Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Hi you lovely lot....manic Monday so I've just managed to jump on here before midnight, if you are in the UK, hehe !!! Dropped a pound, I guess it was the little cakes I've been nomnomnomming, oopsy !!!! So no baking this week..... I want to get under 210 by next WI so I need 2 lbs this week !!!!

Planning on doing some walking this week, got to be a bit careful, but I need more exercise in my life !!! I love those long Autumnal walks, though it's been 80 degrees here today, so don't think I'll be digging the jumpers out yet !!! Hehe !!! I want to wear my new boots, but it's still flipflop weather !!! Grrrr !!!!

Have a good week guys !!!! Onwards and downwards all the wayyyyyyyyy !!!!

Diva x
Stacy - I'm so busy it's silly! I'm actually really looking forward to next week because I'll be in my new place and finished my walk (hopefully!) and I'll be able to get some normality back into my life! I'm feeling so disorganised which I'm finding really unsettling! Oh well, it will all work itself out!

Well done on yout 1lb loss, Diva - keep up the good work. I'm hoping to drop a few lbs this week with the help of the walk so watch this space!

Keep up the good work everyone xxXXxx
Hi everyone.

Not had the best of weeks Dad taken to hospital early hours Monday morning, has had scans etc, found out he has tumour in lung, in spine and lesions on the brain, so he has got to have biopsy then they will decide what treatment. The lesions on the brain have made him very confused so all though he has been told by two docs he does not understand. Luckily he is in no pain at all which is a blessing. Have spent last 3 days at hospital.

Thomas William is a lovely name Bella do they live near you so you can visit often. Good luck with the walk you will be fine and finish no problem and defo have massage and pedicure afterwards:)

Good luck with the 2lbs off this week Diva fingers crossed. Still 80 degrees sounds lovely you lucky thing:)

Glad you enjoyed your pamper day Stacy the hot stone massage sounds nice and hope you had a nice couple of days off work. :)

Take care all xx
Hi ladies x
Just a quick one for me :)
Sending you a hug Bin sorry to hear about your dad
Viva - Well done on your weight loss I lost 2 pounds this week so am happy with that :D
Hi Bella, Good luck with the move hope it goes well x
Hi to Stacy too
Well done Katierose !!! 2lbs a week is good......that's what I'm hoping for on my next WI !!!!

Tried on my " skinny " jeans ( they're not skinny but they hold it all in and my bum looks good in them !!! ) it was not a pretty sight, but just what I needed !!!

Diva x
Bin....big, no huuuuge cuddles for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad too. We're all here for you if you want to talk. Thinking of you and your family. xxxx

Well it's move day for me tomorrow and then walk day on Saturday so I probably won't be around over the weekend. I'll be glad when it's all over to be honest with you (the move that is!) because I feel so unsettled and am fed up of feeling like this now1 Oh well, onwards and upwards!

Bin, meant to say, my brother only lives about a 10 minutes drive from my house so will see Thomas very regularly. Infact, I saw him today after work at the park and had lots of cuddles. It was so lovely and he's just gets more and more cute every time I see him!

Katierose - well done on your weight loss, that's fantastic. Hopefully I'll be able to update with a loss next week. Fingers crossed!

Viva - skinny jeans - you go girl!

Stacy - hope you're ok.

Well I'm off to bed now. Sleep well everyone and speak soon xxxxxx
Bin, huuuuge ((hugs)), so sorry to hear about your dad. Thinking about you all xx

Diva - well done on the 1lb loss! You are doing so well :)

Katierose - well done on the 2lb loss - you are also doing really well!!!

Bella - Hoping that the move is going well today for you! I hope you get settled in pretty quickly and get back to a sense of normality very soon!

I've been pretty good today - had a Twix earlier, but that's been the only "treat" I've had today, and have been drinking more water too. Went for a walk with the dog earlier and will hopefully be using my exercise bike tonight for a while. It's been so nice here, but too hot to really do much!!! Exercise-wise anyway! lol

Have a good weekend folks whatever you are getting up to :) xxx
Evening ladies! Hope you have all had a good weekend, and hope you don't all have that Monday feeling :(

I certainly don't, as I'm off work until Thursday! :D Just wanted to say that I have been very good today :) My only snacks were 2 custard creams with cups of tea. I also had the dog out for a walk today, and did my Kettlebell DVD a short while ago too! So I definitely feel a lot better today - knackered! lol But better. I actually forgot just how knackered I am when doing those DVD's, and how much you sweat doing them!! lol I know that it'll get a bit easier though, because it did before when I was using them. I just need to make sure I stick with them this time.

Will weigh myself in the morning and take my measurements and will keep updating those as I go along :)

Have a good evening folks!!! xxx
Awww, Stacy87 I miss custard creams....and bourbons !! Hehe !! A nice cuppa and a biccy !!!!

I've sneaked under 210 lbs, I'm 209.6 at the mo, so just got to try and stay under it and start the slog down to ONEDERLAND........ AGAIN!!!

Bella30 I hope you survived your superbusy weekend !!!

When is that sassy Miss Kassy back from chasing her Adonis around the beach ?? Hehe !!!

Onward and downwards gals....onwards and downwards !!!!

Diva x
Viva La Diva said:
Awww, Stacy87 I miss custard creams....and bourbons !! Hehe !! A nice cuppa and a biccy !!!!

I've sneaked under 210 lbs, I'm 209.6 at the mo, so just got to try and stay under it and start the slog down to ONEDERLAND........ AGAIN!!!

Bella30 I hope you survived your superbusy weekend !!!

When is that sassy Miss Kassy back from chasing her Adonis around the beach ?? Hehe !!!

Onward and downwards gals....onwards and downwards !!!!

Diva x

Hehe only had one custard cream today :) but also had a Time Out finger! Whoops! Really feeling my DVD from lastnight working today! My abs are hurting! lol no pain no gain though eh? :D

Well done you getting under 210 :)

I'm not too sure when Kassy is back, but that made me lol picturing her running after the Adonis!!! lol :D xx

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Well, I got rid of my biccy craving.......did a little baking.... Lemon Curd Cupcakes and Choccy Fudge ones!! Plan to have one of each later, let Mr D have some ( if he's quick !!!) and then the rest are going into the office with him tomorrow..... I want to lose a pound this week not GAIN one !!! haha !!

I think I am addicted to the SMELL of cakes baking......mmmmm !!!!

Diva x
Hello ladies,

Thank you all for your kind words, Dad still in hospital but the medication is reducing the swelling on the brain so we are able to hold conversations with him:), he still lapses into confusion and goes back in time. Some of the things he says you have to laugh about otherwise you would cry all the time. Although he has been told by docs he has cancer he does not understand, unfortunatly part of his lung collapsed during biopsy but that is on the mend with chest drain. Hopefully by end of week we should know what treatment they suggest.

How did the walk go Bella make sure you pamper your little feet with plenty of foot spas etc. Was the weather kind to you no rain? I hope the move went ok and you are feeling more settled. Lovely to hear you are nice and close to Thomas at least you can see him loads:D

Well done Katierose on your 2lb off that is great you must be so proud of yourself:D

More cup cakes Diva they sound lovely especially choccy fudge ones:) and that is great under 210 and skinny jeans wahoo:D

Hi Stacy hope you are enjoying your few days off work, biccy wise I dont think you can beat Hob Nobs chocolate or plain I love them I do not buy them very often cos I can not eat just 1 or 2 I just demolish about 6 at a time:D I hope you are not hurting so much now from doing your DVD but as you say no pain no gain.

Take care everyone will speak soon xx
Evening ladies!

Diva - you do like your baking don't you! When I take a notion for it though, I love it! :) Nothing better than some homemade cakes with butter icing!! :17729: lol

Bin - Big hugs for you and thinking about you and your family. Sometimes I think they are better off not knowing/not understanding when it comes to cancer as it's such a devastating thing! I hope they advise you soon what the treatment options will be. xx

Been enjoying my few days off work :) Went for lunch at the new Asda up the road from us with my mum and gran today for a wee natter which was good. Tomorrow I am going to see my little cousin, and weather-dependent we might take her to the park and go for a walk! So hope it's at least dry! lol

Did my next DVD tonight. My stomach is still quite tender, especially when I get up/sit down, but if I remember right, that did go away pretty quickly the last time I did these DVD's - so fingers crossed it won't last much longer! Weighed myself yesterday morning and I'm 184lbs (13st 2lbs). I'm still down though from when I started last year (at 13st 11 1/2lbs!) When I did this DVD programme last year, I lost 20lbs, so I hope to the same and more this time around!!

Have a good night folks!! xxx
Evening ladies! What a miserable night it is here too! Very windy and a horrible drizzle blowing in the wind! :(

How has everyone's Wednesday been? Oh, Wednesday - we're halfway through another week!! :D yippee!

It's been a tiring day today! Went to my cousin's today for lunch, and to spend some time with my little cousin (who's 3 in January), and my god she is hard work!! lol I love her to bits, but she is just on the go constantly! I went over at around 11.30ish and didn't get back until about 3.30! Then had to rush to make my dinner and get ready before zooming off to college! lol So I am definitely making the most out of my finally being home, and now lying in bed with my pj's on :D

At work tomorrow (boo!!! :( ), and another night at college, and then we're off to Aberdeen to have a look round the uni I've applied to :) Looking forward to that!

Hope everyone is doing good? Have a good night and a good Thursday!!! :) xxxx
Hi Ladies x
How are we all? Quick update for me, 3 pounds off this week and now changed my diet to healthy eating :D so was very pleased but obviously I have a long way to go..
Miss K.. Hope to see you back on here soon want to hear all about your holiday xx
Diva.. Good job I dont bake lol.. as I would be eating them all x
Stacy - Well done on the DVD.. I am absolutely rubbish with fitness DVD s I sit down after 5 mins so I force myself to the gym :)
Bella -Have you done the walk..? And moved? x
Bin - Hope your ok xx I know it must be a difficult time for you

Have nearly finished my next cardi.. Will post a pic and have also knitted my first ever hat!! :D

Morning Girls!

Hope you're all ok. Just a quick stop by to say hi and hope you're all ok. I was so busy last week trying to sort out the new house that I just cut myself off from everyone so I could get settled and sorted! Anyway, I'm back now and have lots to tell you, however, will come back later and fill you all in because I'm at work now...just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you all! Hope you've all had a lovely weekend. xxXXxx
Hello all !! Did we survive the weekend ?? Glad your move went well Bella30 You will have to fill us in with all your news !!

I lost a tiny bit this week 0.6 lb !! How crazy is that ?! Really got to knuckle down this week to get 2 lbs off this week.... I hate being TWO something again !! Onderland is waiting for meeeee !!

Is Miss Kassy back ?? I am enjoying more summer weather here, it 's climbing back up into the mid 80's!! Beautiful !!

Diva x
Evening ladies!! Really sorry I haven't posted here much for a wee while. It's just been a bit busy here with work and college/studying/homework!

How is everyone doing? Can't wait from Kassy about her holiday!

Katierose - well done on your 3lb loss!! Great stuff - keep up the good work!

Bella - hope you are now getting settled into your new home! Looking forward to catching up with you :)

Diva - Weekend was ok - working Saturday as usual, and then just relaxed the rest of the weekend (I think? lol) How was your weekend? Don't be too disheartened with that number hun - as long as the numbers are generally going down, that's the main thing :) Keep it up! :)

I weighed myself on Friday (it was either Friday or Saturday - I honestly can't remember! lol), and I was down 2lbs :) 2 more lbs to go and I'll be back under the 13's!!! So fingers crossed that will be this week!! :D

Have a good Wednesday folks (middle of the week - almost the weekend :) ) xxxx