new mums & mums to be !!! Who`s baby is due next ???

Ooooo I hope you are able to be induced, it must seem like you have been pregnant for years not months.
I had a bad night last night went to bed at 11 and got up at 3.30 fed up with tossing and turning, finally fell asleep about 5am on sofa with a sleeping bag.

ANC went well saw dr he said it wasnt worth doing a glucose tolerance test as Hannah is in the normal range ....phew I had been hoping they would not do it.
Then he said he didnt think I needed another scan as she is growing at the right rate so I said ok......then he wanted to have a feel and listen to her heartbeat....pmsl. He had a junior/trainee with him so he went first.....well they could not really feel Hannah so couldnt work out which way up she is......and finding her heartbeat was difficult too all because of the size and location of the hernia, so due to this he said an extra scan will be helpful so next scan is 3 weeks time.

I must say he was a very nice dr and I didnt once feel patronised as you can with some when you are overweight.

So next appointment is 30th april with anaesthetist, then we have gp visit next week, then maternity visit on the 11th may and scan on 15th all busy with appointments.
Oh thats cool you are getting another scan! I am due another one week after next......just want to make sure everything is on track for 18th June......

Was back to work yesterday am....was totally wrecked by the time I got home....I had got used to relaxing for 20 hours per day LOL...and this working stuff really took it out of me.....

Hope you all have a good weekend......
Hello! Hope you are all well. Hope you don't mind me joing you guys? :)

Hi Julie84....are you pregnant???? Please tell us many weeks, how you been feeling etc etc....delighted to have another mum on this thread!!
Hiya Julie - more the merrier! As Bea - are you pg? Congrats if so - and good luck if you're trying to conceive!!
Hello - yes! Sorry I was a bit vague there (I blame hormones lol!) Bit fuzzy on dates but I'm gessing at least 5-6 weeks so still early days.

I'm feeling fine - just very tired all the time (I thought I was coming down with something! :eek: ) and eating again has been funny but I'm craving vegetables and salad so that's no bad thing at the moment!!

It's still feeling rather weird though!! I think it's going to take a while for it to feel real! :)
Hi Julie ...welcome aboard, we look forward to hearing all about your experience as you journey through your pregnancy, my craving were orange juice with bits in, and
Oh well done Julie....delighted for you. Is this your first? With my first...I just craved fruit, salad and veggies too...which lead me to loose loads of weight while pregnant. This time its a bit more of sweet juices and chocolate (ahem!) but back to the diet before the end of the year!!LOL

Best of luck with the first TM.....let us know when your first scan the LT site all the gals are really supportive......
congratulations on your news!! you'll see time flies really fast -- it was just yesterday that we all found out the news -- and now just counting down the days for our newest arrivals!
Oh Nina....not long now till you meet junior!! 7th is only next week.

I have another scan on the 8th.....really looking forward to it!
Oh Nina....not long now till you meet junior!! 7th is only next week.

I have another scan on the 8th.....really looking forward to it!

omg! i cant believe the 7th is only next week -- recently i have been getting all teary eyed whenever i start thinking about what it will be like to finally be a mom! I am 30 in october yet i often still feel like 17! now I will be a mommy too!

whew -- i need a breather!:rolleyes:

oh bea -- enjoy your next scan -->you will be amazed at how big baby has grown since your last scan! good luck and of course let us know how it turns out!
Nina - are you all sorted with your baby and essentials....I have started mine....just have to wash to baby clothes I bought - only got 3 baby sister is ready to run out and buy the pink or blue once junior arrives!!! are almost in week 38....hopefully you will have news soon. Hope you are keeping ok

Sonkie...hope you are getting some relief and not in too much pain......

Julie....hope you are doing ok too!!!
yes Bea, I had all my clothes/blankets etc washed, and put away in week 33! DH even steam cleaned the carpets on monday -- which look and smell great -->she will be a lucky lil princess!

on the news front...

I went in for my regular BP reading today in clinic -- and had my cervix checked...was 1 cm dilated and asked for MW to have a go at a stretch and was cramps and some 'show' just sitting and waiting for something more! I suppose if nothing by Friday...I may request another go at it...what do you girls think? anyone had this done>?
yes Bea, I had all my clothes/blankets etc washed, and put away in week 33! DH even steam cleaned the carpets on monday -- which look and smell great -->she will be a lucky lil princess!

on the news front...

I went in for my regular BP reading today in clinic -- and had my cervix checked...was 1 cm dilated and asked for MW to have a go at a stretch and was cramps and some 'show' just sitting and waiting for something more! I suppose if nothing by Friday...I may request another go at it...what do you girls think? anyone had this done>?

Oh wow, the first baby of our group will be here soon, how exciting is this !
I think after my show with Callum it took 2 days for labour to kick off so I have everything crossed for you.......cant wait to hear your wonderful news though.
Well myself......not getting much sleep at all with the ole hips, just get comfy then the hip im lying on feels like its out of joint so turn over which in itself is a mammoth task, just get settled and need the loo......oh the joy.
I am looking forward to Hannah being here so I can get some sleep
Hope everyone else is ok and taking it easy now.

Oh saw anaesthetist yesterday, he was lovely didnt make me feel like a freak at all, he said the extra weight wont help if I need an epidural but that my back had a nice curve into the spine which would make it easier......he then asked if I could touch my knees, so I promptly said hmmmm I can do better than that and bent over and touched the floor......he was impressed. lol.
He told me possible complications etc and I told him I was hoping to cope with just the gas and air.......but if the hernia flares up then who knows but so far (touch wood) it will be fine
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thanks sonkie for the info about your experience with callum -- and thanks for crossing everything! glad to know you consultant made you feel comfortable...thats how all the medical profession should be!

i had a massive keeling over type of whole body cramp (back belly legs) last night before bed -- i started crying! i was shivering -- i thought i was dying!....and then it left within a minute -->like nothing had ever happened!

...i must be a wimp...don't know if i can push this baby out! help! i need some encouragement!:confused:
Hi Nina

I hope you don't mind me butting in. I am not pregnant but have got two children (the last was born nearly two years ago). My first labour was a belly labour and, although I thought I couldn't do it, I had him on gas and air and pethidine (he is nearly six now). My daughter I had a back labour and I lasted 10 hours with no pain relief whatsoever (was planning a natural birth) then had an epidural. I am a bit of a whip when it comes to pain and you will be surprised what you can do when the thought of your baby coming edges you on. If you need pain relief have it. Good luck - it sounds like your baby will be born soon.

Take care
All sounds encouraging nina, hopefully your LO will be here soon!

Well things are steadily getting worse here (sorry, I feel like I'm always saying that - sadly it's true though), I now have long periods each day where I cant get down stairs at all and cant even seek comfort from the warmth of a bath as there are days where I cant even get in, let alone out.. I was meant to see the consultant on the 6th (they'd brought it forwards from the 9th due to the consultant most likely not being there on the 9th) at 8.30 but, surprise surprise, transport (again) refused to take me saying it was too early.. Like they should be allowed to dictate when a consultant sees me - especially as she'd put me on the start of a clinic as a favour to be able to see me herself.. So I've now got an appointment on the 9th again - but, as the clinic had since filled up, I've been double booked in with someone else so I will be "in for a long wait and it's unlikely there will be anywhere to lie down".. I can now sit for no more than 5 minutes so I am absolutely dreading this appointment now.. It's going to be with the same reg I saw a week and a half ago.. I think it's got to the point now where I'm going to see how the sweep goes - if that's more than my pelvis can take then I'm going to aks for an elective section.. A friend of mine up country has just had a section after failed induction with spd and she said the section pain is NOTHING compared to the spd - and (as she readily admits herself) her spd, while severe enough, wasn't half as bad as mine.. At the moment (I'm sorry, really tmi) going to the loo is agony for my pelvis - what on earth is a baby going to do for it??????? So will wait and see what happens - I keep going to bed desperately hoping I'll wake up in a large puddle or contracting and have the problem taken out of my hands but nothing yet! I'm now sleeping in 40 minute stretches max - where as this used to go on til 2 or 3 and I then used to then be able to get an hour to hour and a half stretches, I'm waking up every 40 minutes, every time, every night. I'm exhausted. Even a new mum who's breast feeding gets more sleep than me!! I know it's good prep - but I'm going to be going into motherhood with absolutely no energy reserves - and I've (potentially) got to get through labour yet!

Just to add to all that I've now got carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands, the tips of my fingers are permenantly numb - even carrying a plate of supper is really hard as I start losing my grip on it through the pins and needles and I can't even pick a bottle of water up when I first wake up!! So not only has my spd got to the point where I cant lay with the laptop beside me for more than 5 minutes at a time, I can't type well anyway now! This baby is utterly determined to make me one very very bored mummy!!!

On the bright side though, he's being really really active - I think he's looking for ways out other than the way out he needs to find! :D Current favourite is to push with his feet on my ribs and straighten his legs - sticking his bottom out as far as it will stretch which, amazingly, is quite some way it seems!! Bizarre to watch and even more bizarre to feel! I'm so looking forward to meeting these feet!
Wow Helen, it sure sounds like you could do with delivering baby as soon as possible, I think it is very unfair to keep you going now, baby is no longer in the danger zone for delivery.......hope they see sense and get you sorted. I personally from what you describe would definately ask for c-section, if you struggle going to the loo it will be excruciating delivering naturally.

We had a freezer delivered yesterday, so I cleared out the cupboard and got it in place and turned it on ready for all the shopping last night, well I must say my pelvis is not happy anymore, it is very uncomfortable to walk now so the waddle is But I am no wayh near as bad as you Helen. I am now waking every hour with the pain from hips and pelvis and agree I would probably get more sleep with a newborn baby here.......oh well the things we put ourselves through to have children.

I do hope you get on ok !

Hope all our other mums to be are ok and getting on well.
Doesn't it just sonkie ay? But they were so so against an elective section last time - even an early induction in case it ended up in a section.. I tried to say at the time that my spd is deteriorating so much each week that leaving me longer and longer is now, surely, putting me through more pain and exhaustion than a section would anyway and only making those first few weeks even harder.. I cant believe how much I've dropped even in one week - it's staggering how much worse it's getting.. And it doesn't help to hear how much my friend has improved!! I think, for someone who's had a normal pg, a section IS something hellish to go through - but after the pg I've had it will be a relief.. I dont know, I'm just going to absolutely beg that they do something that day - what ever it is, just please do something... I cant keep going much longer!

Sorry you're really starting to suffer too, it's not fun is it? Are you shopping on line for fud? It's so much easier.. We've been filling our freezer up too, so far we have enough sausage/bean casserole, chicken/veg risotto and shepherds pie in there to mean I wont have to cook a meal for the first 12 days when I come home from hospital!

Hope evryone else is ok!