My Exante Diary

Tanx 4 goin 2d trouble of checking 4 me I'll do just dat! Lookin 4ward 2a banana shake next. Sipped water while hubby and kids ate der chips and chicken in a fast food restaurant Hunger gone off me thankfully Got a Spanish DVD book and cd set in d library today as wud luv 2 learn it. Wud b handy as tend 2 spend a few wks in d Canary Islands durin d summer:) Hardest part of day done...gr8 feelin 2 have finally stuck to 3 a day:)
Just Sippin banana shake U were right It's scrumious Nice and mild flavour plus didn't need sweetner NJoy Ur evenin Nearly 4 days over us!! Hurray!! Back to work on Mday H8 d thoughts of returning to routine but will b very busy which is a gud distraction on this diet! Ru managing any exercise?
Shoebedoo what another fab goal, learning Spanish. A good destraction too!
Glad you liked the banana shake, think I'll be ordering some more.
Enjoy your weekend and try not to dread Monday, two whole days left before then. Like you say, being busy makes it easier, I don't boredom eat when I'm busy all day.
I've not managed any exercise other than walking the dog as usual. To be honest I'm a bit wary, I don't feel like I am taking in enough to go for a run. I've not been feeling faint but also not been feeling bursting with energy yet! I have read that the heart is under pressure on a vcld which is why they only recommend 20 mins a day? Can't remember where I read this and don't know if it's correct. What I might do, is after I have lost a chunk of 2 stone or so, do the working or simple solution to feel like I'm not running on empty.
I'm d same Used to get up 4 an early run to sike myself up 4 a class of 4/5 yr olds gr8 way to wake up but def Wudnt have d energy to do dat if I hadn't a full nites sleep! Will wait til I've a wk TS done! So r we weighing in on Mday or Tues morn? Hope Uve a gr8 wkend 2
Think I'm gonna weigh in Wednesday morning. Only because I started Wednesday and my new lot of food will come Wednesday. Which is good because we can stretch the excitement of w/i over 2 days! I can be excited for yours and then mine :-D are you gonna treat yourself weigh day? I don't mean with a chocolate cake but I was wondering about having a chicken salad Wednesday eve? Hope your weekend is fab.
Might do dat Will decide Tues morn Luv buying a cooked chicken but cud eat 3/4 of it so need to work on portion control hee hee Sure I'll wait til Wed morn seein as I did eat 2 bars yday Dont mind one bit Dat will keep me on d straight and narrow:) Have a super wkend Hubby won't b impressed if I'm on my ph over d wkend so don't worry if I'm not on Knowin me I'll sneak a message or 2 MEN- r big babies Like lots of attention Get jealous if not d centre of our attention Well done walkin dogs Dats gr8 exercise Might consider wearin a pedometer next wk to motivate myself to move more Miles of smiles?Be gud ya hear!!!!!
I'm the same Shoebedoo, think I would opt for getting a single chicken breast from the butcher and a small bag of salad- any more and I'd polish the lot off! Take your phone with you to the loo and he'll never know :giggle:
My strawberry shake this morning wasn't too exciting so have ordered my next lot of a food - a month's worth eek! - and have gone for banana shake, toffee bar, tomato veg and chicken soups and also some porridges to try. Woo!!!
Hope you have a fab, non-food filled weekend :D
Forgot to mention, I woke up quite upset this morning as I had a dream that I'd eaten a whole chocolate fudge cake yesterday! Took me a moment to realise it was only a dream! But now I'm craving cake :-/
Oops pressed send by accident ok First of all Dat was a very scary dream SO glad days all it was or I'd b tellin u off (only jokin) Had vanilla and coffee shake at 8 b4 droppin kids off as hubbies car was being tested Thank gudness it passed Drove to another city an hrs drive and went to lots of shoppin centres Well I sure got my fix Ate half a bar at one and other half at 4 Enroute home Stopping at Tesco on way to my MAms to get bars Do u like d Ultraslim ones? They have wheat but frig it I'm runnin low on Exante bars Stopped 4 loads of toilet stops today- worse than a dog!! Hope my kids r tired out so they go to bed early Kept my fella well fed today so happy out Hee hee Ho
How was Ur day? Lookin forward to a porridge when I eventually reach our own hse tonite Imagine Day 5 nearly complete Super or what!!!
I was having a good weekend thanks Shoebedoo but now it's GREAT! I did a ketostix and I have ketones woooooo!!!
Had a bar for lunch and might have mushroom soup for tea as I need to get rid!
Sounds like you've had a good day- more calories burned walking around shops all day yippeeee!
Fair play being in ketosis Think I must b too as conscious my breath smells today!!! Not a gr8 side effect but who cares once we get d results we r Lookin for! Kids in bed Enjoyed some porridge and more Coke Zero Need to drink water til I go to bed! Lookin 4ward 2 a day round d hse 2 Moro pottering!!! Well done stickin to d plan! Yes we can do this and yes we should get gr8 results next Wed morn! TIs only round d corner!! Nitey nite Til tomoro ?
I got myself some breath spray today from asda, I'm feeling the same, a bit self conscious! Stocked up on come zero too. Didn't feel any temptation to buy any proper food which was nice. It's so good not feeling stuffed from constantly overeating! Night night until tomorrow- dreaded choc shake tomorrow and left my peppermint tea at work, gutted! So I'll have a lie in, get up really hungry and be glad for the choco shake I reckon :D
Mornin saddlebags Read d ingredients on d back of Ur peppermint spray to make sure it doesn't contain citric acid as read somewhere on this forum dat it cud knock u out of ketosis and u certainly don't want dat to happen!!! Try adding coffee to Ur CHoc shake as read er dat it's meant to b nice Must try d peppermint tea to one of dem Started mornin off with a tablespoon of psyllium husks in a glass of water Waitin til eleven to have first shake otherwise d day is too long Son fell at my MAms yday and hurt his baby finger Tis achin him Think we r going to have to bring him to A+E to get it x-rayed Oh joy Never a dull moment Have a gud one Hope u NJoy a nice long sleep in ;)
Oh no! Hope his little pinky is ok :-/
Checked my spray, no citric acid. I won't use too much anyway- there's all sorts of things in it that I haven't a clue about!
Had a sneaky weigh in this morning. About 5 lbs so far. I expected more to be honest! Still a few days to go though so fingers crossed.
Ya little brat ya!! Hee Dats super Determined to wait as have finally broken my daily WI habit!! Ta 4 gud wishes On way to hosp now Goin to private one so hope won't b half d day Waitin Had a hot CHoc with peppermint tea shake b4 we left Absolutely scrum Ta 4 d tip Gotta have variety to relieve d boredom So far so gud Have a gud one
Just saw Ur tip re coke zero ice lollies U have super ideas Goin to make some now Off for a walk to tire myself out as had a siesta this afternoon as twisted and turned last nite! Quota of packs consumed already Feel stuffed Hope I wake with a spring in my step ready to face work- gotta b done! Hope Ur winnin;)
Hope today went well Shoebedoo, I've been really hungry today but I've done a load of gardening and been dog training too. Feeling a little light headed but I guess that's to do with the ketosis and my body adjusting, maybe also the extra activity and being in the sun. Think I'll make myself a bouillon to tide me over until soup time.
Saddlebag said:
Hope today went well Shoebedoo, I've been really hungry today but I've done a load of gardening and been dog training too. Feeling a little light headed but I guess that's to do with the ketosis and my body adjusting, maybe also the extra activity and being in the sun. Think I'll make myself a bouillon to tide me over until soup time.

Hiya saddlebag, I get light headed sometimes too. I think it's when you have been busy and the low calories and low blood sugar can't keep up. I think over time your body learns to adjust. I hope so anyway :) its a strange feeling isn't it x