My 10 Week TS Bali Bikini Diet

She's a cow that aunt of mine, now I've got a damn migraine. Finish work at 2, drive to Tesco for shopping. Ah well, at least it's done then if I can manage it.
Luckily good old sumatriptan to the rescue, headache gone and Tesco done. Just aldi to do later this evening. We are in sync, aunt flo will arrive on the same day next month!
Good morning sunny Thursday! Why have I found it hard to drink that first litre today? Strange, it's made me feel so full.
Another beautiful, warm and sunny day. I wish it would last, I love it like this.
When I was laying in bed last night I could feel that my body (stomach and hips in particular) are much smaller. I can now feel my hip bones! I can't wait, really can't wait to be down by the next stone. I know it will be really noticeable in clothes then.

A short day at work today, then have to do Aldi shopping as last night they could only accept cash.
Really looking forward to the olympic opening ceremony tomorrow.

Have a good day yourselves.
So I'm home, had a sit in the garden after work and have just made a CD of all my favourite summer tunes. It's great I must say!!
I put on a pair of cropped trousers earlier, which fitted fine last week and, get this, are now FAR TOO BAGGY - Yes, you heard that right. Woo hoo!!
Hello Friday, special Friday, the Friday I've been waiting for such a looooong time - Olympic Friday! I am exited because I am in Team GB.
I have been training for years in my discipline, and I am a tipped for a gold medal. My sport is armchair viewing and I know I will win!

I have a nice day ahead, a dog walk then a trip up county to meet my friend for coffee and a walk. The weather is set to be showery here, but this will not deter us.
Later my lovely hubby and I will settle down for the opening ceremony. Pre Exante I would have got all the 'fatty favorites' in to Snaffle during the event. I'm feeling happy that I won't be shovelling all that rubbish into my face.

So at the end of week 4 I'm feeling great. I'm not weighing today because of totm, but I know I've gone over the stone loss in a month, so I'm very happy.

Happy olympic Friday everyone!
Had a nice time with my friend, although very hot and humid. Unfortunately as soon as I got home I started feeling quite ill, and still do. I feel achey, very achey with zero energy. I wondered if it was due to totm and lack of iron, so I've had a side plate of baby spinach and 2 slices of ham. Alas, I still feel quite poorly. I'm laying on the sofa ready for the olympic thing, just hope I can stay awake as I really have been so looking forward to this.
Morning, I'm here, but feeling sorry for myself. Apparently I have a virus which is going around. Hubby has it too, it's a swimmy head, feeling tired and no energy thing. Luckily I'm told it only lasts 3_4 days.
I also thought they did a great job last night. I have just rewatched that great bit with the Queen and James Bond - how amazing that it was really her! I agree re Macca, he just hasn't got it anymore.
Today we're taking it easy, hubby needs new trousers so we're off into town to see if we can get some. Then going to the next seaside town along to see a friend for coffee. The weather is quite good so far today.

Diet wise, I'm doing well. The small meal last night did my ketosis no harm at all going by the 'can you sniff my breath and grade its honkiness on a scale of 1-10' method!

Onwards and downwards, I'm feeling slimmer by the day and I just love that feeling!
Well I didn't get to my Friend's place for coffee after all. Went into town with DH, but felt very faint so had to come home. Have been on my bed all day, it seems to make my head less swimmy. Had a slice of ham and some baby spinach leaves as well as 2 shakes and a bar today. There was no real choice with that, I just knew my body needed some kind of sustenance. I'm happy with my sensible choice of food.
Yay! I'm better, I'm so relieved. My breath is so evil from ketosis that even my dog won't even come near me!
We have no real plans for today so I think we might head out to see if we can find the elusive Bali bikini to slim into. Will keep you informed.....
Back from the shops now, I didn't get anything because it just seemed silly when I don't know what size I will be at that time.
In response to another thought provoking post on diembroadhurst's diary, the hubby and I have been discussing our long-term food plans. Although he is naturally slim, he has been trying to lose a stone for our holiday so that he is supporting my quest and because he wants to look his best. He too wants to ensure he doesn't have any awful diseases and that we're both fit and active in retirement (some way off yet!). We are also concerned about visceral fat around organs etc.
We have agreed that low carb is best in the longer term and that I will do plenty of research in these 8 Weeks before we go away. I already know that I will need to continue losing weight slowly when we come home, as I should be around 9.5 stone for my height. That way I am hoping that visually I won't look too different from the 10/10.5 mark, but it should deal with any visceral fat too.

I will enjoy the research, and the planning and making of lists. I'm so pleased that we'll be doing this together, and that I've thought about all of it good time to get organised.

I am also thinking of starting the Monday evening pilates class in the village hall. I did yoga for years, but am thinking of doing this for a change. Core strength will be so important in overall good health.

I can't tell you how pleased I am that I joined minimins, I think without talking and reading on here it may have just been another short term solution for a holiday. Now its becoming a life plan, and I am certain I will put the hard work in to stay slim. There will be no buffer of a few pounds, once my weight deviates it'll be straight off with it!
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It's beautiful here too, just had a lovely walk with the dog around the lakes.
I'm in size 14 linen trousers! Bought them from H&M some years ago and they've never fitted. Not in 14 Jeans yet, but they really are not far off fitting. This is another point in the diet where it becomes really exciting and motivating. Having said that, it's been both those things from the start in different ways.
Looking forward to another fantastic Exante week.
Bugger, I'm ill again. Same thing as Fri and sat, but this time my head is splitting too. I feel dizzy, sick and good for nothing but laying on the bed. Managed to drive home from work, but it was a struggle. Hope it goes soon, it's surprisingly debilitating and a tease that I felt completely ok yesterday :-(
Thanks Mrs, I am feeling very sorry for myself!
Further to the point you make on your diary, I have also been thinking that some low carb clearly cannot have an adverse effect whilst on Exante. This completely goes against all that I've thought from the beginning, especially when you consider how far I took that on my weekend in London. However, whilst feeling so ill the past 3 evenings I've had a cereal bowl of baby spinach leaves, 2/3 slices ham and a little balsamic every evening. Ever since then I've been much further into ketosis, going by disgusting diet breath. Go figure!
Ah yes but, here's the thing, despite the fact that it doesn't appear to have had any adverse effect on me, I haven't weighed myself and therefore cannot be certain. Plus the fact that the moment I'm feeling 100% well again, I won't be eating my ham and spinach as I'm not willing to take the risk when there's only 7 Weeks to almost public nudity (bikini!).
Morning all, so far so good with the head/dizzy/nausea thing. So, spurred on by my cyber pal saying she'll be weighing in today, I've done the same. I've now been on Exante for a month, starting at 13.6, today I am 12.1!!! I am very happy indeed with that. 1 stone 5 in a month is more than I ever expected, especially as I was slow to get into ketosis.
Good luck today readers.
I've worked out why I've been so ill. I think I am allergic to a new perfume I got on Friday. I was fine this morning until I got ready for work, as soon as I sprayed I was dizzy and sick again. Have washed all the perfume off and feel much better.
Congratulations on your amazing weight loss, you must be thrilled. Both yourself and Diem sound so committed to your ongoing journey with all the planning and research you are both doing. I am stuck in the moment just making sure I stay TS and the end of my journey seems so distant that I haven't even thought that far ahead let alone started planning!

I will definitely be re-reading both of your diaries when I get to that stage and picking up tips. Thankyou. XX
Awww, thanks footie that's really nice. If I can help with any motivation or tips just shout. I've been there before when I've tried vlcd's!
Thanks. Will let you know how I get on. Sorry if I sounded a bit negative. Have not had a good time over the last week or so. My Dad died on 22nd July and I have been helping Mum organise things but had a bitter sweet moment earlier when I was trying to find something to wear for the funeral on Friday. I managed to fit into a black dress that had been too small (hurrah) but it was for such a sad occasion (sigh). Still once I get Friday out of the way things might start picking up.

Myself, hubby, 2 teenagers and Mum and Dad had all booked for a great cruise on QM2 to NY and then caribbean for nearly a month over Xmas and New Year. Obviously this has put a dampener on it but Mum has thought long and hard about it and decided to still come with us. It will be an emotive time and I am sure we will all shed tears at moments, but at least we will all be together with plenty of distractions.

Bali sounds great, somewhere I ould love to go. Good luck. XX