my cc diary!

hehe..... will get their, soon i'm praying lol, i want to be able wear propper mini skirts without feeling too conscious of my thighs..... ive only got a problem with my thighs at the moment and if i get rid of them i'll be happy lol, beyonce woud'nt be happy if she saw this.
hahaha!! I can't imagine a time when I can wear a skirt without being mortified about my thunder thighs
Just checking in, arrived in america yesterday,already tempted by all the nice stuff! I'm here until august though so my aim is to be 20lbs lighter by the time i leave...
Good luck Naomigi. It will be really tough with all the temptation but you have the will power to be strong and i am positive you will be twenty pounds lighter by the end of your trip.
:D have a lovely time in the USA
could not imagine how hard that will be everything is just so much bigger portion wise EEK!
aw thanks so much everyone! Novax I'm hanging around a few cities in the midwest. Day one down and I'm actually slightly under my 1350 today! Unbelievable!
just did a midweek/almost endweek weigh, I'm another pound down! ten whole pounds!!!!
So busy but just had to find 2 seconds to check in! Weighed in officially today and am now ten pounds down for sure. Only another million to go...hahaha xxx
thanks lovelies! I am loving it, it's so hot though, I'm sure I'm losing weight just through sweating all the time (gross!)
10lbs is a fantastic amount of weight to have lost, not long until your first stone now :)