new to exante.. any advice??

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the horrible taste (metallic?) sounds just like ketosis Ant.....ask someone to smell your breath and if they keel over you know it is for sure :p
Well done, you're in ketosis!! :) Now the fun bit! x
A cuppa soup is not even remotely similar to Exante soup. But if you want to encourage people to make themselves ill, then go ahead.

Anyone with any common sense can see the major differences between the two:

Cup a Soup | Batchelors

Yeah - precisely. You can clearly see the differences from those links. The Cup a Soups have bugger all protein in them, which is exactly what you need to keep you in ketosis (let alone the vitamins and minerals).

Don't want to sound "holier than thou" as you have obviously served your time, but it's not supposed to be delicious, moreish and great. It can be bloody horrible drinking the same stuff day in / day out, but that's the price we pay to undo the work we did getting fat in the first place. People that are dedicated will find a way even if there are things they don't like (one girl on the LL board drank nothing but choc shakes for 4 months - now 'that' is willpower!)... I don't know anyone that has subsituted (aside from swapping the savoury flavouring on LL for Marigold bouillion, which is all it was anyway) - if you're doing a VLCD, you've got to do it properly otherwise it can be very dangerous.

There have been people that have tried to 'create' their own VLCDs using "real" food - keeping to 800 cal levels, balancing food groups etc, and it doesn't work. The people that put together the CD, LL, Exante etc are doing well and changing lives because they have researched and know what they are doing.
Ahhh how i love people to debate me like i cant possibly know whats best for myself, its fab :)

Firstly, thanks for your concern but i have researched it well and what im having is so close in values its barely noticable (slightly less calories and protein but same on everything else). Secondly, i am not silly enough to compromise my health. IF i was skipping a meal or having something with different values altogether fair enough but im not.

Lastly, thanks very much for your advice...but i know why i lost 4lbs in my first week. I was on my TOTM and retain water like nothing on earth. I had actually lost 9lbs until the dreaded water retention and blating occured practically overnight. Im not sure why i feel the need to explain myself though.

This diet works for many people. Im making it work for me because i know for a fact i couldnt stick to it any other way. Also, to point out, i replace the soups but not every night, i do it sometimes (maybe 2-3 nights a week) cos i get to the point of cavin in at only having shakes. Of course if i noticed any ill effects i wouldnt do it....but i havent :)

Im doing whats right for me, its working, im enjoying the diet, and im sorry if that has brought controversy.
Okay so a cuppa soup has pretty much the same nutrients and protein content as an Exante soup. I was wrong all along and I am a complete muppet. I take it all back. :rolleyes:

In fact, I'm going to start my own organisation and invent a VLCD that uses 3 cuppa soups per day, as each one has exactly a third of the required nutrients and protein that a person needs per day. :D
If it makes u feel better to belittle me by all means carry on. I thanked you for your advice, but didnt ask for it :) You are making this all sound very silly.....i replace the soups occasionally,at most 2-3 times a week, becaus that to me is better than completely goin off track in the other direction, not as your smart remark would suggest, replacing the whole diet with them.
The major problem here is that you are making it out to be something that is fine for anyone to do, which it isn't. Using cuppa soups instead of a very carefully planned and balanced meal is very dangerous. A new starter or a guest reading your posts could end up very ill and cause serious health problems from doing this!!
Ive not once suggested that anyone else do this. Infact if u read ALL of my previous posts you wil see quite the opposite. I will put my hands up and say what i do and what works for me but im also the first person to say that everyone is different and not everyone can get away with the same things. What is working for me may be bad for another. So please, before you try that one, re-read my post and tell me where about i am suggesting that others follow my lead. As a member of this forum i have provided and been provided with a lot of support, and i do NOT appreciate being made out to be advocating that people disregard the diet and do what i say. Thats completely wrong.

Your entitled to your opinion and i respect your opinion, but with respect i am also entitled to mine.

Many people here will say they do the same. Many people drink diet coke, many have diet meals, many people mix CD and exante products. Some have milk, god some even have eggs. I wouldnt for one minute think they were trying to encourage me to do the same. This is a support network, we are free to discuss such things without being please, express your opinions by all means and i will continue to respect your right to do so, but do not speak to me in a betlittling manner. Its not necessary
Sorry to sound like we're picking on you Babystar, and you may find the advice condescending etc - but that is what forums are for - to offer advice, to air opinions and to work through things.

It may seem like I've leapt onto the Cup a Soup thing in rather an OTT way, but I know what I am talking about... not just trying to p*ss you off!

It is quite clear that you have no intention to do anything other than what you are doing, but as Fat Boy Slimmin says, you mustn't make out that it is a good thing to do, as it spreads the wrong message - and, frankly, you are very lucky to still be losing weight despite only having 2/3 a week.

It just feels like - and this isn't directed at just you - but it feels like people over here on Exante are much more 'loose' with the rules than on other VLCDs...

VLCDs are damn boring, some things taste horrid, but we get on with it and avoid certain flavours etc. We don't throw our toys out of the pram and give in because something doesn't taste nice etc - we persevere - and if we don't, then it's because we don't have enough willpower to lose weight, and doing a VLCD obviously wasn't the right choice for us.

Sorry, but getting to know hundreds of people that have done VLCDs (I used to run a popular blog and was interviewed by LL magazine etc) - all of whom managed to stick to the plan and succeed - I have little patience for people that give in at the first hurdle or try and modify things as though they know better. (Again, Babygirl - this isn't directed at you, just saying in general after following lots of threads that have mentioned lapses).

Onwards and downwards tomorrow- tomorrow is a whole new day x
It just feels like - and this isn't directed at just you - but it feels like people over here on Exante are much more 'loose' with the rules than on other VLCDs...

I think thats unfair, youll see on any of the VLCDs that people eat things they shouldnt, have breaks etc. Most people on here are sticking to this plan very strictly as youll see by the results. That makes it sound like we're not taking it seriously
My point is that im not and have not said "hey i do this, why dont u try it, its fab"

Id love to say i like all the products, hell id like to say i could stick to it if i only have shakes but i cant....thats me personally. I have no problem with your comment, or with anyone elses. I have a problem with the way one certain person puts his opinions across in a belittling way. I respect everyones comments and advice, but i do not respect being spoken to like a 2 year old.

I hope this is an end to this, because as ive said already its a support network and we are all here to help each other (with positive and negative comments) without making it an attack on someone.

To prove my point, here is a comparison of a Cuppa Soup compared to an Exante Thai Chicken Soup:

Cuppa Soup 103kcal
Exante 201kcal

Cuppa Soup 1.6g
Exante 17g

Cuppa Soup 11.8g (of which sugars 2g)
Exante 18.4g (of which sugars 13.2g)

Cuppa Soup 0.5g
Exante 3.5g

Cuppa Soup 0.55g
Exante 0.75g

Then we have the following which are in the Exante Soup, but they are missing from the nutritional information for Cuppa Soup:


Then, a third of the daily recommended requirement for each of the following is in the Exante Soup, but is missing from the nutritional information for Cuppa Soup:

Folic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K1

I think that pretty much says it all.
I have in the past been on lipotrim cd and now exante and to honest whichever VLCD or any diet you do there will always be people trying to tweak it, doesn't make it right but at the same time if they are losing/lost weight and it keeps people on the straight and narrow and they are losing weight surely it can only get better for them as ultimately at the end of the day being morbidly obese/obese/overweight is somewhere no-one (imo) wants to be intentionally.
Aw bless did that make you feel good. :)

I have a variety of soup in a cup that has small bits of pasta (makin the carbs higher than u suggest and also the protein is higher...oh and wow would u belive it so are the calories). the ones you are showing us all i wouldnt dream of replacin cos lets me honest those ones couldnt fill up a 2 year old never mind a 27 year old lol.

As ive already said i respect your point but the fact is you will be right at all costs so i wil happily let u have the final say on it.....cos quite frankly this is getting a bit pathetic now

Can i also just say, to anyone else reading, what i choose to do on the diet is by no means me telling everyone its ok to have cuppa soups lol. I replace them occasionally to keep me on the straight and narrow. But if anyone else got the hidden message deep in my words that im advocatin you all to do this and make yourselves ill then please ignore it lol
My posts have nothing to do with ego at all. This is about what is right and wrong when VLCD's are concerned. The reason for posting the comparison is to show people who might consider doing the same, that it is not a wise thing to do. There are uneducated people that visit this forum looking for guidance. Someone copying your idea could do a lot of damage to their health.

Just getting the calories, carbs and protein close simply isn't enough. But clearly you don't seem to understand how important this really is.
I think thats unfair, youll see on any of the VLCDs that people eat things they shouldnt, have breaks etc. Most people on here are sticking to this plan very strictly as youll see by the results. That makes it sound like we're not taking it seriously

Aww, no - didn't want it to sound as bad as all that. There are some amazing results over here (including yours!) - hence why I have just paid £100 to join myself! I just haven't seen as much 'tweaking' go on before - yes, there were quite a few lapses going on over on the LL board (me quite often towards the end!). Usually from people that wouldn't then get back on track - the minority would be able to claw back, but most would just keep lapsing until they fell off altogether (me included).

And yes - I agree that while people are losing weight is a good thing regardless as obesity etc will usually outweigh the cons of the odd tweak... just as long as people are healthy.

On LL they have 4 weekly doctor's appointments so things were picked up on, on Exante we are left to our own devices, so it's more important that people follow the rules I guess.

Really not wanting to fall out with anyone before I even start!!!! Truce?

A x
Can I please just jump in and say....


those that are suffering from hunger pangs, the knawing of the nails and as it seems here the knashing of the teeth..

this diet is our life at the moment.. we will all learn ways and means of adapting it to fit within our lifestyles, wants needs... no body knows the rythm of our own bodies as well as we do our own.

maybe this topic should be moved on from. The forum is here to support and embrace each and everyones indivdual journeys.

We are all responsible for our own well being. That said. Babystar has been a constant support and pair of arms to fall into when times drag. Boredom, testiness are all side affects in the first few weeks, maybe this is the reason that a few of the posts i have read tonight go well and truely against the grain of what this forum is about..

Please I would sugggest that all replies are fully read and not in the heat of the moment, as you can see from those that have come before, some are posted before the information is all taken in.

So how is the weather your end? bit chilly here...

cuppa soup any one? ;)

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