My Exante Diary

Thanks for your post determined lady, it's reassuring to know that other people get the funny feelings too! I'm feeling a bit sicky too, so just having a sit down with my feet up. Any excuse :-D
Saddlebag said:
Thanks for your post determined lady, it's reassuring to know that other people get the funny feelings too! I'm feeling a bit sicky too, so just having a sit down with my feet up. Any excuse :-D

My toilet habits were different in the first few days....I'm not talking about peeing either :-/ but thankfully my bowels are now behaving normally! ;) x
Ha Ha I have just started & savoured my choc drops yesterday! It good cos I am always one to play with food so I can still do so!

I did well on Lighterlife 2 years ago & started on Exante yesterday (LL too expensive for me) It was the same there, you either love or hate the soups. I gave everything a try once & usually found myself left with packs of food I didn't like. Only prob there was that by the end of the week you had no choice left. I also really liked bars (for convenience & something to chew) so bought a months worth of shakes & bars. They are all good so far! Good tip on the tesco bars too if choice seems lacking I will give them a try.
hi guys... i've just started on sat as my porridge came on friday.... i only have the porridge at the moment, i may pop into tesco's for a few ultraslim bars (thanks for the tip) can you use the ultra slim shakes???

keep motivated xxxx
mama pockets said:
hi guys... i've just started on sat as my porridge came on friday.... i only have the porridge at the moment, i may pop into tesco's for a few ultraslim bars (thanks for the tip) can you use the ultra slim shakes???

keep motivated xxxx

We can't use the shakes too unfortunately, just the bars x
Good luck Mamapockets! How do you find the porridge?

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glassyjess said:
Good luck Mamapockets! How do you find the porridge?

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The porridge is lovely and hard to eat it all as I feel full before I finish due to drinking water with it... I'm not a big water drinker, fulid fullstop is my down fall hence the headaches. I'm having the porridge three times a day at the moment.
My toilet habits were different in the first few days....I'm not talking about peeing either :-/ but thankfully my bowels are now behaving normally! ;) x

My 'habits' have been a bit funny too! But have had the opposite problem to what people usually have on Exante if you know what I mean :-/ no problems since day 3 though thank goodness!

Ha Ha I have just started & savoured my choc drops yesterday! It good cos I am always one to play with food so I can still do so!

I did well on Lighterlife 2 years ago & started on Exante yesterday (LL too expensive for me) It was the same there, you either love or hate the soups. I gave everything a try once & usually found myself left with packs of food I didn't like. Only prob there was that by the end of the week you had no choice left. I also really liked bars (for convenience & something to chew) so bought a months worth of shakes & bars. They are all good so far! Good tip on the tesco bars too if choice seems lacking I will give them a try.

I like the bars too, they're really convenient as you say and I have them every day for my lunch.

hi guys... i've just started on sat as my porridge came on friday.... i only have the porridge at the moment, i may pop into tesco's for a few ultraslim bars (thanks for the tip) can you use the ultra slim shakes???

keep motivated xxxx

I've ordered some porridge forth my next box so looking forward to it! If you find any yummy ways of eating it then let us know :)
Hey Saddlebags Bone cracked in finger so got it strapped Cost EUR170 Crazy money but was der and back within 2 hrs compared to d other hosp u cud b der all day so gotta pay 4 d service Had bar on way home and made porridge dis eve Very sleepy this pm so had a siesta as didn't sleep well last nite Tried mug of green tea today Think its an acquired taste Made Coke Zero ice pops Lookin forward to suckin on one later if der set on time Hope Ur dizziness has passed Reckon my hair is thickening up since startin on these sachets and bars List if minerals and vitamins is fierce impressive Hope Ur feelin tip top Miles of smiles Come on only 2 days til WI We can do it!!!
Ahh glad you got little one's finger sorted, bless. Dizziness has passed thank you, not had my soup yet but will have it about 9. My tummy is making lots of noise today! Dog keeps looking at me all gone out wondering what the noise is?! Think I'm gonna stop taking my vitamin tablets- don't need them with the sachets having 100% RDAs in.
Good to hear about more positives effects of exante- my skin is glowing now which is a nice change! Looking forward to weigh in :-D
Ah Ur dog sounds adorable So cute he is concerned to hear those sounds So caring!! Still not drinking enough water Tis hard Back to work tomoro Gotta keep focused Interesting to c if anyone comments re me looking trimmer Feel my tummy (or should I say my 2 spare tyres) have Definately tightened up!! Still need to sport my big magic knickers (Bridget Jones) style to hold jelly bellies in- cud do with a tummy tuck after 2 sections Put 4 and half stone on for each Was a mega munching rolley polley! Cringe at christening photos as both of mine were christened when they were 1 wk old Crazy or what Had 2 keep my Mammy happy;)
Nitey nite dream skinny dreams Saddlebags Soon they will turn into reality!! Til 2 Moro chow
Shoebedoo you must have done well if you feel that your tummy has tightened up! I don't feel or look any different..l clothes still feel the same and body still looks the same in the mirror *humph*
Today I was thinking about food far too much, probably because I was back at work. Lunch time wasn't nice- colleague had a ham sandwich and it could have been a gourmet meal, it looked amazing. All I could think about was McDonalds and chinese takeaway! Wasn't even hungry, just feeling greedy. Ended up having my bar early at about 1 which took the edge off! Feeling quite hungry now but it's too early for my dinner so having a bouillon and might go for a short run with the dog.
Hey Saddlebags Fair play not being tempted Ur doin fantastic I'm lucky I only join my colleagues at eleven 4a cuppa as do xtra curricular crafts with big gang of girls at half 12 so don't c food!!!
Have no idea what I've lost Waitin til Wed and will join u for our first WI
Day flew by Ate half bar b4 Leavin d hse at 8.25 and had d other half at 12.25 along with a can of coke zero Had porridge after work (3.30) Cookin din now Will have a shake at 8 Tomoro those cravings will b gone so hang in der!!! Need to drink lots of water as didn't drink enough today NJoy runnin with Ur dog!! Go girl! Ur clothes will get looser b4 ya know it!!!
My cravings have gone woop woop! Sounds like you had an action packed day shoebs! Had mushroom soup for tea with some mild curry powder, yummy. My next box comes through tomorrow, hooray! Got a plan for the next month of what I'm eating each day to avoid having the same thing back to back.
Since doing Exante I've been much more organised- can't work out why?! Maybe I'm spending the time that I would usually worry about food, packed lunch, what to have for dinner, food shopping etc., on other things. House is super clean and tidy! It's nice not to have to fuss about what I'm having to eat.
Only one day left before weigh in. Fingers crossed! We've been so good!
Absolutely U must post me over d 'tidy bug' as dat hasnt hit me yet!!! Spent evenin on d ph H8 dat as missed most of d soaps!! Do u watch dem??? Not an addict but find dem gr8 to get lost in dem and turn off from d stress and strains of work and family life!!! Not sure re havin food yet Think I'll keep TS 4 a mth??? And u?
Delighted Ur cravings r gone too! I'm d same Cookin 4 d family isn't such a big deal anymore!!!
I don't tend to watch any soaps as up until recently I worked shifts so I'm not really into anything yet! I watch a good drama on sky called Touch, I love love love the cookery shows and also have a guilty pleasure of The Only Way Is Essex... Don't think I'll be having food yet. Maybe see how I feel on Wednesday after weigh in but want to give myself the best chance I can! Found a fab channel on sky tonight, 'fitness tv'- they sometimes have fitness classes in between the rubbish teleshopping, I did Zumba tonight! Really glad nobody was watching me though :p
Ha ha Yes I luv dat channel I bought 3 fitness DVDs from Fitness tv 2 yrs ago Pack of 3 Legs bums tums, high impact and total body combat Luv Zumba Must check dat out Yes can't beat doin it behind closed doors Wud need spanx to stop wobbly bits wobblin if doin it in company
Like cookery programs too but afraid to watch dem at d mo incase I get d munchies At least we can switch d channel when food adverts come on Now where wud we b wout our remotes!!!