Total Solution My Exante journey..

Great success at the weekend Womble :)

Only 4 vodka slimline tonics is a result if your client likes to have a drink or several after work!
They were single vodkas too - it's practically impossible to get served a single vodka these days unless you insist - after 4 double vodkas I would have been under the table, I've never had a great alcohol tolerance.

Anyway, did a nice run on the treadmill in the gym last night which felt great. Have realised that my toe is starting to poke out the top of my trainer though (i have a pair with that wicking material on the upside) so definitely time to treat myself to a new pair! And then personal training this morning went well too. We're about to start some building work on the house, so sadly I can't train with my PT in the comfort of my own home for the next few weeks, but have committed to putting myself on display and training in the local park - gulp. But thought it was a better option than training in front of the builders!

And already looking forward to Zumba tonight :)
Forgot to publish results of weigh in!!! 5 pounds down this week. Happy with that :)
Just figured out that if I manage to lose 7 pounds this week, I will be in the 15s.... how's that for motivation??!? I'm absolutely determined to make that happen. Going to exercise like there's no tomorrow and stick to plan 100% all week and see where it takes me. If it doesn't happen this week then as long as I stay on course it really should happen the week after, so won't feel too gutted.

And I've decided that I want to be at 200 pounds (14.3 stone) or less by the time I go to Croatia for a long weekend in July. Firstly, because it's a wedding of a very close friend and I want to look as nice as possible and secondly, because it's going to be mighty hot and I won't want to be all sweaty and blubbery.

And just took advantage of the 100 products for £85 deal on the Exante website at the moment, so I'm committed for a while yet. In fact, I'm oddly feeling more committed and inspired to stick with this than I have done for weeks :)
Fantastic loss, Womble :)
So yesterday was a good day. Think I was on a ketosis-high :)

I did 1hr of personal training in the morning, I ran home from the office (about 3km) and then did an hour Zumba class in the evening!!! I was pretty shattered last night though, especially as I stuck to just my 3 packs to eat. If I don't lose weight with days like that then there is no hope for me :)

Had a lovely morning off today with my son, but now have a mountain of work to get through.
That's a lot of exercise. Do you feel great? Or just tired?
I feel great actually. Physically a bit tired this morning but I'm really trying to maintain being active. I'm probably not going to go to the gym today, but I am cycling to / from work and I have a mammoth clean out to do at home as have the builders in on Monday and I'm busy at the weekend. I have to move all my son's toys from the living room to his bedroom and then pile and wrap the remaining furniture in two rooms (and I have a lot of furniture, including a piano that weighs a ton)... I think that's probably equivalent to a gym session :)

In all seriousness, for me exercise is going to be key to maintaining. And the sooner I make it part of my life the better.
Exercise is just great for everything: I used to work it really hard. Then I got out of practise after having my daughter. Stopped running/cycling/gym and started Pilates instead.

When do you move?
I need to up my exercise and relocate my gym bag!
Need to stop making excuses and get my bum in gear. I feel grumpy at the moment so need the exercise endorphins
Not moving, knocking a wall down between living and dining room. It's a load bearing wall so quite a job. I only started getting quotes last week but as it took me 2 years to get my husband to agree to have it done, I'm striking while the irons hot!
Hahaha, always ask your husband for something when he's drunk and then commit before he sobers up the next day.
That's how I got my cat ;)

I bet it will look lovely though, open plan is always nice
I think that's how I got pregnant with my first lol
I always pretend that my husband has agreed to something and he just can't remember! It usually works, but I might try getting him to commit when he's drunk for the bigger things!!!

Didn't get as much done to the house last night as I expected but oh well. Reason was I got a phone call out the blue from an old friend. It was lovely - she was calling 'just because', and made me realise I don't call my friends for that reason (or rather, no reason) often enough. It really made my day.

The other thing that made my day was the discovery of adding a little dash of vinegar to the chicken curry meal - delish!! I've thought the curry was ok up to now, but it wasn't quite hitting the spot for me. I then read something yesterday that said adding a bit of vinegar to your food lowers the GI value of it (i.e. helps your body break it down over a longer period, making you less hungry) and is a great aid to weight loss. Thought I'd give it a try and bingo, suddenly the chicken curry is one of my favourites. Shame I only ordered a couple on my recent 100 item order!!!!
Oh will try that little tip with the vinegar! X
Must try the vinegar, if only for the GI benefits!
TBH, I absolutely LOVE vinegar. I could drink it (in fact, my mum does - I often used to catch her downing a shot of it in the kitchen!!). I'm now wondering what it might be like on the other savoury meals.

Here's the link to the full blog if anyone's interested - there are some other hacks listed here to help control appetite, but not all are valid for a VLCD!!
I know organic apple cider vinegar is supposed to be good for you I was having a bit in water everyday but stopped when I started this, wonder if it's OK to carry on with that? Will read the article you have linked thanks x
That's interesting to know as I actually have a gallstone! I know I should really get it removed, but it's apparently just the one stone and of such a size that it's unlikely to cause me any serious complications. I want to lose some weight before I have the surgery too as I hear once the gallbladder is removed, weight loss is really really hard as your body really struggles to break down fat without the bile... Luckily I am being seen on my health insurance privately, so can pick and choose when to have the operation. I only seem to have an attack about once a year in the middle of the night, so if and when it happens again, I might try this tip. ANYTHING to relieve the pain...
Are you having the surgery soon? Or do you now have to wait 5-6 months? That's a long wait! I hope you don't get the attacks too frequently...

Totally felt like caving in this afternoon... it's such a miserable day weather wise and work is so slow... but I opted for a coffee with a dash of soy milk instead of anything too naughty, so hopefully it won't have caused too much damage. Anyway, feeling nervous about facing another weekend... I'm out to lunch with a friend tomorrow and that's fine, as I'll go for steak / fish and salad as I usually do when I'm out. And I'm going to send my husband to the supermarket on his own with a very strict list, so that I don't get tempted by anything. Other than that, just going to try and keep myself busy and keep my nose out of the fridge :)

Have a lovely weekend peeps x
Have a lovely weekend! Did you get some slimatee?!!! X