank vodka and ate takeaways everynight. I wouldn't leave the house, had no job and was ready to be taken away if truth be told. Looking back I feel like I dont know that person. Oh how far we can come in a year and it does fly by. Now look, great job, size 14, amazing fella, and you cant keep me in the house for love nor money hahahaha.

Well girlies, I made that pasta last night and it was delicios. I highly reccomend it. Heres what I done to make 4 portions...

You will need: 2 or 3 large peppers (I used a huge yellow and red one), 1 large red onion, 8 mushrooms, just over half a tub of the garlic phillidelphia, pasta, chilli powder (and any other herds you fancy) and a carton of pasatta (medium size). Sorry I dont do thinks in exact measures/quantities haha.

1. Put a good few handfulls of pasta on to boil (add a little slat).
2. Fry (i use fry light) the vedgetables until nice and tender.
3. Pour over the pasatta and mix herbs/chilli, etc.
4. Add just over half a tub (about 120g) philli to the vedge and pasata.
5. Mix it all togeather with the pasta.

You could add chicken but its luch just on its own. The adonis and I both have the left overs for luncg today so its yummy, filling and cheap as you get loads out of it.

Bin - Pleased you had a nice time at Lee Evans. take it you had to get ferry home? It must be such a diffrent way of lifeliving there. That walk sounds fab. Nothiong like a good plodge hehe. That stuffed roast squash sounds nice. Dont think am much of a fan of sqash tho. May try it with peppers though. Yum.

God, I still didnt get to gym last night. By the time I got home, made tea, went on sunbed and went to do our big weekly shop it was 8.30 and the gym closes at 9. Hoping to get tonight but I really want to dye my hair tonight read for the weekend. Just a dark brown to blend the roots a bit as my hair still has loads of red tinges in it off when I went red back in April then black red in June. Its not too bad but it needs done for holiday anyway so I mite as well just do it now. Then i'll be back to my natural colour and can leave it for a while.

How are all my lovley ladies today then? Any big plans for the weekend?

Morning everyone!

Will need to have a good read over your posts later, as I'm on my phone just now and about to head out to do some shopping! (payday yesterday :D )

I went to the doctors this morning and she's going to enquire about the wart on my nose - because it's in an awkward position, she doesn't know if it can be frozen or removed (I'm hoping for removal!!!) she wasn't concerned about everything else (got a puffy, itchy eye for about a week now, the back of my ear has gone all weird and is weeping constantly and I now have a cold sore!) this just doesn't happen to me!! Although she has changed me back to Microgynon!! Because my BMI is borderline. I'm 34.9 (on the docs scales), and the cut-off point is a BMI of 35! So she has told me I have to lose weight to stay on it - at least 1-2lbs a week until I see her again in 6 months time! So I've got my work cut out for me.

Oh, and I started college lastnight! It went ok-just mainly admin stuff! Got my biology class tonight too. I'll be shattered!! lol but at least I'm off until Saturday :)

Will check in later on and respond to all your posts from before :)

Have a good day all! xxx

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Hello everyone.

Stacy glad the doc is going to look at how to get rid of the wart hope you don't have to wait to long. You sound as though you are having a rough time with your eye, ear and cold sore. Hope you feel better soon, good news about changing back to Microgynon though. Hope your Biology class goes well this evening.:)

Glad your pasta was nice Kassy I will give it a go one day. Gosh you really have achieved so much in a year, fantastic :D it is stories like yours that inspire others, you really do deserve to be as happy as you sound in your posts.
Yes had to catch ferry home which can be a real pain at times (time wise and money wise) I must admit I would go to more concerts etc if I lived on the mainland, I saw The Foo Fighters at Milton Keynes in July, am going to see Bryan Adams in Dec. I also go to the Isle of Wight Festival every year which is a great three days (I don't camp!) and it is only about 5 miles away.

It has been really windy here today but dry I went out for a 3 mile walk after tea. New series of Celebrity Juice tonight I find it really funny!

Hi Shelski, Bella and Katierose hope you are all ok. All have a good Friday xx
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Happy Friday everyone. One more sleep till Blackpool hahaha. Am in 2 minds what to wear now as I am worries I ruin that dress (I am such a clutz) and I want it kept nice for my holidays so I might opt for a classic black strapless, fitted pencil dress I have. Who knows haha.

Well, I still didnt get to the gym so that means I aint been since last Thursday. I have had too much on. Dyed my hair last night. Looks canny. Got on scaled this morning though and they say I have put 3.5lb on since last Sat. I mean, I know I was pretty bad Sat, Sun and Mon but really????? 3.5lb??????? Grrrrrrrr. It'll be cause I aint been to gym. But am not worrying my little head too much. Gonna enyoy my weekend with the girls and get back to exercise on monday.

Stacey - Phew, now they have changed your pill hopefully you will start to feel mcuh more betterer. Hope they can sort that wart on your nose too just to take your mind off it.

Bin - I have always wanted to go to the Isle of Wight festival. Looks fab. Did you enjoy Foo Fighters? I love them.

Wht has everyone else got planned this weekend then?

PS - Bin - Thaks for that lovley comment about my achievement. Its always fab when it is recognised by other too :)

ell, I was starving then and have just ate 3/4 tin of beans and 3 slics of toast. Woooops. Still no syns tho so that okay. I just feel so full.

Well, I probally wont get a chance to speak to you all before I finsih work again, so have a lovley weekend and speak to you Tuesday when I am back in work xxx
Kassy - Your pasta dish sounds lovely! May have to try that sometime :) I had a gorgeous pasta dish at Frankie & Benny's a few weeks back that I would like to try and recreate at home. It had chicken, pepperoni and pancetta in it, with a tomato sauce (quite a sweet sauce though), but was lovely!!

Oh and the dress is gorgeous! Would love to be able to wear something like that!

Bin - Thank you :) Biology went well - I remembered most of it from before, so that was good!

Good on you with your 3 mile walk! Especially in the wind - I absolutely hate the wind! lol

Glad to hear you had such a good time at Lee Evans!!

And you are right - this year has just flown by!

Bella - glad you got to the doctor and she was nice :) And that you are feeling more positive! I wish I had friends like you who know when I'm not being myself - but my friends seem to care more about themselves than people around them!! :mad:

Katierose - Well done on the 3lb loss!!! That's great!!

Well I'm currently not looking forward to going to sleep v soon! Saw a massive (no exaggeration!) spider RUN under my bed a wee while ago! Had to get the whole family in and they eventually managed to kill it, but you know that feeling where you just don't feel safe??? lol Well that's how I feel now!! I mean, what if it has family?? And apparently, my mum said it was jumping!! :eek: So now I keep going all itchy and constantly looking round my room. Plus the fact that my little brother told me that the other day, when he was the only one in the house, he could hear someone moving around in my room - but there was no one here!!! :eek:

Biology class lastnight was really good! Straight into DNA! lol There's 2 girls in the class who I already know though, so that's nice :)

Been off work for the past 3 days and am back in tomorrow - really can't be bothered with it right now!! lol

Went a little bit of shopping yesterday and bought myself:

Rust spot sundress - Ballet Luxe - Looks & Features - Dorothy Perkins

and this top:

Buy Printed Tunic from the Next UK online shop

Really wanted a new pair of boots - but I have really big calves, so couldn't get any nice ones to fit me :(

Anyhoo, I suppose I really should attempt to go to bed soon since I'm up early tomorrow :(

Night all! Have a good weekend whatever you are getting up to! xxx
Well ladies hope you all had a good weekend only a quick one from me tonight will write a longer post tomorrow just attached a picture of my latest creation as requested x
Definitely keeps me busy xx
Catch up tomorrow


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Hi girls, hope you're all ok and had a lovely weekend.

Stacy - love, love, LOVE that dress...might have to buy it myself too!! I also have the same problem with my calves, they're so big and seem to be getting bigger with all the walking I'm doing. I thought walkers and runners are meant to have slim legs!!!

Katie, that's such a cute cardie! I love it - bet it would look lush with a pair of jeans and brown boots...ooooh and a brown Chloe handbag! :) Do you sell them or is it just a hobby?

Kassy, how was your night out in Blackpool? Hope you didn't cause too much carnage! Meant to say, the new profile pic is lovely - you look stunning.

Well I've had a very busy weekend. Stayed in on Friday and did some more sorting out. Went out on Saturday night with my mates to see a band which was great. Everyone came round to mine first for drinks, including the band (the perks of knowing them!) which was great fun. My brother and his fiance came round for a couple of drinks too....only 5 days til the baby is due now....EXCITED! :) Wasn't hungover yesterday (thank god) but was sooooooo tired, but still managed a whopping 14 mile walk in 4 hours 5 mins! Yaaay! Kassy, here's the link to my just giving page like you asked for! Shine - Tanya Shirley's Fundraising Page

Hope you're all ok and had a great day xxxx
Wow bella - 14miles!! Go you!!! Seriously, that's great!

I actually finally did one of my workout DVD's tonight! My Pussycat Dolls one :) It's good fun :)

The dress is really nice on - and is such a lovely material :)

Glad to hear you had a good, busy weekend. Mine was pretty quiet, but good! :D

Oh, and my uni application has now gone!! So it's out of my hands - all I can do is keep my fingers crossed that I at least get interviews this time! xxx
Thanks, Stacy! I still can't beleive I did it! I had a 10 minutes break after 8 miles which seemed to help a lot but by the time I got home at the end, my feet were so sore! They don't ache today though which is good - lots of stretching and a hot bath is definitely the remedy for it!

I've seen the Pussycat Dolls DVD - is it good? Do you get to learn their dance moves? I'd love to be able to dance like them and like Britney! lol I love dancing!!

Oooooh, will keep my fingers crossed for you re the uni application - I'm sure you'll be fine :) xxXXxx
I can imagine your feet would be hurting after all that walking!!! At least they're ok today though :)

Yeah it is really good and you do learn their moves!! There's 3 songs that they do the "breakdown" for, and then after you do the breakdown for each one, you do the proper dance to the song - it's shorter routines though that you just repeat throughout the songs. The only one I struggle with is the burlesque one - I can't seem to get to grips with the whole shaking your feather boa/scarf and catching it!! lol I am not well co-ordinated that way!! I probably look like a complete muppet when I'm doing it, but at least no one can see me!! hehe!

Thanks!! I think I'll have a very long wait again though! I know last year, one of the uni's I applied to started contacting people regarding interviews in February! So I'm just going to have to be patient :p
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Stacy love that tunic top you have bought, which colour did you get, like the dress too I love dots:) Glad your Biology class went well and that there were some girls you knew on the course always nicer if you know people. I used to enjoy Biology at school mind you that was years ago! .Hope you have got over your spider scare:)

Bet you had a brilliant time in Blackpool:D Kassy, you will have to tell us all about it which dress did you go for in the end? The Foo Fighters are great have seen them 3 times, twice this year Dave Grohl has such good interaction with the crowd. And if you get the chance to do the IOW festival it is a brilliant 3 days have gone the last 9 years and this was the first year we had bad weather. Do not know how it compares with other festivals have only been to IOW.

Your cardi looks really nice Katierose I wish I could knit or crochet but I am useless. Hope all is ok with you.

Had quite a good weekend but no football this week:( worked Sat, did not do a lot Sunday went for a walk and caught up on some house work. Weather today has been horrible very windy heavy showers and it felt quite cold, does this mean winter is on its way:(

Hello Bella and Shelski all is ok with you both.

Have a good Tuesday take care xx