Namastes 100 days.... time to move on :(

Oy ladies, have I been hijacked? :D

Day 17/100 ~ weighed this morning and put 2lbs on. It can't be real fat as I haven't eaten anything so I've made a decision. It's very disheartening to put weight on even when you know it isn't real so I'm not going to weigh until day 21/100. I'll see if I can stick to it but I'm a bit worried that without the focus of daily weigh in's I might be tempted to cheat..... we'll see I guess xx
Just had my lovely Sunday treat ~ eggs with mushrooms and peppers (no toast obviously :)) and I couldn't eat it all. What's even better is, I didn't want to stuff it all in! I feel so determined to carry on this time. It's definitely been easier having a specific goal to aim for and it's been helpful breaking the time into 10 day periods. I really believe I can do this :D

Have a lovely day everyone (despite the wind and rain) xx
Day 18/100........ didn't weigh! Very hungry this morning. Maybe because I didn't have all my packs yesterday? I really struggled after breakfast and ended up just having 2 shakes. Don't suppose it matters just the once. Didn't go out atall but that was good cos I forgot we had a reading group round Sunday evening... my memory's shocking it really is :(

What I did do though was commit myself to a stall at our local carnival in June so I'm gonna have to get on with organising stuff for that! There's always something I forget........ need new business cards and postcards, price labels and stuff like that so I guess that's what I'm sorting today :)

Back later xx
Lol my memory's rubbish too, tho' I put mine down to my age :ashamed0005::D

Have a fab day namaste, make sure you get all 3 packs down you today! :hug99: xx
Day 20/100 ~ managed not to weigh again but very tempted. The worst of it is I know I'm gonna have to eat this evening now so I'll def weigh heavier in the morning :sigh: Couldn't get out of my friend's birthday meal. I thought I had as she was ill on Friday so no do (yay) but she's better now (yay and boo) I guess I'll have to have lean meat and green salad or green veg and drink mineral water. No pudding for me :( I only hope I don't crack cos if it's one thing I really really love it's puddings.......... especially ice cream ones....... yuuuuum, part of the reason I'm now on exante I guess :D I'm stressing sooooo much about it but reading other diaries I can see people have been out for meals and managed to stick to their plan. I just don't know if I have that much will power. Or perhaps I do, I've just gotta find it by 7pm........ I'll report back later xx
I tried I really did :( When I think about it, I really didn't do too badly. All the vegetarian options were based on rice or pasta so I had a piece of grilled salmon with green beans and green salad. No potatoes or chips. Water to drink. But, I did have a bit of ice cream....... a few spoonfuls. Was really weird though, I could practically feel the sugar coursing through my body.

I know that's now thrown me out of ketosis so I will weigh myself in the morning (although I don't want) to and then just carry on with me packs... nothing else to do.

Night all xx
Day 21/100 ~ weight 14.1, very happy with that :D x
You are doing really well, Namaste, keep up the good work! I have to admit, I do go on the scales more than once a week, but try not to hop on everyday, as I know I would get disheartened if there wasn't a loss. And let's be realistic, there is not going to be a loss everyday. And even a gain during the week is very natural as our bodies work in mysterious ways :devilangel: with our hormones and periods etc. But stick to the plan and you will see results :scale: , your stats are testament to that!

Soon2bslimmer x
Sooooooooooo hungry today but I held out.... hopefully tomorrow will be better :) Nite all x
Hi Namaste, I really enjoyed reading your diary. Congrats on such self control at your friends party, water & greens...hope you enjoyed the ice cream... a little of whatever you fancy, eh. Congrats on your successes to date.

Day 22/100 ~ weight 14.2........ nope, don't ask me how that happened, guess it's just water :) The other thing I did think of is that maybe I was 14.1 and 0.8 or something so if I weigh a bit heavier the next day it could only be a couple of ounces putting me back into the next pound up. Makes sense to me anyway :D

Was out at 6am today and have already had 2 meals, trying to hold out for the third but sooooo hungry ~ wish blerdy ketosis would hurry back, I promise not to chase her away again..... honest!

Oh, and thanks everyone for dropping by..... I read lots of the diaries but don't often leave a message. Maybe I will from now on as it's nice to know people read your drivel and are encouraging :clap: x
Good afternoon Namaste, you're doing so well. your willpower's better than mine! Hang on in there :hug99: xx
Day 23/100 ~ weight 14.01..... the 13's are soooo close now I can almost taste them :) Really struggled again yesterday but think it was more emotional stuff then physical hunger.

A friends mother had a massive stroke 4 weeks ago and now it seems she won't ever recover, in fact, she probably won't last the next couple of weeks. Sad for my friend and I'm glad I can help in some small way even if it is just for her to be able to offload her emotions onto me ~ all I can do is be there really, but sometimes that's enough I guess. Then my son had a major vent about his stuff ~ just a vent, I'm not supposed to do anything to fix his traumas, just be there :) And I was physically exhausted too so the combination would normally have had me in the fridge for comfort but I couldn't do that. So, it was a bath, book and early bed for me......... Feel much better today :D Onwards and downwards as they say xx
Day 24/100 ~ weight 14.01 so stayed the same again. At least there wasn't a gain this time! Horrible weather so don't know what we're doing this weekend. Got DS2, his gf and DD round for dinner today but apart from that nothing else. Might go to some of the Artists Open Houses over the next couple of days ~ always lovely to see artist's work, not just 'painting' but all sorts of other arts and crafts ~ can't afford to buy any but it's nice to look :)

Feeling really sick today though, don't know why, so only had half a shake so far to try and settle my stomach. Obviously can't have dry bread or crackers!

Back later xx
Good afternoon Namaste. Sorry about your friends mum. Hope you feel better soon, take care :hug99: xx
Day 25/100 ~ didn't weigh this morning, feeling really, really carp :( Definitely got a cold and I hope it stays as just that! Cos I'm asthmatic every blerdy time I get a cold it ends up in a chest infection ~ had to be hospitalised last time grrrrrr Just gonna take it easy and drink loads of water. Off out for some fresh sea air, maybe that'll help :D

Hi GG ~ not looking good for friends mum unfortunately ~ think it's just a matter of time now :sigh:

Back later xx
Oooh just realised I'm a quarter of a way through my 100 days :D:D:D