Moosh's S&S diary

Go to sleep. Tomorrow is definitely another day. You have lots and lots going for you. I too am prone to depression and am much better at advising others than putting things into practice myself.

Think about what's important and do that first..... Tidy the flat? Contact OU to see what's next and if you can salvage anything from the work you did do on the course. Did you fail on assessment or exam? Can you resit the part you failed? Just trying to think of positive actions you might take to turn things around.

Don't know about the boyf scenario! Is it what u want? Do you want to shelve that decision for another time? Talk or email him. Just make some contact. Xxxx
Morning mini hope u feel better today check in soon let us know you're ok! xxx
Hi mini, hope you're feeling better today!

Bless you. I feel for you with the OU thing, but there must be something you can salvage from it? Is it counting towards a degree? I did some OU a couple of yrs ago but couldn't afford to carry on, Now I am back to square one and hoping to get onto a full time degree in sept. Work aren't flexible though so I know I am up for a struggle!

I hope it all gets sorted, it seems like all these problems come at once, and it's sent to test us, but I sometimes write it all down and just tackle one thing at a time, that way you aren't chipping away at several problems and seem to get nowhere, but you can maybe solve one all together at a time.

Keep strong xx
hope you feeling more positive and warm today. If you are feeling down, know that it will pass, your taking steps to find a cause for it ie eliminating certain things you think may have caused it, so take note your already thinking postive and trying to come out of the 'mood', do you like to dance? or sing? sometimes throwing on the music and flailing around a bit to the beat
(dancing i mean lol) really helps me feel better and gets you warmer.
Thanks all for kind words. I had a long think and I think it's best to eliminate certain things one at a time so I can see what it is making me low, if that makes sense. I did my morning shake with hot water and had a cup of tea with two tablet sweetners. I'm cutting out the fibre and the apple water with aspartame in- I've been reading so much about it but it's still inconclusive! I was in Tesco so I got some of the strawberry water which is sucralose based and has fewer cals than the apple so I think has less flavouring in. No Coke Zero or boullion today, I'll have the 1.5l bottle of strawberry water and the rest can be tea and regular water.

I stil can't face le frenchman but I'll email him some time. I don't know about the OU, I handed in an assignment in Nov and haven't done anything on it since. Trouble is its one of the those courses that requires you to be in a certain job- in this case childcare- but it's very paperwork, policy and Early Years Curriculum based. As a nanny I have no access to any of this stuff, I have no policies or legalities regarding my job. Not registered or anything. I don't think nannies should be able to do this course, it's aimed exclusively at those practitioners working in an ofsted registered setting. So I gave up, didn't do any work, didn't do the assignment due in 3rd of jan and now have another due. I can get away with one, not two not handed in. I can't cancel, it's too late, I'd lose my money anyway. I feel really let down! I don't know any of the things the course assumes you know so I have 3 times the work to do. Aaargh! I am drafting a complaint, I think I was mis-sold the course.
Yeah I think that you should complain and there might be some scope to get a refund? They should have employment based assessment criteria really, I think you have grounds to ask for a full refund to be honest. Just take it one thing at a time and hopefully then the stresses will ease x
Hi Mini I'm glad you have thought of some action to take - yes it does sound like you were mis-sold the course and you should fight your corner.

The mood dip could have been unrelated to anything you ate or drank
Yeah I think that you should complain and there might be some scope to get a refund? They should have employment based assessment criteria really, I think you have grounds to ask for a full refund to be honest. Just take it one thing at a time and hopefully then the stresses will ease x

I had to get a form signed by my boss to confirm I was working with at least 2 under 8s on a regular basis, over 20 hours per week or something like that. Which I am, I do 60+ hours! She signed, I sent it and was accepted. I think the form should have the stipulation of working in an ofsted registered setting for x amount of hours per week or in one using the EYFS!

Grr it's so annoying I really really want to improve my practice and make myself more employable but it's so hard for nannies! No hope of promotion, not many chances to learn beyond level 3 which I already have. Grr again.
Hi Mini I'm glad you have thought of some action to take - yes it does sound like you were mis-sold the course and you should fight your corner.

The mood dip could have been unrelated to anything you ate or drank

I'm going to fight anyway, I spent £700 upfront plus travel to tutorials and stuff like stationary, a desk, even a printer!

It may well be that the mood is unrelated- I do get like this every now and then, twice a year maybe. I get tetchy, nothing is right. And a bit lost and hopeless. I tend to cut off contact with people so I am doing my best NOT to cut off my contact here as this is the only support I have!
No Mini stick with us - hopefully knowing you can say anything you like on here will help!! Hugs to you xxxx
Yeah mini, just come on here and offload. No one will care - we all have high and low days. You are doing really well so stay with it and I'm sure that things will look more positive again soon xx
Do you just need copies of policies etc? There are places you can access online for copies also I can share mine.....I have a nursery in Devon! Also I dont know what age the kids you care for are but if they go to a preschool/nursery then you could see if you could go with them for a session a week as a parent/helper so you get experience and access a group setting? Let me know if I can help in any way!
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Thanks very much for the offer! I do have all the EYFS stuff now, the curriculum and stuff. My problem is I'm supposed to be writing about how the curriculum and guidence affects my own practice and reflection. It doesn't! It doesn't have anything at all to do with my practice. There is no requirement for me to use any of it. Plus there is loads about inter-agency working, children's centres, all sorts that again I have no experience of!

If it was straitforward- write about the curriculum, write how it could be implemented then it would be doable. I'd have more work to do than anyone else but I could do it. But I have to refer to my own practice, talk about meetings and how changes to the curriculum affect me. They don't! I may as well be writing about the regs ona building site for the relevance it has to me.

Sorry to go on but I'm so annoyed about this! I really think the course either needs changing or only allow practitioners in settings using the EYFS. I'm not even sure if thats it, I did my DCE3 in 2001-3 so before any curriculum was implemented! Aaargh!

I really want to learn more about actual childcare, not reflect on how subsection c may influence how I carry out a meeting with social services or whatever.
Oh and I should add... I did think, could I help at my 4yo charges school? No, I still have the baby in the day for one and two the school doesn't allow parent helpers, even those with CRB, first aid, qualifications etc. I've looked for something on the weekend but nothing available with what I'm looking for. I do 60+ hours a week so no time to do a placement, even volentary! I can't win.

But thanks again for taking the time to offer to help. I think complaining is the only way forward here, I'm at a brick wall.
I'm prone to a depressed state of mind. Not actual depression I don't think, well I've never been diagnosed.QUOTE]

I really feel for you Moosh and the most important thing I want to say is to repeat others, you can get through this 'bad place'. You really can. I think you are right to stay away from the flavoured drinks for a while. Cut out the things you add one by one for a few days including the bouillon etc etc and try to do four packs or even 5 for a few days. I know it MIGHT not be this, but I wonder if you are prone to a spot of the blues, whether it might not be selenium deficiency with you too. It affected me. No way to know apart from perhaps adding a supp. tablet for a few weeks and see if that stablishes your mood.

I think you are out of ketosis as you gave us two clues; feeling lousy and feeling hyper cold. I think 4 (or 5) a day sole source will get you back into ketosis and as others have said the 200g of veggies won't stop that.

Take care of you miniM. and think about the selenium supplement. It really turned things around for me! xx
Thanks BG, I will most certainly check out the supplement. I don't think I'm out of ketosis, it's so cold here and my flat is barely insulated all single-glazing and vents in the bedroom! bedroom is an extention, I think it's one brick thick so yes very cold! The thing about ketosis for me is controlling hunger- I have spent the last 20 years being hungry to the point of crying, even when eating!!! This diet is the first time I've ever not spent all day panicing that I don't have food with me. So I don't think I'm out of ketosis but I have cut out the two things I think may be responsible for feeling bad- boullion and the Iceland water with aspartame. I also didn't have coke zero yesterday.

I'm feeling a lot more positive today which may be because of the cuts or may be just me. Or maybe my weigh-in! I was daily weighing but not counting it last week. At midnight last night I had lost 2lb- not great but ok in my eyes. At midday (when I got up! Saturday!!) I was 4lb down!!!!!! Very very happy, particularly as that takes me to EXACTLY 1st loss!!!! I'm expressing my happiness with exclamation points!!!!!1!!
Today is a stay at home day, I need to sort my flat out as the new furniture and packaging is overwhealming! My challenge today is trying on size 16 jeans which I haven't fit into in over two years. I'm in sze 18 M+S jeans now, with a belt as they won't stay up but I'm on the last hole! Annoying a bit as the belt was new and only had 3 weeks of use but hey whats 6 euros when all I can think of is going nuts with size 10-12 clothes!!!

I'm going to stick to no boillion today, just have tea and the flavoured water without aspartame. But mainly actual water.
Well done on a good loss this week, and on feeling a bit better! Hope you have a good week