Nixx's path to skinniness

Hi Sonys, fine, just fine. I'm getting weighed on Saturday instead of yesterday because Saturdays are easier for me, so fingers crossed for then. I've lost 4 on my scales, so a bit happier than I was last week! How's the Cambridge, are you findng it any easier than LT? How long can you sole source on CD?
Cd is ok, the drinks taste pretty much the same just there is more choice...which can be a pain Spend all morning deciding which to have.
Good luck for saturday.
I lost 4.5 this week, so a bit more cheerful. Everyone's noticing and I'm geting a few"Wows" now, too, so that's really motivating me. So is fitting in some NICE clothes for a change, and buying new ones too! Not spending too much, though, as I'm hoping not to be in them for too long!
Oh my god so I am! I wouldn't have realised that, thankyou! Now I feel even BETTER!