Total Solution My Exante journey..

OK so in the office after my training session today. I have no childcare for 3 days next week, so trying to get a head start on work to meet some deadlines.

Had a great training session. My new trainer is a bit of a beast - he doesn't hold back telling me how it is and pushing me as hard as I can - to be honest, that's just what I need! But, and apologies for the gloating here, he did keep telling me how he was really impressed by my strength and form, which is the best he's seen out of any of him female clients :character00116:. Now I just need to lose all the extra weight!

We did a re-test on the body analysis machine today too... since just before my holiday (so 1.5 weeks) I've lost 2 kg of body fat and gained 1 kg of muscle. To me, that sounds much better than simply saying I've lost 1kg, so I think going forward I'm going to ditch weighing myself at home and just using the body fat analyser in the gym (I also love the body fat analyser as it tells me I am not obese as a high percentage of my body weight is muscle - gotta love that).

Was good food-wise yesterday, although did have an apple after my gym session. It was delicious - it's been ages since I had an apple! Determined to stick to plan this weekend too, although I might have a bit extra protein this afternoon given my heavy gym session this morning. We've already done the supermarket run and for the first weekend in ages, I wasn't tempted walking around the aisles to pick up anything I'm not allowed to eat... let's hope I hold out for the rest of the weekend!
So didn't stick entirely to plan food-wise last night, but I didn't binge either. Basically, I was so hungry when giving my son his tea I ate three of his breadsticks. But felt so bad about doing it that I popped a multivitamin and skipped the evening pack, so calorie wise it probably all evened out.

Back in the office for an early start this morning - better get cracking with it!
3 breadsticks is nothing Womble - I'm sure it won't make a difference in the long run. Try not to beat yourself up, you've done amazingly so far and 2.2lb over 4 days holiday is bloody brilliant! In could do that in one meal :p I'm also totally in awe of all the exercise you do.
Sorry been a while since I logged in, been really struggling with work and childcare this week so had no chance to log on! Au pair is back today though (hurrah!) so back to normality.

Been ok food-wise. Pretty much stayed on plan apart from one meal out with friends. I ordered a really good main meal (seared tuna and salad), but then my friends went and ordered a sharing platter to start and I couldn't resist having a bit. I also drank the best part of a bottle of wine - oops. Not beating myself up about it too much though, as those nights ARE going to happen, and I want to see my friends and enjoy myself - I don't go out all the time, so I think that when I do, I can probably be a bit off plan!

Been really good with the exercise - I did a run on Monday, PT session on Tuesday, PT session yesterday (the last one with my old trainer, as wanted to see her in person rather than telling her by phone / text that I was going to train with someone else), and I have another PT session planned today. My arms hurt like hell today, but hopefully a few stretches throughout the day will help me recover in time for my session!

Went on the body fat analyser again this week and I dropped a kilo from Saturday to Tuesday - in three days! And it was 0.7kg of fat and 0.3kg of muscle, so not too bad. Means I'm not going to weigh myself today though, and will try and stay off the scales until next week.
Was such a relief to be back doing a full day's work yesterday - got a lot done and now going into the weekend feeling much more accomplished!

PT session was good yesterday, and felt a little bit easier than some of my recent sessions. Having a day off the gym today as I have to head into the city for a meeting, but planning on going both days over the weekend.

I have a meal out planned for Saturday night too, with some friends. It's at a chain Italian restaurant, so hopefully there will be something on the menu that I can eat o_O
Ok, so fell off the Exante wagon again at the weekend. Not too badly - I made healthy choices with food - but still, I didn't stick to the packs. Managed a 4km run on Saturday but I was so exhausted on Sunday I stayed away from the gym and didn't get much done at all. Glad I took a day of rest though, as feeling a bit more energised today and going to head to the gym again in a bit.
hi, checking in, sorry I haven't been around, you probably enjoyed the peace!!!
Sounds like you are doing amazing with the exercise and it really makes a difference.
Dubai sounds amazing, is it a holiday or work thing? x
hi, checking in, sorry I haven't been around, you probably enjoyed the peace!!!
Sounds like you are doing amazing with the exercise and it really makes a difference.
Dubai sounds amazing, is it a holiday or work thing? x

Glad to hear you are ok! Dubai is definitely a holiday, although it's 10 days out the office, so will probably have to take the laptop and do a bit of work. boo. Hope your new job is going ok?

Have been good food-wise the past few days, and in the gym both days too. Have a PT session this evening, and no doubt will be put back on the body-fat analyser machine, so will be interested to see how this week's gone weight-wise.
BRUTAL training session yesterday. But very rewarding. And followed by a long soak in the bathtub last night to make sure I wasn't in pain today :)

Managed to stick to just 3 packs yesterday, but did stick a couple of boiled eggs in my curry pack in the evening. Really bulks it out, and adds some extra protein to account for the harsh workout.

Planning on sticking to 100% today, but will be heading to a zumba class tonight, so might add a bit more protein to my pack this evening.
Stuck to 100% yesterday - yipee! And did a good zumba class in the evening.

Off to my PT session soon. Didn't get weighed in my session on Wednesday, so will probably be weighed today... fingers crossed!
Ok so just back from PT session. Rather frustratingly the scales show no weight loss since my last check in. BUT the analysis shows I've actually lost 1.1kg of fat and gained 1.1kg of muscle, so actually an improvement. What's interesting is that my muscle score is now 24/24, and my PT has never seen such a high score in anyone he's trained! We're both a bit shocked, but apparently there's a body builder inside of me just waiting to break free o_O:character00116:. Just need to get down to 20% body fat first (currently 40%)!!!

Actually think I'm becoming addicted to exercise :)
Very very nice results! Well done Womble! x
Enjoyed catching up on your diary, Croatia sounds like a blast! Totally relate to the alcohol, this is actually the one aspect that really put me off restarting the plan as I know when it's my birthday in a bit, and Christmas etc I'll want to drink, also going out socially etc. But you know, it's a small sacrifice I guess, and it'll be there when slim and trim, that's the way I'm looking at it!

I love the way your bad day consisted of 3 breadsticks, ha - funny how this diet changes the way we look at food so much so that we can eat 3 breadsticksand feel like we have been bad :D

Great work on getting the holiday weight off too, that's pretty awesome. Have a great week!
OK so weekend didn't exactly go to plan (does it ever??!?) and I ended up eating 'normal' food for most of it. Saturday night I made homemade burgers. I mixed lean mince with a ton of garlic and parsley and baked them in the oven. They were surprisingly nice, and I wrapped them in lettuce with mustard to mimic a real burger. On Sunday, I was out for lunch and was at a pub that really had no good options. Having walked 3 miles to get there (up and down hills I might add), I didn't feel too bad about ordering the fish and chips but without the chips. Despite the really strange looks I got from the staff, it was actually delicious, and I did remove half the batter (I always do with battered fish if it has skin on it... I just can't stand soggy skin under batter). Still, it was hardly 'on plan'!!

Did 1 gym session over the weekend and a 3-mile walk. Rather stupidly I went out not expecting to do a 3-mile walk so was wearing totally unsuitable open-toed shoes... at the bottom of one hill, I managed to scrape my big toe on the gravel, resulting in a rather nasty and messy injury to the front of my toe. It's ok now, but think I will have to stay off the treadmill for a few days while it heals. Going to migrate to the cycling machine and cross trainer instead I think.

Back on plan today but I am STARVING. I've already eaten my bar for lunch, so it's going to be a long afternoon!
oooh your homemade burgers sound lush!! did you use lettuce instead of buns? if so, that's genius! x

Yup, I just made the burgers a bit smaller and wrapped in lettuce with a bit of mustard. Were really nice so will try them again with turkey mince this weekend.

Yesterday was a bit of a write off food wise - my son wanted to make cupcakes, so I obliged. I know I shouldn't have, but he actually has quite severe food issues (the poor guy has food phobias as he was so sick as an infant, so we see a range of specialists to try and get him to eat more different foods - if he wants to play / bake / eat anything, I have to participate in it to help him get comfortable). I had all good intentions of giving him his cupcake and taking the remainder to our neighbours, but our neighbours were out, so I ate TWO. Naughty. I did then however throw the remainder in the bin, to stop me eating even more!

Did a good gym session though - 2km uphill walk at fast pace, 1km fast run (that killed me) and 5km on the bike. My PT was in the gym and send me a text message afterwards to say I was looking really good, which is nice! I then did a 1hr weights session at home this morning and have a PT session at 5pm today, so am going to be exhausted by the time I get home tonight. Planning on having my three packs though, and a bit of extra protein to see me through. I'm also going to have a coffee with skimmed milk later - apparently drinking coffee within 2 hours of training is a really good way of promoting muscle recovery - and think I'm going to need that today :)
OK so yesterday was exhausting. My PT session was quite extreme, but my latest results are really encouraging. According to the analyser, I lost 6.4KG of body fat in the last week!!!! At the same time I gained a lot of muscle, which counteracts the weight loss, but people are saying they see a massive difference these past 2 weeks despite the scales not moving much overall.

I asked my PT whether that was accurate, as seemed an extraordinary amount, but he said it is. Apparently when you train properly and as hard as I am going, your body goes into 'shock' and changes then happen very rapidly. The downside is that your body then adjusts to compensate, so you end up plateau-ing again, but as long as you keep it up and mix up the routines again, the body will go back into shock. So very pleased with myself, as my body fat is now down to 35%. Previously it was above 40%, which is seen as unacceptably high. I've come to the realisation that I'll never be 'skinny' given my high muscle mass, but I'm not too fussed about that. I just want to look healthy.

I did eat proper food last night as my body really needed it. I cooked cajun spiced hake fillets under the grill with a bean salad. It was delicious.

Only exercise planned for today is a zumba class tonight, which I'm looking forward to despite aching all over. Also plan to stay 100% today, as it's not too strenuous so no need for the extra calories.

I have just read through your diary and really enjoyed it, you have done soooooo well!! I am day 1 on TS today and one thing I learned from your posts is that no matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you are not 100%, that it's ok to have scheduled times off plan when needs still get results!! My problem in the past has always been that I am too hard on myself and beat myself up if I'm not 100%.....but not no more!! I am going to do this!!!! I hope you are still going strong and I look forward to following your progress.

Sarah xx