big hugs to you all. cant write anymore i cant burst into tears at my desk xxx
It's always sad when you lose someone isn't it.

NTR here, we can't seem to get hold of a doctor to talk to, they have promised one will phone us
and let us know exactly what's happening.
Jim did you go in and see him last night?
Yes we did, he was comatose or asleep so no joy there.
and no dr available - bloomin rubbish!
That's what really annoyed us Vicky, the nurses can't or don't want to tell you anything.
surely they could tell you something. Disgrace!
It's different shifts isn't it love, I find the ones who are on in the evening don't seem to know what's happened during the day. Bad communications it seems to me.
i thought they were supposed to have a handover and know whats going on!
Ah well, who knows love.
well I hope you get to hear some news today x
Scarey the lack of care/information. Hope you get some news today Jim. x
I remember that Jim and it's so scary when one hand doesn't seem to know what the other hand is doing - quite unbelievable when communication should be EVERYTHING between professionals working with a patient x
It's certainly doing our heads in Girls.
I really hope they get it right this time Jim x
No love, we didn't visit last night as we had a function to go to, Colleen phones and they said no change.