Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

It's still a loss Miss Mac :)
Here's hoping this is a good week for you
Back on it today, so let's try this:

Week 2

Day 14

Trying the continuation thing and see if it works better than the stop start way that doesn't work for me.

Seems like the laxatives haven't done anything. My tummy is still uncomfortable and no movement.
At least I didn't get woken up with stomach cramps!

Horrible weather outside today so heating and blankie and a jarmie day today I think
PJ day for us too although I am grooming a friends dog in a couple of hours. Sorry your tummy is causing you issues, mine is too but for the other reason...ive got the runs! What packs are you having today?
Hi MM. What's happening, hope you are winning x
How's continuation going MM? If I eat two bars in a day and have a cup of coffee then any problem being bunged up vanishes. Or maybe try dulcolax? I know that works for some. Enjoy PJ day. How about a relaxing hot bath to get things moving? Have a good day. X
Well the continuation on Sunday and Monday ended up being a continuation of eating! I think I set my expectations too high with it being a bank holiday weekend. I should have allowed myself it all off but Ate more sensible.
So I was back to work and back on it yesterday. Taking each day as it comes again and may not end up doing full TFR as being away Sunday will probably mess with my head but I'll see how it goes.

Regardless of what I do now though, my plan is and was always to go back to TFR 1st June. I have a free whole month to stick at it and a couple of events in July to get weight off for.

I wish I had a nice long free period again to just get this done because as I have proved yet again, I cannot stop start sucessfully
That's exactly what I was struggling with Miss Mac. I can't even get 2 weeks on TFR so I inevitably kept saying to myself that when the next event is over I would start. The trouble is until that next event I was eating and drinking whatever. So 5 pounds or so would go on. Then the event would pass and it was the same cycle. In the past year I don't think I have been on a proper diet for longer than a week. I certainly haven't had any consistan losses.

It's easy to say eat healthy in between events for a bit of damage limitation. But I do know how difficult even that can be.
June isn't that far away though. You could get into a nice wee healthy eating routine for now then start in June as you planned.
I'm trying to be healthy until the 24th May. Then I may, if I can get my head round it, try TRF for 4 weeks :)
Stopping and s tarting is so hard isn't it. Maybe try 5/2 to maintain until the time is right for you to TS again. Just do what you can and it'll make a difference. Keep going MM x
Your food choices are still better than if you were off plan completely, all day, 7 days a week. Just be careful of a binge/starve cycle. I started abusing the packs last time hence why I then added a meal along with 2 packs back in 2013 when I felt myself doing it again. Then when I had a week left I had 1 pack and 2 meals till they were completely exhausted. Have vowed to never use a pack again as I'm an all or nothing type of girl it's far too easy for me to fall back into bad habits. I really hope this isn't the case for you. Have a good day xxx

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Your food choices are still better than if you were off plan completely, all day, 7 days a week. Just be careful of a binge/starve cycle. I started abusing the packs last time hence why I then added a meal along with 2 packs back in 2013 when I felt myself doing it again. Then when I had a week left I had 1 pack and 2 meals till they were completely exhausted. Have vowed to never use a pack again as I'm an all or nothing type of girl it's far too easy for me to fall back into bad habits. I really hope this isn't the case for you. Have a good day xxx

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Carrie you are so right. I was just talking to my son about this tonight.
I have decided to come off TFR until 1st June. I found myself binging in last supper mode day before the 'start' of my diet then doing shakes then falling off then going into last supper mode again. I end up eating so much more doing it like that, it's stupid.
So I have the whole of June free to TFR and occasions in July as motivation. That's my plan then reassess after that. I will get to goal thus year then I am done with TFR for good! Xx
It really is so hard stopping and starting when I had visitors on Thursday night I just totally binged until Sunday night at midnight as I knew I was hoping to start TS again - with 7 lbs up in the process I think with me I know it's an ever ending battle as once I'm off those packs I'm a nightmare with food which I will have to work on - best of luck MM you seem to have a good plan in place with June hope it goes well x
Well done for for noticing the danger of the starve binge cycle. It's so very difficult.
It really is so hard stopping and starting when I had visitors on Thursday night I just totally binged until Sunday night at midnight as I knew I was hoping to start TS again - with 7 lbs up in the process I think with me I know it's an ever ending battle as once I'm off those packs I'm a nightmare with food which I will have to work on - best of luck MM you seem to have a good plan in place with June hope it goes well x

This is me too. :cry:
That's exactly it, last supper mode. The soon out weigh the TS days so inevitably the weight will start to increase. Rather than fighting ourselves sometimes it's best just to get comfortable with food again.

Your plan sounds fab and by first June you'll be ready xxx

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Hi MM, how you getting on with the new plan x
How ya doing MM?