Namastes 100 days.... time to move on :(

Day 57/100 ~ didn't weigh. Back to my 3 exante meals without any trouble. I have to say though, I really want to get to the end of this 100 days! I know patience is a virtue and all that but I think I've had enough already :(

Ah well, onwards and downwards ~ albeit very slowly for me xx
Not long to go now and you're doing really well :)

Maybe a couple of WS days might help break things up a bit?

Just think of how good you will look in the pictures ;)
Good afternoon namaste. Hang on in there, you're over half way through it, just 6 more weeks to go. They'll fly by :hug99: xx
namaste said:
Day 57/100 ~ didn't weigh. Back to my 3 exante meals without any trouble. I have to say though, I really want to get to the end of this 100 days! I know patience is a virtue and all that but I think I've had enough already :(

Ah well, onwards and downwards ~ albeit very slowly for me xx

I now what you mean, seems like time is so slow and I always miss food because it used to be such argue part of my life, my day would pass around meals :eek: keep with it tho, your over half way there and always think that the end is well worth it xx
Day 58/100 Weight 13.2......... yep another whole blerdy pound :( And I cracked:break_diet:

It's not as bad as it could've been - no carbfest just food.

So, I'll have my final pack this evening and probably a veg meal and just get on with it. Seem's I'm human after all :) xx
Day 59/100 ~ Didn't weigh (probably just as well)

Think I'm over yesterday..... when I really think about it I didn't have too much. The thing with Exante is that if you have a blip, your stomachs shrunk so much you feel like you've had a massive pigout when the reality is you've only eaten a little. Result :) I did eat 3 atkins bars, quite a few almonds, a couple of chunks of cheese and some mushrooms. I also had a hallumi stuffed pepper and greens for dinner. I did only manage 2 exante packs though. All in all, I don't know about the calories but the carbs were low!

So this morning I've had one shake, loads of water, been for another very hilly walk and just contemplating soup for lunch. Also thought about what changes there've been already on my plan;

1) I've dropped a size and a double chin
2) My asthma seems to be better
3) Haven't had a migraine since I started exante.
4) I can walk very fast up some extremely steep hills. I had been avoiding hills since last year.
5) I just feel better ~ less sluggish/tired
6) I don't crave sugary foods any more. If I look at what I ate yesterday there were no chocs etc. I even made DS his vegan cakes and didn't have one!

Even if the scales don't show a good loss on Monday morning, I think all those benefits should be celebrated ~ it's not just about what the scales say (repeat until you believe) :D xx
afternoon namaste, totally agree with you there is more to this journey than the reading on the scales! glad you have put yesterday behind you but I agrre you did make healthy choices so hopefully won't affect your WI.
Keepup the good work:wavey:
Hey sounds like you sorted now anyway, but well done for being good and resisting total blow out. Sometimes you just do what gotta do (you may have needed the extra cals especially from vegs so don't worry too much Hun). There's obviously been some very positive things from the plan and not just losing weight.

Although bet you look pretty fab now too;) and will be looking and FEELING fantastic if you go a little further xx.

So jelous of where you live lol.
Hey sounds like you sorted now anyway, but well done for being good and resisting total blow out. Sometimes you just do what gotta do (you may have needed the extra cals especially from vegs so don't worry too much Hun). There's obviously been some very positive things from the plan and not just losing weight.

Although bet you look pretty fab now too;) and will be looking and FEELING fantastic if you go a little further xx.

So jelous of where you live lol.
Good afternoon Namaste, hope you're having a fab weekend :hug99: xx

You're sounding very positive, motivated and empowered! (Another poster used the word empowered in her diary, and I've been dying to use it myself!) :D

Also like Busy said, I too am jealous of where you live. I would love to live by the sea :D
Day 61/100 ~ Weight 13.1 I am a bit miffed about that, I desperately want to be in the 12's but am absolutely convinced that if I just keep going I'll get there in 10 days time. What's 10 days? Nothing in the great scheme of things.

I'm pretty sure I'm in for a good loss soon..... my body just feels different, less flabby, more definition. I've lost inches rather than pounds but they'll come.

Good day yesterday ~ had my Sunday brekkie of veg omelette and a coffee then went for a loooooong walk along the beach. It was rainy but that didn't seem to keep many people away... there were even die-hard swimmers:eek: Had my 3 shakes, lots of water and have finally decided green tea is 'quite nice'. Not sure if I'll ever love it but I'll persevere!

Yes, I love living by the sea ~ I'm a very lucky lady :D

Have a lovely 100% day everyone, I'll be checking in on as many of you as possible xx
Good morning Namaste, congrats on the 2lbs loss. At least it's going down and next weigh in should certainly read the 12s!

Your Sunday sounded perfect! Have a fabulous Monday :hug99: xx
I can sympathise with you about wanting to be into the next stone bracket... I have 0.6lbs to go! Grrr!

If we're patient, I'm sure it will happen next week :)

I'm glad you're seeing changes in your body and feeling positive :D
61 days! That's fantastic. You are doing so well, you be down in that next stone bracket before you know it!

Day 62/100. Afternoon ladies, thanks for stopping by. All your diaries are what keeps me motivated and encouragement is very much appreciated :D

Today I was the first meeting of my drawing course. I've wanted to go back to drawing for a long time but I never had the confidence... I'm seriously carp at it but I'm hoping learning to 'see' things differently will help. And hey, who cares if I'm carp, I love it. A little treat for me ~ 7 more meets of this course and then I've booked for 2 more courses in October/November ...... very happy :)

Dietwise I'm doing ok although I have been having more WS days than TS days. I am doing a lot of walking though so I'm hoping things don't slow down too much. I'll be going back to swimming when I can look half respectable in a size 14 cozzie and not before!

Still resolved not to weigh till day 71........

Hope everyone's having a lovely 100% day xxx
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well done on your loss yesterday! you are doing so well , can't believe you can stay away from the scales for ten days at a time, that takes some willpower nearly as much as this diet demands!! Roll on day 71 when you will be in the 12's xxxx
Day 64/100 ~ Didn't weigh :D

Been to the doc's this morning and have another reason to lose weight now :( I have a hernia which will need an operation to correct ~ she kindly suggested it would be an easier operation and recovery if I lost weight!!! On the plus side, she's agreed the steroids are likely to be responsible for my slow losses and as my asthma is under control we're gonna try and reduce them. Worth a go....

Lots of walking up hills, sticking to WS (TS now appears beyond me) so all in all feeling much better than I have for months. Happy days :)

Hope everyone's having a lovely 100% day wherever you are xx
Congrats to getting to Day 64 :worthy:

Once your steroids reduce I bet youll find the weight flying off!!!!

Well done for getting this far xx