new mums & mums to be !!! Who`s baby is due next ???

Yeah Sonkie is right you are supposed to wait a few weeks...I breatfed when I had my little boy was recommended not to pump until after 6 be honest I found it hard to "pump" but other do find it easy......and freeze their milk etc so they have it for ages as emergency and dads to get fully involved!
Curvy, yeah - once you've got feeding established then it's quite common for mums to express some so dads can do a feed.. If you're doing that then what I would hope to do when we're in that situation is to let hubby do a feed about 10ish with me having an early night, he can then come to bed and sleep through while I then do the feed at 2-3ish.. That way all the hormones which help dictate how much milk you're going to produce are not affected (there's a surge at 4am so it's useful to have a feed around this time!) and therefore your milk supply stays good.. I have seen a real difference in milk production when mums drop a night time expressing session at work..

As others have said, you can also leave some in the freezer - good if you want to go out as you know if you get delayed/caught in traffic etc while hubby is home looking after the baby then you have some milk there for hubby if he needs extra, it can easily be defrosted quickly in a bottle warmer/jug of hot water if needed!!
I've figured that being as my mobility is going down and down and down each day at the moment, I really ought to get my hospital bag done while I can still get out of the house.. I've got an accupuncture follow-up today (sunday) (bless my lovely midwife who does it (not my but the acupuncture one) is coming in early before her shift so that she can give me an extra session, got there on friday and saw two colleagues as I was walking in and, well, you know when people are nice to you sometimes that's when you burst into tears?? Couldn't stop crying, think all the pain and lack of sleep had come to a head.. So they're doing the best to sort me out, combined with the fact my painkillers have been upped HUGELY I'm hoping it will give me enough ability to be able to get the few bits I need after the acupuncture... I've been referred in to the pain team by my gp to discuss ways we can try and control it better, as it is now I can only really walk 30metres or so now on crutches before the pain is agonising, I'm sleeping for maybe an hour and a half at a time but mostly less than an hour and getting no more than 4 hours a night at the moment.. The increase in pain killers has helped a little during the day - I can at least get a few things done in the morning now, even if it's only something as simple as putting a meal in our slow cooker so I dont have to cook later... That said, I dont think eating seems to be a problem, I'm growing rapidly at the moment but then, as my mw said, I've gone from being very very active to barely being able to move around the house so it's to be expected.. Can imagine there will be A LOT of baby weight to shift though come May... At the moment there are lots of mutings that it might be better if I dont labour but I'm working with the idea I'd rather get to 4cms and have an epidural (which will cover the pelvic pain too hopefully) than have to recover from spd AND a section at the same time.. Obviously that will be the case if I need an urgent section in labour - but, at the moment, I'd prefer that to an elective section.. They might even consider inducing me on my due date maybe, the thought of going 2 weeks overdue at the moment is not a fun one..

So anyways, here's the list.. I know it's quite early for yous to be thinking about it but it might give you a starting point!


Shower gel
Sanitary Towels
Hair brush
Coming home clothes - mat jeans, mat top, socks, trainers
Dressing Gown
Breast Pads
Bottles of water
Cereal bars/snacks
Feeding cushion
Thank you card and chocs
Small bin bags for dirty washing
Pen and paper - birth announcement/thank you letters
Phone charger
Nivea (I get really dry hands!)


Cotton Wool
Scratch Mittens
Babygros x 4
Vests x 4
Muslins x 2
Ring sling


Night shirt
Socks x 2
Cereal bars
Frozen drinks
Boiled sweets
Lip balm
Watch with second hand
Bean's first outfit + hat
Spare t-shirt for hubby

Hope this helps someone!
Even though I have been through it before - its great to have the list!Thanks Sunflower!

Hope the acuapuncture and pain killers are making some difference....I had acuapuncture that last time to bring labour and it really works.
Thanks Bea..

Just re-reading your you think you will be given a choice around the elective section? From experience - having gone through the 14 hours of labour - waiting till I was 5cms for epidural etc etc and ended up with an emergency section

My consultant felt after reviewing my histrory felt it was highly likely to have another so recommended I go elective this time....which is disappointing but trying to recover from both as you said is a bit of a haul! Least I got to breast feed sucessfully for 6 months which I was trilled about....only forgot to stop eating after I stopped!! LOL Thanks to LT for shifting some of the flab!!

The weeks are just flying are almost on the home stretch...when I got to 20 weeks the just flew by...
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Hiya bea, there are beginnings to be general mutings about it, I think considering I was very much for a homebirth at the start of the pregnancy they're trying to break me it to me gently!! The way I see it though is that it's not my birth, it's Beans' - so however he (or she!) enters the world is almost irrelevant as long as he's safe!! If I have any inkling at the moment though I'd rather try and get to 4cms and then get an epidural on board, if nearer the time however it is looking like an elective section is the only way to go then that's what it will be! :)
You are so have the right attitude....all that matter is the safe arrival....totally agree!
Thanks for the I hope they get to sort you out.....I have overdone it today, ironing dishes etc and now my back is hurting and hernia niggling........1 man and 2 sons and they weren``t much use apart from making more blooming mess
Hmmmm...tend to agree with you Sonkie....1 man and 1 son.....I seemed to have spent the whole weekend picking up.....only get to put my feet up when I log on!!
Well its not on.....I was in agony that night with backache and hernia went to bed early and sulked Well im entitled to sulk if I want to ......pmsl.
psml.....totally agree...took today off work and havent left the sofa!!! he he he....hubby gone to get shopping and cook dinner....!!! Hope you are feeling a little better today.....more lie in and brekkie in bed I say!!! LOL
Well I have been very emotional at the moment, worrying how we are going to cope financially after Hannah is born, I really dont want to rush back to work and when I do it will be part time so Mark can care for her and the boys after he gets home from work.
Then there is the fact I had to make the decision to have our 9yr old cat put to sleep (details in my diary) and then Callum is on new medication and the adhd nurse thinks he needs a higher dose so will be asking the specialist......... oh and the worry about the house as I cant get a remortgage for the house as I dont earn enough......hmmmmm I think staying in bed for a week sounds blooming good right now.
Oh Sonkie sorry to hear to are having those worries....dont dispair...this is your year and things will work out.........
Hi guys how are you all getting fine baby very active now ...but my only problem is lack of sleep every night I see every blooming hour.......last night was the worst, so got up at 7am and slept on sofa, the position of the seat is just right for the growing bump and the back of the sofa supports my Typical eh
Have spent a few nights on the sofa too....when hubby is working nights...found is sooo much more comfy than our bed!! LOL....have you seen those pregnancy pillow they have on ebay...they are sort of shaped to support your bump?

Anyone tried them would like a recommendation before I think of getting one....
hi girls...hope you all are feeling more glamorous than me! lol

Bea, I was going to buy that pillow...but decided to make up my own -- so now at 24 weeks i need 3! one to hug (under my aching boobs!), one under the belly, and one btwn my legs...and I have finally been able to get into a comfy position...and getting rest!

also wanted to share with you girls...I bought a support maternity belt...and its worked wonders! about a month ago, i started getting groin aches along with back that my bump is lifted up (even slightly) I feel so much more active -- in fact going out for my daily walk now!

btw...we found out baby is a girl...ecstatic!so now there are two girls on the the way -- and I am curious to see who sunflower and bea will bring! hehehe:)

have a great week!
Congrats Nina!!!! and Opinions please

Maternity Wedding Dresses, Evening Wear and Party Clothes - Colour Block Dress by Tiffany Rose

Nina...what wonderful must be so trilled....cant wait till I have my scan next month to find out.....any names picked yet. Sonkie has hers picked .....Hannah - isnt it just fab!

Thanks for the advice re; pillow....will try a few cushions before I shell out....speaking of which....

My brother is getting married in June and I figure I will need to wear a maternity dress even if I just had the baby....he's getting married week before I am due.....would love some opinions on this dress (url above) ..its pricey but I have few things I could wear it to before June so will get some wear out of it..(work things etc)....but really indecisive!! Help!!
As for dresses...I liked the olivia and lola lace pink (from clearance section), however, i thought the color block dress was most practical cuz of the material (meaning you could use it even after pregancy cuz it falls really well against any figure).

thanks for the congrats...i am ecstatic and cant wait to dress her all up like a doll! no final names yet! i will have to see her first! lol
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