My spangly low carb odyssey

Feeling sad today. Had to take our gorgeous, wonderful dog back to the rescue this morning. The other night he got so out of control in the park that he tipped my husband's electric mobility scooter over! My husband was really lucky there were people around to help him get back up. We're all broken-hearted, because the dog was a-ma-zing, but he just can't control himself properly around other dogs and it just isn't safe. Really really sad. I know we made the right decision but it's tough.

So last night I was feeling sorry for myself and acted out a bit. What was the damage? Some spoons of nut butter, a handful of macadamias, two slices of ham and (oh the shame!) two (TWO) bars of raw chocolate. Aaargh. I'd not had the raw choc before and saw it in the wholefood store last week when I was buying tulsi tea. I knew I shouldn't have got them! At least one saving grace is that they were TINY. (People who eat wholefoods seem to like very SMALL portions lol.) And I guess they had some vitamins etc in them, whereas a big slab of Galaxy or Dairy Milk probably wouldn't.

Anyway. Drawing a line. I did what I did. It's not funny and it's not clever.

Well yesterday I was sad and tired all day. Allowed myself to then think "just one"... and wobbled a bit. Haven't weighed myself today - will do on Monday, after a few days back at 100%. Couldn't sleep last night because my consultant's prescription for amitriptyline ran out. I wrote to the GP/consultant about this the other week in advance, realising it wasn't going to last me, and was due to go to the doctor yesterday evening to pick up a prescription. Unfortunately I made the mistake of closing my eyes for a few mins and fell fast asleep in the middle of the day and missed the appointment! The receptionist was really rude. I guess they get fed up of people messing doctors about, which is fair enough, but given that I'm being treated for fatigue it was a bit ironic.

Anyway - a second receptionist took pity on me, took a copy of my consultant's letter and promised the prescription would be there for my husband to pick up this afternoon. Phew. Didn't realise how much the tablets were helping though. Last night was really difficult. I felt as though I'd had loads of caffeine (I hadn't) and just couldn't get into a deep sleep at all. Oh well! At least it shows part of my prescription is actually useful!

Trying to be positive today. The sun coming up over the M3 this morning was spectacularly beautiful - a really "big" sky - clouds far away in the distance, slightly curved, over a pale peach wash of colour. Fab.

And it's Friday.

And we WILL find another dog. And "our" dog WILL find a lovely new home. He will, won't he?

Stuck to it 100%. Got the peanut butter out. Got a spoon. Put it back. Result! Go me!
Woohoooo! 70.8kg this morning! Almost back under the magical 70kg!!!! YAY!!!!
Hi Spangly- so sorry to hear the news about the dog but sure it's the right thing. Well done staying focused and getting back on track. Go for it!
Weighed self this morning and back up to 73kg!!!!???!!!

Think I'll give it a couple of days before weighing again as very peculiar and it makes me upset. On a more positive note I tried on some clothes that have been too tight and they're getting noticeably better. Hurrah!
Hi Spangly (and Pinkie ;))

So this is where your hanging out these days :) Good to see you battling and managing. Which is more than can be said for me...never mind.
Hey Debbie!!

How you doing hun? :)

Ah, yup, we're all hiding out here on Spangly's thread... ;)

Well, can't speak for the Spangly one, but I'm battling (and kinda managing, just!) but it's been a bumpy road this last few months with numerous failed starts tbh! But I'm on track again now and am feeling very positive about it. What's happening with you then? If your stats are right, then you're the same distance from goal as me, and if I can do it, so can you!! That's for sure...

Hi Pinkie :princess:

Yep, my stats are correct. I updated them today. I kinda lost the plot in June on holiday and have been struggling to get the stone/stone and a half off that I put on. Then I just went crazy and couldnt stop eating. So here we are, 34lbs up. But as I know from previous experience, I can break the vast majority of that in 10 weeks, way before Christmas. I blooming better! I cant afford to buy any more clothes lol. I'm wearing stuff that is either far too big or far too small *sigh*

So I starting on Exante today. I had bought packs for DD a while back. I'll use them up first and then do slim n save. I prefer their packs, but as DD wont be using up the Exante ones, I'm using them up. I hate waste and the packs are out of date, so I cant sell them. I prefer having 4 packs to 3.

How are you finding Exante?

Debbi xx
Ah, similarly I lose the plot after a holiday, wow, must be nearly a year ago now... and have been not quite focused ever since. But we're back, and on the case, so it's all good!! :)

I prefer 4 packs to 3 too, which is the only down side of Exante compared to the LL packs I guess. But I split the Exante packs up into smaller amounts, to last the day, and that works fine for me.

Feel bad for monopolising Spangly's thread here so shall go now! Lol... ;) But will see you on the boards and good luck again hunny, not that you need it! ;)

Don't feel bad! Don't go! Lovely to have all of you visiting! We can do this together, no? Xx
Hehe... thanks Spangly! :)

And yes, we can totally do it together, that's the best way! Strength in numbers eh?! :D

I could start us a new thread somewhere maybe? Not sure what would be the best place. Then we can help each other but I can feel free to ramble on at length on my diary ;-)

It would be great to have group support again. On that note I'm actually going to a new LL maintenance group my counsellor is starting tonight as well. It's only once a month but she says it will be very structured, which appeals to me. You have to pay £15 for two hours - which given that I was originally told maintenance would be free is a bit irritating - but I do understand they have a business to run, and two hours of counselling once a month for £15 is very reasonable.
Felt slimmer somehow this morning so weighed myself. 69.5kg this morning!!!??!!! :D

Not sure this counts as my "real" weight as weigh-in at LL last night was 72.5kg but...

Had a headache on the drive in to work this morning and thought I'd stop for a coffee and then had lots of crooked thoughts about "low blood sugar" and "needing a biscuit" (?!!) Didn't get one though. Got a black filter coffee and put tablet Splenda and cinnamon in it instead. I rock! (she said, modestly)
Hi, on my phone on my lunch break. I'll check out the exante page, maybe a thread there would suit for our meandering?
Sounds good, Debbi!

Weighed myself this morning and 69.8 so I think I can claim that I'm definitely under 70kg, since I've had three weigh-ins under 70kg now (despite the word 73kg ones in between!) I'm so pleased!! 70kg was always meant to be my 'warning' weight - ie I used to do something about it as soon as I got close to 70kg so I wouldn't go over. Good to know I'm back under it again. My clothes are fitting SO much better, which is brilliant. Really encouraging.

Can I ask what are people's views on nose piercings? I had mine done years ago but it was done with a big stud and looked stupid and I was too impatient to wait three months to change the stud. I've now found a place that will do it with a needle rather than a gun, and will make you a custom flat-fitting tiny diamond stud to match the shape of your nose. Not cheap but sounds lovely! (you're all going to shout 'mid life crisis' at this point!)

At the very least, I'm going to get a tiny upper ear piercing. Very discreet but also a bit quirky. Hubby is fine with both ideas... But suggested that work might take a more conservative view. So what's your opinion? Mutton? Or quite pretty?!
Lol, you're so young you think in kgs! I have no idea how much that is, but can tell that you're thrilled. Well done you!

As for the piercings
Grr on mobile!!

As for the piercings, I'm rather conservative (although definitely with a small c). I'm not a fan. Not keen on tattoos either. But you do what you want. As my Mum always used to say, you're big enough and ugly enough to make your own decisions. Actually that's quite a nasty saying, isn't it? Not suggesting for one minute that you are ugly. Quite the opposite. Lovely sayings that we have lol.
Wish I was young!!! My hubby teases me all the time because I'm four years older than him (cradle-snatcher lol). And yes, definitely big enough and ugly enough to choose what I do with my face - just curious re reactions. Will probably do it tbh - I can always take it out if I hate it. And thanks for saying I'm not actually ugly. Have had many a complex on that same subject for many moons now and won't bore you with it but you're a sweetie and it's appreciated. Thanks! X