my old diary... have started a new one ,,,new start new diary

cybill said:
Oooh, snuggly, warm... I think I could be persuaded with one of these babygros!

I got mines from Primark for about £8 I think :) they're fab :D oh and very very sexy ;) xx
I got mines from Primark for about £8 I think :) they're fab :D oh and very very sexy ;) xx

think us exante lot need a zip round the bum part so we dont have to keep stripping off to go wee wees though lol...

Just had a sneaky jump on them scales..Gonna do proper WI tomorrow but felt nosey so hopped today aswell..have lost 2.75 pounds so maybe it might just be the rounded 3lb by tomorrow...

Have never bothered with the parts of lbs in my weight loss .. so if it dont budge then its a 2lb loss and i am happy with that anyway xx
Well them scales never budged,,If anything they went up by half a pound from yesterday.
This has brought me to the conclusion that WI every week is too much of a head messer so i am gonna weight every 2-3 weeks instead...When i feel like it basicly....

Going to stay TS for the next month and then i might change to atkins depending on where i am shape wise..My clothes are reflecting a much better loss than the scales.

Anywya this week i lost 2lbs taking me to 31lb to goal xxxx
valentine said:
Well them scales never budged,,If anything they went up by half a pound from yesterday.
This has brought me to the conclusion that WI every week is too much of a head messer so i am gonna weight every 2-3 weeks instead...When i feel like it basicly....

Going to stay TS for the next month and then i might change to atkins depending on where i am shape wise..My clothes are reflecting a much better loss than the scales.

Anywya this week i lost 2lbs taking me to 31lb to goal xxxx

Great loss trace but you gotta WI next week! Cmon it's gonna be our week to be in the 12's!!

Akins??? What's going on? lol xxxx
Great loss trace but you gotta WI next week! Cmon it's gonna be our week to be in the 12's!!

Akins??? What's going on? lol xxxx

LOL was pi**ed off this morning so got tempted to change track at end of month lol.
But ya right Clair i gotta see this diet through and i will weigh in next week cos i'm not having you in them 12st's all by yaself ..

Was just having a hissy fit i think this morn. Till i tried on a top i had bought a month ago that was too tight and now fits lovely!! so i know them horrid scales dont reflect the inch loss and i need to get my head around it properly as i dont want to be disappointed by the scales and then use it as a reason to eat crap again..

Hope you have had a good day babe xxx
OMG Valentine! Only 31lbs to go! WTG'll be dropped into the 12s in no time, and be at goal before the summer's out!

Keep up the great work, and don't forget the inches are melting away :)

OMG Valentine! Only 31lbs to go! WTG'll be dropped into the 12s in no time, and be at goal before the summer's out!

Keep up the great work, and don't forget the inches are melting away :)


Thanks Miss biker...

I have 2 weeks to get under the 12st mark as i am off to London for a weekend on the 1st of July for a much earned break with my BFF..:girlpower:No men allowed .

.We go every year..Out drinking and just having fun for 2 days..:party0051:we do more drinking :7834: than eating lol :D.

Which means i will defo be having 2 days off the plan completely..Last time we went last year (we go every july) i was over 2st heavier than i am now so i am really looking forward to it this time.. To be in the 12st bracket b4 we go is going to be huge for me :):):)

But i will be jumping straight on the scales when i get back and restarting the diet on the Monday 4th :scale: xx

I dont relish the thought of getting in and out of Keto but this diet just cant be all work and no play for me xxx

OOOH and look at your ticker 83lb and melting xxx well done hun xxx
oh hun, have a fantastic time in London! I'm sure you will have lots of fun with your BFF :)

The key is certainly getting straight back on the wagon, and staying focussed - this holiday I am just back from is the first time I have managed to get straight back on track as soon as I got home, and it feels great :)

Onwards and downwards!
How you doing sexy lady?

You noticed a difference yet? Can you frown lol xx
How you doing sexy lady?

You noticed a difference yet? Can you frown lol xx

LOL never had the brow part done i can frown a bit ..didnt want to look like a rabbit caught in headlights pmsl..

Anyway i have been to doctors today for monthly checkin and i got him to measure my height and weight..

I am officially 5mm under 5ft 7" (169.5cm) tall so he has amended my height accordingly..I was also 13st 1lb on his scales YAY!!! so my new recorded BMI at Docs today was 28.9....Much better than the 34.2 when i started exante xxxxx

Have stayed TS since last WI at home on tues so maybe i deserved that 2lb lighter on his scales..Wont amend my weight till official WI next tues..Was even thinking about just doing a monthly WI after i have got into the 12st bracket...Not sure yet .

Hope everyone else is having a good week in the land of Exante xxxxxx
Hey Hun well done.. Your doing ever so well... And yay 13.1 on drs scales it's so nice when it's lower at the drs :D u haven't got long at all to reac goal :D

Have a fabulous time away with your BFF is that short for best friend forever :confused::eek::D ...

13.01 omg sooooooooo close to them 12's :D bet your there but Tuesday babe. I'm really really excited for ya xx
I'm not gonna make it this week :( I'm still 13.03 haven't shifted all week!!! but I'll be there with ya soon enough. You can tell me what it's like hehe xxx
13.01 omg sooooooooo close to them 12's :D bet your there but Tuesday babe. I'm really really excited for ya xx
I'm not gonna make it this week :( I'm still 13.03 haven't shifted all week!!! but I'll be there with ya soon enough. You can tell me what it's like hehe xxx

Hmmmm had a proper S*** day yesterday...:mad:

Dont know why but i had some chicken and blackbean sauce last night...was calling me from the freezer..Home made from a few weeks back...Anyway i know the carb content wasnt too high but i dare say all the other stuff in the sauce has knocked me out of Keto...I have no idea why i chose to eat i actually think i am just getting bored with TS....Seriously thinking about finishing the 9 days of packs i have left and then swapping to low cal/carb diet for a few weeks to maintain/maybe lose a few pounds and then consider going back TS...

I am actually craving salad and vegetables..not choc and bread or chips...Just healthy foods...bit bizarre really as i have always loved all the wrong foods and now i am dying to eat the good ones and still have to deny myself...

Maybe i have reached a crossroads and need to try eating a healthy diet to lose the rest of the weight i am soooo confused at the moment..

Periods are all mucked up now too so i dont even know when i am due on anymore.. when i have been a 28 day cycle for as long as i can remember...

Anyway i AM going to finish the rest of the packs that i have and have a really good think about things over the weekend about wether or not i am going to order another month or have a few weeks on a different diet plan just to break the monotomy and boredom xxxxxxxx
valentine said:
Hmmmm had a proper S*** day yesterday...:mad:

Dont know why but i had some chicken and blackbean sauce last night...was calling me from the freezer..Home made from a few weeks back...Anyway i know the carb content wasnt too high but i dare say all the other stuff in the sauce has knocked me out of Keto...I have no idea why i chose to eat i actually think i am just getting bored with TS....Seriously thinking about finishing the 9 days of packs i have left and then swapping to low cal/carb diet for a few weeks to maintain/maybe lose a few pounds and then consider going back TS...

I am actually craving salad and vegetables..not choc and bread or chips...Just healthy foods...bit bizarre really as i have always loved all the wrong foods and now i am dying to eat the good ones and still have to deny myself...

Maybe i have reached a crossroads and need to try eating a healthy diet to lose the rest of the weight i am soooo confused at the moment..

Periods are all mucked up now too so i dont even know when i am due on anymore.. when i have been a 28 day cycle for as long as i can remember...

Anyway i AM going to finish the rest of the packs that i have and have a really good think about things over the weekend about wether or not i am going to order another month or have a few weeks on a different diet plan just to break the monotomy and boredom xxxxxxxx

Aw Hun sorry your having such a poop time ATM. I totally understand where your coming from tho.
My scales haven't moved a tiny bit all week and I'm beginning to think is it really worth it myself.
Like you've said tho, have a good think about it over the weekend.
On Tuesday when your in the 12's :D you'll probably feel better chick.

Hugs xx
My scales make me a bit heavier than me docs so i think its gonna take the last 9 days i have left of packs to get in the 12's babe...

I am 90% about doing healthy eating after they are gone at least for a few weeks just to see what happens...I actually do think i can manage to lose the rest using low cal/carb ...Dont think i want to deny myself healthy eating if thats what i am craving lol xxxx

Hows things with you Clair? xxxx
valentine said:
My scales make me a bit heavier than me docs so i think its gonna take the last 9 days i have left of packs to get in the 12's babe...

I am 90% about doing healthy eating after they are gone at least for a few weeks just to see what happens...I actually do think i can manage to lose the rest using low cal/carb ...Dont think i want to deny myself healthy eating if thats what i am craving lol xxxx

Hows things with you Clair? xxxx

Things are going great here. Think I've got my exante head back on for the minute but like you I'm missing and craving salad fruit and veg lol infact just a normal life lol.
I'm gonna carry on till my holiday but after that I don't know?! I'll see how I feel. I do still wanna get to 11 stone but not sure if I wanna do it with exante?! Plenty time to decide tho :)

What you up to tonight? xx
Hey Hun well done.. Your doing ever so well... And yay 13.1 on drs scales it's so nice when it's lower at the drs :D u haven't got long at all to reac goal :D

Have a fabulous time away with your BFF is that short for best friend forever :confused::eek::D ...


Hiya precious...Thank you..its actually means Best Female and my BFF have been firm close friends for the last 37 years..I was 5 when i first met her at clacton on sea butlins...She is the Ying to my Yang lol xxxx
Things are going great here. Think I've got my exante head back on for the minute but like you I'm missing and craving salad fruit and veg lol infact just a normal life lol.
I'm gonna carry on till my holiday but after that I don't know?! I'll see how I feel. I do still wanna get to 11 stone but not sure if I wanna do it with exante?! Plenty time to decide tho :)
What you up to tonight? xx

Great to hear ya back in the Zone hun...I am not hungry so i might just have stayed in ketosis..But again i am sat here thinking how lovely a plate of steamed asparagus with lean chicken breast would be right now lol...Not "i want to go and have a maccy D" lol....

Think you have hit the nail on the head.

I want my normal life back as i used to meet my girlfirends for lunch twice a week b4 i started TS...I miss my social life very much ..And we have a great seafood restaurant i love to go to that serves really healthy food.

I expressed my concerns to my Doc yesterday and he has actually prescribed me some Orlistat 120mg capsules and told me that they may be a better option for the last 21lb...As my height as been amended with him it means my healthy BMI weight has changed too ..

His theory behind the tablets is that if i have abstained from all fatty unhealthy food for over 2 months now that they could help me keep to healthy food choices when i start to refeed. I love my doctor..he is very modern in his aproach even though he is getting on.

Oh decisions decisions lol...xxxxxxxxxx